Total Bloodbath

[WARNING: This Chapter Mentions explicit descriptions of swear words]

When he realized that the person with the curly hair had been slain near him, a young teenager in a white uniform ran for his life, squealing like a pig as he ran.

In response to shoveling a small boy out of his way, the young teenager abruptly slumped to the ground. Since a massive beak penetrated the young teenager's head, causing his eyes to erupt into the air and spray blood everywhere, as well as showering the small boy beside him with blood and brain tissue.


In an instant, the entire crowd screamed in terror, shoving the unsuspecting people aside and leaving them to fight for their lives against tens of vultures swooping down in unison. Those unscrupulous individuals took advantage of the situation and made a break for it, while the people who had been shoved were being used as bait.

"Maintain your composure, everyone! You need to take a deep breath!" The moment Bull saw the group's frantic condition, he immediately called to the Bamboo Sprouts, but his yells were rendered ineffectual since they all dashed away in complete chaos and headed in various directions.

After seeing a middle-aged lady in a working suit come towards him in complete fright, Bull quickly grabbed her arm forcefully and shouted,

"Where do you think you're going? No one's running away! Otherwise, they'll start killing us one by one!" After saying so, Bull threw the middle-aged lady in front of him, causing her to scream in agony as she rolled about on the scorching sand.

When the bald man, made such statements, the crowd of people who were presently fleeing hesitated for a brief moment before charging head-on into the vultures. However, the majority of the people who were fleeing sprinted away, leaving the few brave individuals to fight the vultures while they scrambled to only save their own lives.

In due time, the brave individuals glanced back and saw their presumed comrades running for their lives; and upon watching this scene, dread swelled in their hearts as beaks of all sizes pecked them one by one in rapid succession, causing them to fall to the ground. As they took their last breaths, they wondered, "Why?"

"Shit! A change of plans has occurred; it will not take place tonight, but immediately! Our only option is to flee from this group as quickly as possible before it is too late." Bryan snatched Sophia's hand and yelled, "I sense an imminent threat under us; take a look around you; the sand is shifting. Fuck! We have to get out of here right now!"

Hearing Bryan's unexpected outburst, Sophia, who had been left in a stupor after seeing such a bloody scene in front of her, suddenly awoke and swiftly answered, "Let's get out of here!"

As soon as Bryan nodded, he grabbed her hand and tugged it as quickly while he could, focusing all of his concentration on the task at hand as his eyes and legs raced at full speed, attempting to find a way out. As a result, he sketched down a likely path and raced towards it in a zigzag fashion, much like a cheetah, who was swift and quick in its movements.

"Big brother, please help me!" In Bryan's vision, a young girl between the ages of 13 and 14 shouted out for aid, terrified, as she immediately shouted upon spotting a towering young man sprinting towards her way.

"Damn it." As soon as he saw her fearful look, Bryan couldn't stop himself from cursing. He then took a deep breath and resolved himself, and immediately a brilliant flash of light shined in his eyes, as he thought that the road he was traveling was directly going straight to this young girl, so he'd take her with him while fleeing,

"Hey, Sophia! I think you're going too slowly! You're simply dragging me behind! Climb up to the top of me! Hurry!"

Sophia, who was sprinting as quickly as she could, suddenly felt Bryan made a quick halt, upon which she almost fell to the blistering sand, yet she managed to grab Bryan's back at the last second preventing her from falling.

She saw him kneeling in front of her in the blink of an eye, so she sprang onto his back without hesitation and clung to it with all her might, squeezing her whole body against his back to prevent falling.

As soon as he felt the unexpected weight on his back, Bryan grabbed Sophia's round thighs and shifted her into a more comfortable position, yelling,

"Little girl! Come over here right away! Hurry up!"

When the little girl saw Bryan's bloodshot worried eyes looking at her, her heart skipped a beat, and she instantly did as she was told, and as soon as she came near, Bryan swiftly hoisted her in a princess carry and growled in a low voice,



All of a sudden a strong blast of wind swept out his body, at the same time changing his skin to the color of blood, meanwhile, his muscles bulged and contracted, and soon he sensed tremendous power coursing through his veins, as the thought occurred if he currently had the strength to split the earth in two.

Following that, he took a step forward and sprinted, leaving a trail of deep footprints deep in the sand, as he took a quick turn and went in a different direction to where there were fewer people.


Bryan was like a rapid train, drawing everyone's attention as he traveled at a quicker rate than everyone else. Despite the fact that he is still holding two people close to his body, he just uses a small amount of time to run 100 meters ahead.

Feeling the sensation that they were moving so fast that all they could hear were rushing winds in their ears. Sophia and the young girl immediately clung for dear life, refusing to be flung away by the sudden speed.

"Young man! Help me! Just take my baby with you! Please!"

A terrified woman's scream burst out behind Bryan all of a sudden, but he opted to ignore it without a second thought.

"Boy! Thank heavens! Please, come help me. I'm can't run anymore!" When an older gentleman in excellent health noticed Bryan approaching him, he instantly spoke out to him. At the same time, wanting to clutch Bryan's arm for support.

Following his observation of the situation, Bryan made a quick maneuver to the right, leaving the elderly man's hand hanging in the air as he fell face down into the burning sand, unable to move and crying in agony.

Bryan's expression remained scrunched up throughout the entire time he passed the elderly gentleman, unwilling to look him in the eyes.

Soon after moving away from the elderly guy by 10 meters, the creatures that were causing Bryan's sense of impending doom to constantly ring began to appear.


The elderly man woke up from his stupor when he started to notice that the sand was constantly moving; he wondered what it was until he realized that it was actually a swarm of scorpions that had sprung out of the ground in massive succession.

When the scorpions became aware that a conflict was going place above them, they awoke from their rest and snarled in wrath as they stung the old man's body with their stingers.


Not only did the elderly man who had been attacked cry in unison, but so did the hundreds of people who had gathered behind Bryan as poisonous scorpions the size of fists slaughtered them one by one.

It was complete and total mayhem! Besides scorpions murdering individuals on a continuous basis, vultures are swooping down on the ground and seizing hapless human beings before hurling them to a faraway location where they suffer a jarring collision with the earth, fracturing their bones while they moaned in agony.

The vultures were acting in this manner because they hesitated to get near the ground because they were terrified of the dangerous scorpions that were making hissing sounds, so they temporarily kept their meal at a far location.

Upon seeing that the fight had already ended when it had only just begun, Bull immediately shouted to the Mother Bamboos,

"Leave them to Die! We've got to get out of this place! Julian, as well as everyone else, come with me! Keep your bodies close to my back, and we'll make a break for it."

He quickly pulled out a black machete deeply concealed in his jacket and brandished it about the deadly scorpions in front of him.


When The Mother Bamboos heard those statements coming from Bull, They were a little taken aback. And within a split second, the majority of the Mother Bamboos who had overheard him rushed towards him.

"Noah, I was stung by a scorpion! Please! I need your help!" A gorgeous young lady dressed in medical garb called out to his sweetheart ahead of her.

"Don't worry, I'll be right there!" Noah answered promptly as he kept running away in the direction of Bull, seemingly without stopping to aid his beloved.

"Noah, please don't go! Where are you going? Aaah..." Soon, a large number of scorpions enveloped the lovely young woman's body, causing her to feel immobilized throughout her whole body. Eventually, her cries came to a stop.

While running nearby, the young man's foot slipped in the carapace of an emerging scorpion, leading him to tumble to the ground and suffer a sprained ankle. After being shocked for a fraction of a second, he tried to leave once again, but the scorpion he stepped on hissed fiercely as it stung the back of his heels.


After feeling that sharp pain coming from his heel, Noah instantly suppressed his cries at bay as he anxiously clutched the sand in front of him as a way of leverage in attempting to break free from the scorpion, But then a wave of weakness swept through Noah's body, and he felt his muscles spasming and his joints becoming difficult to move.


Noah cried desperately, and his blood-curdling screams came to an abrupt end as his body was covered in a swarm of scorpions.

"They never seem to come to an end! Exactly how many scorpions do I have to kill before you learn your lesson, you vile insects?" When Bull was thinking about it, he screamed fiercely as he desperately slashed the scorpions in front of him.

"Everyone! Come with me, since a large number of people are traveling in that direction! Let's take advantage of the situation and make them into meat shields!" The moment Julian recognized that they would have no chance of eliminating the scorpions in front of them, he responded.

"That's great! Let's follow through with your plan!" Bull agreed right away and motioned for the others to join him.

Soon after, the group had shrunk to an exceedingly tiny size, and only a few number of people were able to make it out alive. The Mother Bamboo and Bamboo Sprouts group was later disbanded due to the fact that many of its members were slain and were never seen or heard from after that.