Chapter 6

Devyn's Pov.

"Book 1. What's it about" Oliver said?

We were finally getting somewhere after what seemed like forever. 

All the dots have been connecting, to form one big pointing to what has been happening.

"I try not to skim it but it's about this elf that defeats his enemies by giving them visions.

To basically lead them on or lead them astray from him or his village of elves" Damon tried to explain to us.

We knew this far that somehow these books point to us. Somehow. We just had to figure it out.

" I feel like this book relates to Damon," Ginny said as she took Damon's book from his hands.

"Me? I swear if you say I'm annoying like an elf". Damon quickly replied.

" No not like that Damon. She means in terms of the deeper meaning behind". Oliver said as he defended Ginny's statement.

"Yeah., Damon, you said your power is hallucinations". Ginny said.

" Mhmm. And?" Damon said, wondering what the dark-haired girl meant by this.

"So your book is about elves who allow people to see visions of what's not really there" Ginny continued as she replied to Damon.

"So you're saying that whoever left this is saying that Damon has some significance in this whole ordeal," I asked Ginny.

"Well yes but not in a bad way," Ginny said, as she was about to reply Oliver took the book from her hands.

" I think she means Damon is gonna help.

 Remember that the story says that the elf helps his elf village or something like that" Oliver began but Ginny took back the had abruptly taken.

"Yeah, I think that means Damons gonna help using his powers in some type of way". Ginny continued.

" How am I gonna do that when I hardly know how to use them?

We aren't allowed to use them unless we are in the hero courses. Which I'm not a part of" Damon replied to the two.

I was also intrigued by this conversation. After all, we really don't get to use the powers we were born with.

The only reason we are segregated from the kids with no powers is to contain us.

To fit us in this tiny box with no room for expression or control.

I couldn't really help what I was about to do.

It felt like instinct. It felt like I had no control over my body.

My powers activated themselves. 

With no experience, I somehow connected our brains to send signals to another in that short time.

My eyes clutched a light shade of blue. I could feel myself smirking. I didn't have control during that time.

It felt as if I wasn't me. It felt like I just had a surge of powers that rushed through my veins.

I sent the message: "We'll all just train. Why not break some rules".

My head flipped back. I was still conscious but I had no control over my actions.

I soon regained my composure. 

I could feel their stares. It felt like deep concern stares and what the heck did you just do that at the same time.

I looked up at them. My eyes returned to their normal state.

Before I could say anything Damon spoke up. Something the others couldn't do although they wanted to.

" What the hell was that Devyn? Did you really just use your powers on us?

We made a rule that we wouldn't do that" Damon said his voice slightly elevated.

He was staring at me. He was looking for an answer but as soon as he saw my facial expressions. His mood quickly changed.

"I honestly have no idea what just happened. I had no control". I spoke up, my face falling as the words left my mouth.

"I agree," Oliver said as the words were finally able to leave his mouth.

"I do too. Ginny?" Damon said, turning his attention to the girl whose shock was finally just fading away.

"I don't think it's a bad idea but if you're doing that again Dev can give us some sort of heads up.

I don't necessarily want you in my brain at any time you want or your emotions tell you" Ginny said, she understood that Devyn didn't mean to do that.

" I will tell you. I just really couldn't control it" I said.

That was a weird experience for me. I knew it was me but it didn't feel like me. 

It felt like something else was there. Someone else? No that's too crazy.

It probably was just some sort of trigger that was set off.

After some discussion, we spoke of books we read. 

Ginny's book dealt with a warrior whose weapons were knives.

My book was about some prophecy that I have no understanding of.

The only two books that made sense to us so far were Damons and Oliver's book.

We knew if they made sense to us even if it was a long shot the others did make sense to us.

We just didn't know what they meant yet.

There was more in this room to discover.

There was so much more to discover.

So many unanswered questions that we hope to find the answers to.

Only time itself will tell us what we need to know.

We concluded that we were going to train.

To prepare for whatever was out there.

Oliver suggested that Damon and I start the hero course to focus on our powers and combat.

We would also teach them some combat when we meet each other.

Damon and I were in doubt about the whole joining the hero course but we knew it was a good idea.

After some debating, we agreed with Oliver and Ginny.

When I looked over at Oliver his expression fell.

"We need to go. It's midnight" Oliver said.

We gathered our stuff. We didn't take all the books, we only took two each.

Oliver took up a notebook and it looked like he took notes.

Instead of putting it in his bag, he hid it in a corner. 

We needed to hurry for two reasons. We're in the woods and two its's suspicious that it's so late and we aren't home.

We walked back following the trail. Ginny used stuff she found in her bag to mark the trees so we would know where to go tomorrow.

As we approached my house. We noticed cars parked in the driveway.

We looked at each other understanding what we were about to face.

We stayed calm and opened the door letting ourselves in.

As the door came out of view we saw all of our parents sitting down drinking wine.

Now that we have our suspicions about them this view wasn't exactly calming.

"Welcome home. I thought you all were going to be the ones saying that. But here we are'' my mom, Scarlett Dexter, said to us. Slightly smiling.

This is gonna be a long night.