Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Devyn's Pov

"Welcome home. I thought you all were going to be the ones saying that. But here we are'' my mom, Scarlett Dexter, said to us. Slightly smiling.

This situation could go two ways for us. Either they knew that we were doing something that we wanted to keep a secret and that we were going to straight-up lie.

Or they believe the trashy lies we come up with.

The trick about this is our body language and how fast we answer the question.

I'm not gonna be the one to say. If Ginny knows when I'm telling a lie why would they believe me?

My thoughts were now scattered. I was trying to think of what to do but once again no ideas were coming.

"We were at the library studying, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter". Oliver quickly said in a surprisingly stoic tone.

"You all go to different schools. How would you all be studying together". Oliver's father, Colton Samuel, said.

His mother, Lillian Samuel, standing close by his side, nodding her head in agreement with what her husband had just said.

" We have the same curriculum, after all, we figured it wouldn't be hard to study together," Ginny stated, not waiting long to respond again.

I know she isn't lying about the curriculum thing but God how does she say it so easily.

"Damon you're awfully quiet tonight. Oh, Correct me morning. May I ask why". Damon's mother, Naomi Murphy, commented.

Her husband, Vincent, silently laughed at his wife's remark.

"Ginny bet me that I wouldn't last an hour without speaking but I guess you just made me lose the bet" Damon quickly replied to his parents.

This is where I realized that I'm friends with a bunch of liars.

Ginny chuckled at Damon.

"My $50 Damon", Ginny said, not taking her eyes off the curly-headed fellow.

That's when Damon gave her a death glare. If looks could kill Ginny would probably be dead.

I appreciate that she took the situation to her advantage.

Damon then took out his wallet handing Ginny the 50 dollar bill.

" It's not good to scam your friends Ginny. You must've known that poor Damon can't last 5 minutes" Ginny's Dad, Fai Sato, said laughing at his daughter.

His wife, Jasmine, glared at her husband after nudging her husband's shoulder.

"Alright kids you can go upstairs, boys the spare room is always there where you can stay", my mom said as she took a sip of her wine.

It was hard to think that the people we grew up loving could do something like this.

We never really knew that much about their life although we were in it.

They kept their work away from us, hardly giving us any details.

We didn't really know what they were capable of.

As much as we would like to defend the argument of our parents being innocent we have no evidence of who they are outside of their houses.

We know nothing about their childhood, nothing about their power, nothing about their work.

We all headed upstairs the boys going to their room and Ginny and I to mine.

I was planning to tell my parents that I'm joining the hero courses but if I said it tonight it would draw too much attention.

As Ginny and I entered my room we both plopped on the bed.

" Do you think they bought that?" I asked Ginny as my eyes slowly met hers.

"Who knows. With them, it's hard to tell". Ginny said.

Scarlett Dexters Pov.

" Did you buy anything that they said?" I asked the others right after the kids went upstairs.

"Of course we didn't buy that. That daughter of yours gives away anything just by looking at her" Jasmine said as she got up from her seat.

" She didn't get it from me" I smiled at her. 

" Honey none of them got anything from us and you know that too". My husband said to me

It did make me a little sad to admit it but that's beside the point in my mind.

"Do you think that they know the truth? It's now the time that he said this would happen". Naomi asked, looking at all of us.

She wasn't wrong; we had all been informed that it would happen when they were at this age.

" The year just started. I haven't heard anything from Ginny and I think she would tell us" Jasmine argued.

"You didn't tell her the whole story did you, if so who knows what the consequences would be," Vincent asked with a worried expression planted on his face.

"Of course she didn't, we just explained to her parts of the truth and why are we even talking about this now," Fai said, getting either annoyed or worried.

"We are talking about it because it's time to talk about it. We've tried to avoid it but we all know that it's a little too late for that.

As he said there are forces beyond us right now. Why do you think that working for the government still?

We are just following those stupid rules that he said to follow to protect the kids". I said with all my emotions slightly seeping through.

" We hardly have any information to go by. It's been 17 years for God's sake. The man hardly comes by to tell us anything". Lillian argued.

"Lower your voice. You know the kids can't hear any of this" Naomi quickly said to Lillian.

" We've been through this already, we can't tell them anything, we can't help them solve this.

We have already seen only parts of the other forces so you all know this isn't a joke" I said.

"She's right. No matter how much we don't want to admit it. We follow orders and deal with it.

Knowing what we know about the prophecy this far, we know what's coming" Colton said as he got up talking his coat.

"We stick with the rules and suck it up for the kid's sake," Vincent said following his wife who also got up.

After some time everyone ended up leaving. 

The kids were still upstairs probably asleep.

It's like what Joyce Meyer said: " Patience is not the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting".