Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Ginny's Pov.

As I slowly opened my eyes I noticed the sun peeking through the curtains.

I had woken up in Devyn's bed since we all decided to stay the night.

It was normal, to be honest. We did this often especially when our parents weren't around.

I however couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. My hopes that they had believed us were low.

My conscience was also chewing away at my soul.  I had information that could possibly help everyone in this situation.

I was told not to say a word to any of them. The question is why they chose to tell me. 

Why me? Why us? Why did this crap about prophecies choose us?

We could've been living a normal life instead they allow children to carry such a burden.

I've tried to lay low all since they've told me about the secrets that they hide.

Which was when I was 8. Of course, they haven't told me everything. I know that.

All I basically know is that I should try to watch over the others and make sure they are on the right path.

As much as I would like to scream on top of my lungs I can't.

I'm so done with all of this garbage that is my life right now. I know I'm not the only one with problems but God is it hard.

I looked over to see Devyn right beside me. She was still asleep. 

I felt some tears flow down my face. I had to get myself together. 

I never really liked the idea of crying. It made me feel weak and somewhat selfish.

People say that you should let your emotions out and not try to hide them.

But I can't. Who am I gonna tell?

I want to tell my friends but apparently, it's too early. I feel so bad for not telling them.

My attention was still focused on Devyn. 

I imagined how she feels. How she must feel. 

'I need to stop this pity party ' I thought as I lay my hands on my face.

"Good Morning," Devyn said in a groggy tone.

"Good Morning. You can't go back to sleep we have a school you know" I said as a light smile went to my face.

"But I'm tired," Devyn complained. 

I tried my best not to laugh. Even though she is technically older she's mentally the youngest out of us all.

" Come on. Get up. I know you don't want to me tickle you" I said slightly laughing at how she looked right now.

" Alright fine. I'm up". She said now getting up from her bed.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I think you should wake up the boys" She continued making her way to the bathroom door.

" Why me? Wouldn't Oliver be up already" I complained? I hate waking them up. 

"We both know that Oliver can't function without 9 hours of sleep. So he won't be awake.

And if we don't wake him up for school making him late he's gonna be all whiny" Devyn said as she slowly closed the bathroom door.

"Uhh" I let out a groan as I got up from the bed.

As I approached their door I felt dread wash over me.

I opened the door. The snores that had been blocked by the closed doors were now fully audible.

"Get up!" I screamed.

Was that a little mean? yes 

Would it possibly give Damon a heart attack? yep.

Would I do it again? Definitely

"Omg. Are you trying to make me go, deaf woman?" Damon screamed back at me, as he got up from the bed

"Yeah did you have to scream," Oliver said following Damon

"Hmm, let me think, yes". I smiled at them.

Shortly after we all made it downstairs. Devyn followed us as well.

" Good Morning kids". I heard Mr.Dexter say as we approached the kitchen.

"Good Morning," we all said at the same time.


I could smell the food from a mile away. I loved when Devyn's family cooked for us. God was their food good.

We sat down at the table. For the most part, it was silent.

And like a lot of people say the silence was so loud.

That was until Devyn decided to speak up. Thank God, I don't know how long I would be able to deal with the silence.

" Damon and I are planning to join the hero course," Devyn said calmly.

I was somewhat shocked to hear Devyn say that so calmly.

I mean it wasn't a lie, it just had some lies behind it. Was I finally rubbing off on her?

The thought of that made me smile.

"Is that true Damon" I heard Mr.Dexter say.

My focus was shifting between the both of them.

" Yes. We figured that since we have somewhat of good powers why not put it to good use" Damon replied as he took a sip of his orange juice.

"That's understandable. At least you two are finally listening to my advice.

I don't want to tell y'all I told you so but-" Mrs. Dexter said, slightly chuckling.

The silence once again filled the room.

As we finished up breakfast we all decided that we should head upstairs to get ready for school.

We all arose from our seats. We weren't going to be late, it was sorta early, to be honest.

"Gianna may we have a word" I heard Mrs.Dexter say.

I swear if they weren't adults I thought as my arms became a fist. My nails slightly dig into my skin.

"Yes Mrs.Dexter," I said with a fake smile planted on my face.

Devyn gave me a worried look but they ended up going upstairs after Devyn's Dad asked them to go get ready.

After they got upstairs, Scarlett sat me down on the couch.

"Do they know?" She asked while sipping her cup of coffee while having a smirk on her face.

Here we go.