Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Ginny's Pov

"Don't they know?" She asked while sipping her cup of coffee while having a smirk on her face.

"I'm sorry Mrs.Dexter but I really do need to get to school. As they say, time waits on no man" I replied to her.

I know what she wanted to hear but God did I not want to talk about it.

Not now and not ever did I want to speak about this stupid prophecy that I knew barely anything of.

"Gianna, I know that you're trying to avoid it but we both know that that plan of yours won't work". Scarlett said with that awful calm smirk on her face.

That face if only people knew how much it irritated the heck out of me.

All I need to do is keep calm. For all, I know the others might be listening. 

There's a chance that they are and I won't risk them finding out that I know anything that's going on.

" Mrs.Dexter, as much as I would like them to know and get it over with. They don't know a single thing.

Now if I may excuse myself, I have school to attend" I said calmly as I got up from my seat.

As I did that I noticed the annoyed look on her face. I didn't really care about it if I'm being honest.

Everyone in this situation right now was either annoyed or scared. It's their job to suck it up and try to carry on with their lives.

I made my way up the stairs where I met the others who looked as if they were awaiting some answers.

I don't know if they heard our conversation or not. There was still a chance that they didn't.

If they did however hear our little conversation I would have to do a lot of explaining.

"Hey, guys," I said with a stoic expression on my face.

When you grow up having to lie it comes naturally. I didn't necessarily want to but I've been forced to all my life.

"What did they say to you? Are you okay?" Oliver spoke up.

I could see the worried expression on their faces.

"I'm fine. I guess my parents asked the Dexters to talk to me about school. The whole education is an important conversation.

The one that I get ever so often" I answered with a slight smile on my face.

" Don't worry about it, we all know you're the smartest one here" Damon said to me which made me smile.

We eventually moved on from the topic and carried on with our day.

We split up of course since we did go to different schools. Oliver decided to give me a ride too since I didn't get my license. 

Damon drove Devyn to school. We just have to wish for the best.

Devyn's Pov.

Today was the day that Damon and I join the hero course. 

As much as I didn't want to do so. I knew that it wasn't an operation.

Two reasons mainly. One, we already told our parents and they already called the school and pulled strings. Nepotism at its finest.

And two, we needed some training. We had some idea of what we were going up against. And in the shape that we were currently in, we stood absolutely no chance.

It was one of the only sensible things we've decided on if I'm being completely honest.

I was worried this morning. Ginny seemed somewhat off. 

I knew she wasn't the type to open up about her feelings and I figure that it's because of the recent stress that we've been going through.

She already told us that she's okay so I figured that there's no need to further speak on it since I know it kinda makes her uncomfortable.

Damon and I made our way to the Deans' office. 

We already knew that this was going to be a long day.

"Dev I really don't want to do this" Damon said to me. He even started to pout like a child.

"I don't want to do this either but we all know the reason why we have to," I said as I opened the door to the office.

"What may I do for you," Dean Thomas said, not taking his eyes off the paperwork which sat on his desk.

" Umm. Our parents called. We are here for a transfer to the hero course" I said blatantly.

" A transfer to the hero course in the middle of the term," the Dean said as if just spoke some nonsense to him.

He then took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose, finally looking up at us.

"Yes, sir that's what she just said. A transfer"Damon replied to him.

Damon already didn't want to be there and spending extra time in the office was out of the question for him.

I then noticed how quickly Dean Thomas arose from his seat.

" Oh, Mr.Murphy and Ms.Dexter, nice to see you. My apologies for my behavior earlier, the work you know-" he said

What a suck-up. I really hate when people behave like this it somewhat triggers me.

"I do not know. Anyways, can we have the papers for the transfer because we don't want to be late for our new classes".  I said to him. My tone comes off as a  bit rude.

" Of course students right away," Dean Thomas said with a sarcastic laugh.

We finally got the papers and headed to our class.

As we approached the room we came in contact with the hero course students.

The classrooms were in better shape than our old classes but it wasn't much of a difference.

We stepped into the class where we were met with stares and weird looks.

I guess that would be normal. It was probably because compared to the others we were nowhere near fit. 

We weren't necessarily out of shape but you could clearly see the difference.

"We are here for our new classes sir," Damon said looking up at the man up and down.

"Oh really now, show us what you got. Unlike a lot of people at this school, I don't care who your parents are.

And I also have the final say on who stays in my class" The teacher said. With such an annoying smirk on his face.

Why does everything have to be so difficult?