Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Devyn's Pov

I felt a sharp pain coming from my head. 

As I slowly opened my eyes I was greeted by an unfamiliar room.

I instantly looked, to which I noticed that I was in the hospital with IVs in one arm and handcuffs on the other.

I instantly panic. What happened? Why was I handcuffed? Did I do something?

All these thoughts started rushing through my head.

I also was unable to use my powers to remove the handcuffs.

My whole body was in pain and on top of that I could feel the new bruises forming on the area which the handcuffs were.

I slowly looked at myself to evaluate what kind of condition I was in.

I saw bruises and blotches scattered all over my body and on top of that, I had been changed.

I was obviously in a hospital. That I knew for sure, but something was blocking me from remembering what happened.

I began to wonder how long I had been there and where the heck the others were.

Not long after I heard soft mutters coming from outside the door of the room I had been locked in.

That's when I noticed the door begin to slowly open.

There I saw what looked like a Doctor and my parents entered the room.

I still had no idea whether to trust them or not considering the zero progress we've come to.

"Darling, you're awake," my mom said as she inched closer to me.

I flinched under her touch. I was scared, but I hope that she didn't notice my reaction.

"What am I doing here?" I asked

"Well, you see you have been unconscious for the past 3 days," My Dad said, as the doctor came closer to the bed I was layng.

"Why would I pass out? Why am I handcuffed to this stupid bed?" I exclaimed as I started to become frustrated.

"Three days ago you overused your power on multiple students, which you are lucky that they didn't press charges.

Because you were using so much power without the proper training you passed out due to the circumstances.

Your teacher has been found in the wrong however for carrying out such reckless behavior "The doctor explained to me.

" If this is true why can't I remember? Why am I handcuffed?" I slightly raised my voice tugging the handcuff in the process.

I noticed that the Doctor took a few steps back from me. 

My mother then gave him a death glare of some sort.

"I am not sure why you can't remember the events leading up to this. My team and I have however concluded that it might be the early stage Dissociative Amnesia or some sort of memory loss due to stress.

You are in handcuffs because your powers are not under control. It's just a precaution" The doctor said as he nervously laughed at the end.

"You allowed this?" I asked my parents.

"Yes. Why wouldn't we? Anyways, your classes resume on Monday. We made sure to advise your teachers of this already." My mom said as she just smiled at me.

"We will be doing some more tests on you, as well as providing some medication for your conditions," the Doctor said to me as he closed his file.

"Conditions? What medication are you giving to me?" I asked in disbelief.

"That's information I sadly cannot give to you, Ms.Dexter. You will be discharged this afternoon" He said to be.

"Bye Darling," My parents both said to me as they as well as the doctor both exited the room.

Scarlett Dexter's Pov 

Mini flashback

I had just gotten the call from Devyn's school informing me of her little situation.

I didn't know this was going to happen. No one informed me of my daughter having to go through this foolishness.

I rushed to meet Damon as well as the principal at the hospital.

God how I hated that place.

Of course, that husband of mine couldn't make it. Who knows where he could be.

As soon as I got there, I was informed to fill out paperwork.

They need to get Devyn in somewhat stable condition.

What happened? I thought to myself.

I wasn't panicking. That wasn't my sort of thing. In my eyes, it only made situations worse.

After I was done with the paperwork I met the Dean as well as Damon for some answers.

When I signed up for this type of thing. I didn't mean hospital runs.

As I made my way to that coward of a Dean he looked as he was going to pee his pants.

Do people have no class?

In the end, Damon had to be the one to try to explain what happened to Devyn as the Dean was clearly not cut out for the job.

I could sense the dread radiating from him from a mile away. I, of course, had an idea of the reason.

"May I ask what happened," I asked him.

He must be wondering why I'm smiling. In the end, it is better to stay calm. You might say that's how I cope.

"Devyn had some unfortunate miscalculations with her powers and passed out," he said to me.

Of course, he didn't want to speak to me.

"Is that all?" I was eager to know more information.

"I'm not sure. I wasn't the one facing the problem. We'll both have to ask Devyn when she wakes up" Damon said to me.

"Alright. I thank you for bringing Devyn here. I'll be sure to let you and the others know when she's awake.

Just do me a favor, don't go spreading around what happened to Devyn" I said with a smile.

And with that Damon walked away without a word.

( The day Devyn wakes up; it's still a flashback)

"So she's awake now," My husband asked the Doctor.

"Apparently she just woke up. She also won't remember the events of three days ago because of trauma" he said to us.

" Remember what we said, the things you know now about her won't be said to anyone other than the doctors who worked with her". I said to him in a tolerant tone.

"Yes ma'am we already agreed for it not to be said. However, it's my duty as a doctor to ask. Is it safe for her to have her powers?

A friend of mine works with this government organization that deals with these types of patients. Trust me I've dealt with many like these before" he said to us as if it were a joke to him.

My husband and I looked at him with disgust.

"That won't be necessary," I said, opening the door to her room.

( End of Flashback; present time).

As I left Devyn's room I felt so much anger inside of me.

Which for me was a somewhat new experience. I always felt a sense of calm, but just seeing her reaction lit a fuse inside of me.

It was time that I called him. The person that started this foolishness in my life.

The others never knew that I had this sort of information to contact him.

"It's time we speak" 

"I've been awaiting your call".