Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Scarlett Dexter's Pov

"I've been awaiting your call".

"You're telling me that you knew all of this was-" I said to him

"Of course I know. I don't want to speak over a  call.

Meet me at the park and don't bring others. I want you to stop drawing attention to yourself.

You do know what will happen if you do that. Don't you Scarlett or might I say my old friend Sarah" he said to me.

"Fine, the park at four today". I said to him hanging up the phone shortly after.

At this point, I was tired of all the lies, but I was somewhat regretting calling him after all this time.

Should I have just been patient?

No that's not it. It was time that I had gotten some answers. I was as lost as the kids are but they didn't know that. They can't at least not yet.

" Honey, who were you on the phone with"my husband came up to me resting his hand on my lower back.

"A client said they wanted to have dinner at 4 with me. You know last-minute arrangements". I said putting on a fake smile.

" Should I come? I didn't get a call. Who is the client, do I know them?" he said to me?

'Why the need for so many questions' I wondered.

I moved his hand from my lower back, it made me uncomfortable, to say the least.

"The bureau just assigned him to me. I guessed he likes the way I work.

But now if you may excuse me, I need to go. It's almost 4" I said to him as I walked away to my car.

It took me a while before I got to the park since it was across town.

As I sat on the park bench to wait on him. I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me.

I have no idea what he'll say or do. I never could predict anything that involved him. I could never predict my life since he had so much control over it.

As I saw him approach me I was greeted with his smile.

"Hello Sarah," he said to me as he sat down by my side.

"Can you please stop calling me that? It's Scarlett for God's sake" I said in a harsh tone.

"Scarlett, it's time we talk. I've withheld information from you because it was not the right time to tell you.

But recently our old foe has come back to bite us". He said to me as his tone changed from a quite happy one to one of sorrow.

" I know that they are back. I've sensed it if that's the right word to use. I think we should tell the kids". 

"They should find out by themselves. We aren't the ones who should tell them this". He argued back.

" What if it's too late," I asked him

"Then late it should be. We shouldn't meddle in what shouldn't be tampered with" he said to me.

Flashback 150 years ago

(Still in Scarlett's pov)

A normal day if I might say but something seemed off.

Disappearances have been on the rise in my small town and for all, I know someone was covering it up.

My mom always told me to look the other way, Sarah, as if nothing happened.

But look where she ended up, dead.

My father wasn't in the picture. He was just a drunk bastard who didn't care about his family. An abusive bastard to say the least.

I needed to take my head off the problems of life. Away from the pitiful state that I somewhat lived in.

The world to me was not rainbows and sunshine it was just people who pretended to be sympathetic to get what they wanted in life.

I decided to go for a stroll in the park. It was perhaps boring to others since I had no friends nor family to accompany me.

But I felt an urge to go there. 

As I walked through the park, I took my time to observe the only beauty left in this scum of the Earth.

But as I did so-

"Tch" I let out a deep sign of frustration as someone bumped into me.

"Can't I just go one day without this foolishness happening to me, God" I frustratedly said letting it out on the man.

"I'm so sorry, let me help you. Sit, sit" he said, quite charming to say the least.

"And why would I listen to you," I asked, feeling my ankle slightly throb at my movement.

"Because you're hurt and you need to sit down to fix it" he answered me with a smile.

I sat down without saying a word. 

It could take anyone basic knowledge to realize that I had been hurt.

He didn't have to point it out.

"My name is time, my dear friend," he said to me.

"Did I ask you? And what do you mean friend? What kind of name is time, is it an alias?" I asked him.

Did I really listen to a physio and sit down. Well, I wouldn't be surprised with my luck.

"You didn't ask me, I just told you, Sarah-" time said before he was cut off.

"I'm done. I am leaving" I said as I quickly got up off the chair to only feel myself losing balance.

Time held my hand to and sat me right back down on the bench.

"Frankly from what I'm seeing, my eyes working perfectly fine, you can't walk". He said as he smiled at me once more.

" What do you want from me," I asked.

"I want nothing but your help my friend but first let's fix that ankle of yours," he said moving one hand to what looked like my sprained or broken ankle.

"And how are you-" I said as I was cut off by a feeling of relief being brought to my injury.

As my eyes slowly made their way to my ankle I noticed that it was no longer swollen or bruised it looked even a bit better than how I came here.

"How did you-" I managed to let out.

"It's in my name my friend" he smiled at me.

And for the first time, I was left speechless.