Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Scarlett Dexter Pov.

It's in his name…

"What does time have to do with my ankle suddenly healing itself" I slightly raised my voice at him.

My ankle just felt like it was broken. How did it suddenly heal?

"It didn't heal itself. It's very simple, you know Sarah" Time managed to say to me. His tone barely changes but it becomes tenser.

It was unlike his normal perky tone.

"It's not simple. I have no idea what's going on. Tell me what's happening or I'm leaving" I said to him. My voice was now fully raised.

I did feel a little bad for yelling at him but I am just so frustrated.

"Sit down, Sarah. You are drawing attention to us, which I can't afford.

I'll give you your answer". He said in a more serious and frustrated tone.

Seems he was finally fed up with my stubborn behavior.

" Go on," I simply said to him, lowering my voice sitting calmly on the bench.

"I used 'time' to bring your injury back to the state it was in about 2 days ago.

It's very simple," he said to me.

Is this dude being serious?

"Are you being serious? What are you on? You know what I'm leaving" I said getting up as I was frustrated.

"As much as you would like to do that you'll always have that strange force bringing you back to me.

Sarah this is inevitable" he got up with me.

I just looked at him. I had a feeling to believe the pure garbage he was saying to me.

How can a human control time?

I was intrigued. I wanted to know. What's the worst that could happen to me? I die.

I have no one to care about me anyway.

"I want some answers and don't try to be vague with me. Got that?"

"Yes, ma'am" he laughed lightly.

I smile at the reaction he gave me. It felt like I've known time for years yet we just met.

"I don't want to explain to you here," he said to me.

"Then where are we going to go? Why not just explain it here?" I asked.

"In crowded areas, people tend to be listening," he said to me in a stoic tone.

Why am I trusting a stranger?

"Fine. Let's go" I said as I got up from my seat.

He simply just smiled as we got up together.

As I got into his car. He drove me near the forest and then suddenly stopped.

Is this how I'm going to die?

He turned to me and smiled.

"This is not how you're gonna die, Sarah" laughing at his statement.

"What, you can read minds now? I asked.

" No, you're just easy to read," he said getting out of the car. 

I slowly followed him.

When I looked up I noticed what looked like a treehouse.

"What are you 5" I laughed a bit.

"No, I'm much older than that but here is private" Time climbing up the ladder of the treehouse.

I did the same.

The inside looked empty as if it was recently built.

"So Sarah, time for me to explain to you. What I say shouldn't be repeated to anyone unless it's a part of the plan.

" I have no one to tell. Now explain to me why my ankle is now suddenly healed".

"I hold powers. I control time to simply put it. I know the past, present, and future.

That's why I called you an old friend since I know the future.

Thinking about it now it must have troubled you. My bad." He said to me almost expressionless.

Why is this guy leaving me so speechless?

Why do I believe him?

"So what do you want with me? You must want something since you brought me here." I asked.

"You,  my friend, are going to help me fulfill the prophecy".He smiled.

" What prophecy".

"I can't tell you much…but I will tell you why I brought you here.

Sarah, this may sound troubling since I know you but you will have a child named Devyn." He said causing my jaw to fall.

" You want me to have a kid. I'm only 18 years old." I said to him as if he was mad.

"Not now. No, no, no Sarah and you won't be the one to have her". He said to me as if he was trying to reassure me.

" Who is going to have her then," I asked.

" The kids will be provided. You don't have to worry about that". He smiled.


"As long as it's not anytime soon. Is that all you need me for? To have a kid?" 

I felt somewhat offended that time thought only of me as a mother.

"For the next 150 years, you'll help me fulfill the prophecy.

Not only the kids. I also ask you to change your name and join the government.

I can't tell you much now but over time I assure you that you'll receive information." He said to me.

"150 years? I don't know if you know this but humans don't live that long." I said to him

"Hahaha. Sarah, I think you forgot that I control time. I will allow you to age much slower than the average human being" he assured me.

'Why am I believing the nutcase?' I thought as I smiled.

My life can't get worse, why not spend it with some fun in your life.

"Deal," I said as I held out my hand for him to shake it.

As the years went on Time and I worked formulating plans and subjects to help fulfill the prophecy.

I changed my name and faked my name since it couldn't be in the records that a human was alive after more than a century.

A lot of phenomena happened. Humans'' memories were wiped and humans gained superpowers.


Luckily for me and some other people who knew about the prophecy hid and escaped the massive memory wipe.

Time and I sought out candidates to be the kid's parents. I even found myself a husband, one that I wasn't too fond of but I knew it was for a reason.

Some of which I had no idea of.

We made books and cryptic messages for the kids to find once the time came.

After that, we abandoned the treehouse. 

One of the guardians used their powers to only allow the four to find.

I started the job as a government official along with the other candidates that were chosen for the job of the parents.

We kept tabs on the government to see if there was any progress with the prophecy.

To see if that old foe of ours was back.

But still how it feels like there has been no progress in this whole dilemma.

I wonder what would have happened if I didn't take that deal?