Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Devyn's Pov

"Who said I was gonna reject you," I asked, genuinely confused with what the girl had just said.

"You're regretting me! You pulled away when I kissed. Then all you said was good night Devyn!" She slightly shouted at me.

I took a second to think. Yeah, I did pull away because I was shocked.

I guess it would seem bad to anyone.

"I pulled away for air, Gianna. Air! I was shocked that's all" I said slightly shouting back.

"Don't call me that, Devyn" she said sternly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for this whole misunderstanding" I said, trying to apologize.

"So you're saying the kiss was a mistake. You know what, forget about it. It never happened." Ginny said, slightly getting up.

Just before she could do so, I sat her back down and grabbed her wrist so that should look me in the eye.

I saw her fast get red and her breath hitched.

"Just look at me okay. I don't regret anything. I loved that kiss. I wanna do it again" I said boldly, not breaking eye contact with her.

"Why did you pull away then?" She asked as a reply to my statement.

"One, I've never kissed a girl, two you were my first kiss" I slightly smiled, releasing the girl's hands.

"I was?" She asked softly.

"Yeah. You were. Sorry that I just said good night. I was taken by surprise, and when I woke up you weren't there. But you were avoiding me and-" I said, beginning to rant.

I was however cut off by Ginny's lips on mine.

It took me by surprise. It finally clicked in my brain what was happening and I finally relaxed into the kiss.

Her lips are softer than anything I've ever known. My stomach once again erupted with butterflies.

This sensation however did not last as Ginny was the first to pull away.

I didn't open my eyes, but my head mindlessly tried to kiss the girl once again.

When our lips met again I could feel the girl smirked. I had a feeling she would tease me about it later.

Ginny's hand slid into my hair grabbing it to deepen the kiss. 

I smiled letting her take control. She's obviously had some experience.

One of my hands then wandered to her waist and the other to her cheek.

I didn't care about my need for air, I just didn't want the moment to end.

" I thought I would," Ginny began in a breathy voice.

" I- I would take you- up on that offer," She said in between kisses as she slowly made her way down to my neck.

"You guys can stop now. I don't really want to see my daughter kissing anyone in front of me" Scarlett said, getting up.

Ginny and I quickly pulled away. I could sense that both of our faces were red. 

My lips felt swollen but if that was the only consequence of kissing her I'd be willing to take that risk.

"I forgot you were here," Ginny said.

I knew she always had a deep respect for Scarlett. She was always afraid of getting on her bad side might I say.

"Are you mad?" We asked at once almost as if we were reading each other's minds.

"No. Why would I be? This always happens one way or another." She said getting a bottle of water.

"We've never done this before. Well other than that one time-" I said starting to chuckle at the old memory.

Ginny put a hand over my mouth to prevent me from saying anything else.

"I don't wanna hear. All I'm saying is you two always end up dating in your past lives." She said taking a pill to help her hangover.

Ginny and I looked at each other. We smiled at the thought.

"I hate young love. I can't say it doesn't last because you two have been at it since the beginning of this world. Lucky you" Scarlett said in a grumpy tone.

As if almost on time the three boys came back into the room.

They looked at us and Time chuckled at the thought assuming that he already knew what happened.

Oliver didn't look like he cared much-reaching for the remote. He was probably already self-destructing.

Damon made his way over to us looking for details of what happened.

Before Damon asked us anything we were cut off by the sight of our house on tv.

"The Dexter Father, Ajax Dexter, has been found dead in his family house.

His family's whereabouts are unknown. Police aren't saying much about his death but we've heard from neighbors that they heard screams coming from the house". The news reporter said.

" If you see these people on the screen, please report them to authorities. They could possibly be suspects in this hero's gruesome murder.

That's all for today folks, I will now hand it over to my host Benjamin Lightfoot" The reporter said with a fake smile.

Oliver shut the television off and plopped down on the couch in between Ginny and I.

"Why would they think we were responsible for any of this?!" I expressed anger at the thought.

"It's how this world works honey. The people with power control the minds of the people who don't have the necessary information to do anything. Since they withhold everything.

The only reasonable option they have is to listen to the people in a higher power." Scarlett said.

"So everyone just complies with the authorities," Damon said.

"Oh not everyone complies. Those who do are torn down and stripped away from them. 

Thanks to one of Pandora's followers, Keres used his powers to torment and eventually kill whoever differs from his master" Scarlett said, taking up a glass of water.

"Then tell us. You worked for them, you must know something.

What about the kidnappings? I know that you were involved. So stop hiding every detail." I said. I've been keeping this in my heart since the day I heard them on the phone.

The only way we're going to get through this is with communication. You just keep so many secrets from us, Scarlett.

Now, what did you do with their bodies?"