Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Devyn's Pov

We sat down in the sitting area, next to my drunk mother. 

She was already asleep by this time. Soft snores could be heard.

The guy named Time said he would explain to us. I was still skeptical about this whole situation.

My thoughts wandered but my eyes trailed over to Ginny who was still keeping her distance from me.

To say Ginny was beautiful was an understatement. I don't know, I've never really taken the time to notice.

She was like a painted masterpiece with its greatness so absolutely making the artist go mad.

I looked at her up and down. My eyes roamed every inch of her thin figure.

She noticed me staring as I noticed her body tense up.

I shifted my attention to my shoes. I didn't mean to stare. She's just-

My thoughts are cut off by Oliver trying to get the man's attention.

"What about the ciphers? You must know something about that." Oliver asked to get up from the seat he had just taken.

"That was just a misdirect my son," The man said with a smile.

He saw our confused stares.

"Let me explain.

Sarah and I wrote the books you kids have read. The ciphers are indirect for anyone who might get hold of the treehouse.

Only you four can't read it. Only you four see them on ciphers.

You guys weren't wrong however in the other book.

We thought it would be best if we kept the 14th book in our hands." Time tried to explain to us in simple terms.

"You know how stressful it has been hearing Oliver constantly talk about those stupid ciphers" Damon spit out.

I heard a soft chuckle come from Ginny. 

I could feel the inside of my stomach being tickled. 

How was a chuckle enough for me to get butterflies? 

Am I sick?

I felt my face start to heat up. I tried to calm myself down.

"My apologies young Damon. Devyn, it's perfectly normal to get butterflies" Time said.

I felt everyone's eyes turn to me.

"Are you a mind reader? Not that I was thinking that" I said which made Time chuckle.

"It's time for me to explain this world's history," he said, pausing before he continued.

We all listened attentively. We've been eager to know even before the whole prophecy thing.

No one really explained our history growing up. Everyone dismissed it really.

Time let out a sigh before sitting down.

"The world started with a few humans and The God that ruled the land. However, in this world, humans had supernatural powers to help them survive. 

This power was given by who was known as God. 

For the humans who weren't granted powers, the selected few got divine objects to either create peace or start wars. 

That's when Pandora struck. A woman filled with jealousy. She wanted to be the leader of someone higher than a God. 

He used the powers he was granted and she manipulated them and found a technique to take them to become the leader she oh so craved. 

Pandora didn't want corruption, nor war but if anyone came in the way of the power she wanted she wouldn't be hesitant to destroy whoever came in the way. 

The angry God saw this and decided to create four powerful humans who needed to defeat Pandora and whoever was on her side.

 Two of these humans had powerful powers that they could wield and the other two were given divine objects to use to defeat the villains. 

The God who created them allowed them to be reincarnated until they were able to defeat Pandora and the other villains. Pandora figured this out and knowing that she could die she used Nirnasha to allow her to reincarnate every time it was needed. 

This cycle went on for generations. Each person being reincarnated each time. 

Pandora eventually got the power to rule over the world and used her newfound power to do a worldwide memory wipe on its citizens to have more control over her subjects. " Time said, trying not to leave out any important details.

"What are divine objects? One never heard of any such thing. Were they taken when you know, Pandora struck." Ginny spoke up to ask the man.

"Funny of you to ask. And yes they were taken when the cruel woman struck. 

However, I kept two divine objects before they were able to be taken.

Ginny and Oliver" Time said before pausing.

"I'm not the one to give them to you. That is up to your guardians. Devin and Damon, I think you know one of the" Time smiled

Damon and I looked at each other.

"How?! Devyn and I  don't go anywhere" Damon said. I nodded agreeing with the boy.

" Mr.Frost would be extremely disappointed to hear you don't know him," Time said.

"You mean Frosty the snowman. The tall man with a beard. The one who looks like he's in his mid-forties." Devyn jumped up moving her hands trying to describe the man.

"I definitely knew that," Damon said, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"You guys will have to talk to him about that. Unfortunately, I can't say anything else for now. You guys will have to trust me when I say to get through this you will need patience, this will all take time" he said chuckling at the end.

I guess it was because of the pun he made at the end.

"Devyn and Ginny I think for now you guys need to work it out. You boys can give them space to talk." Time said to get up.

Oliver soon followed looking back at us.

We stayed silent, not moving or daring to say a word.

"Damon you have to leave too," Oliver said, annoyed at Damon for not giving his friends space.

"Why?!" Damon said not moving.

Oliver just glared at him.

"Fine, but you two better tell me everything," Danon said, leaving with Oliver.

I turned my head to look at Ginny who still refused to look me in the eyes.

"Ginny," I said.

She didn't respond.

"Ginny, we need to talk about this," I said, trying to gain her attention.

"No, I'm good. Thanks," she said, still not facing me.

"You're good?!!!" I said slightly, raising my voice.

"I don't need a rejection. I understand that you don't feel the same way. No need to explain it" Ginny said finally facing me with glossy eyes.

"Who said I was gonna reject you"