Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Devyn's Pov

"Time, you can come out now"

I heard my mom say time should come out. This made me utterly confused.

I looked over at the others who had the same expression on their faces.

I have a feeling that Scarlett is slowly losing her mind. It wouldn't be out of the norm since her husband of 17 years died not long ago.

But just the thought of Scarlett losing her mind sounds impossible.

"Are you okay ma'am? From my knowledge, time isn't like the fourth dimension of reality. 

It's not something that you can touch or taste". Oliver said just as confused as the rest of us.

She smiled at us. It was more of a smirk but a discrete one.

A small man who looked around 5'5 and in his mid-forties approached us.

He smiled. The small smirk like my mother had just given us.

They looked the same but the man had a calmer aura to him. Somewhat peaceful but I could sense his powerful undertones.

He would deceive a lot of people. Maybe get away with a lot.

" Hello, Devyn, Damon, Gianna, Oliver. My apologies Ginny" He smiled walking closer to us.

He reached out his hands as if to show it

 I was hesitant since I didn't know the man.

It was going to be quite rude to leave him hanging. So I shook his hand. I guess that was common courtesy.

The others watched us paying attention to each move we made.

The air felt thick. Almost suffocating.

The silence that filled the room was not at all peaceful but this kind of silence was loud and uneasy.

He then went to Oliver who was on my left. Our attention turned to him and the short man we had just met.

Even Scarlett paid close attention to the encounter. She waited in anticipation to see what would happen.

In my group of friends. Everyone other than myself was known as hard to get to.

Stubborn in my opinion.

This whole encounter seemed like a peace offering. Almost to say we obliged and will not cause a fuss.

Oliver looked at the man observing him. He looked in deep thought. 

Knowing Oliver he was considering what his next move would be.

After some time Oliver shook his hand.

"Nice grip Mr.Samuel," he said holding Oliver's hand with twice the amount of strength as Oliver had held his hand.

"Thanks," Oliver said, moving his hand away, shaking it off lightly.

Damon was next.

Damon gave him a judgemental stare. On others, they would feel uncomfortable but the man stood his ground. He simply smiled.

This was already enough for Damon. He shook his hand and smiled at the man.

Ginny was the last of us. My eyes went to her. I saw her puffy eyes.

This broke my heart. I've never felt like this before. 

When the man went to Ginny he looked calmer. 

Unlike the others, he approached Ginny with an empathic aura.

He slowly reached his hand out.

He smiled but this seemed genuine. She was hesitant at first but eventually, she took his hand.

"I think it's now time to tell you about your past.  My name is Time." The man said.

"Let's just say I've been good friends with Sarah for a long time"  The can't who claimed his name was time said.

"Who's Sarah?" I asked him confused by his statement.

I saw my "mom" get up from her seat. She got a wine glass and poured the wine into it almost filling the cup.

"That might be me," She said, bringing the glass to her lips.

" You lied about your name too?!" I asked, my voice slightly raised.

"Well yes, my dear. I had to" She said once again bringing the glass to her lips.

"It was a part of the plan, Devyn. We couldn't, anyone, be suspicious of us" Time said.

"Let's just say I've known time for over a century. To others, that's not quite normal, to be alive past the age of 90.

So the only reasonable thing to do was to change my name, start a new life" She said, pouring more wine into her glass.

Apparently, she chugged the whole thing.

"How old are you?" Oliver said

"Not very polite of you to ask a lady's age. I thought we raised you better" She said slightly smiling.

"How old are you?!" Ginny asks her voice fully raised.

She was avoiding saying anything this whole time but I guess it was finally getting to her.

"I'm at the young age of 168 years old," She said slightly chuckling.

I've never heard her laugh before. 

"Young. Keep dreaming" Damon managed to slip out.

We managed to believe them. We saw so much that it didn't feel impossible.

"Are you guys the same age?" I asked.

"I'm as old as the world itself, Devyn dear," He said smiling.

'Is this amusing for y'all? 'I thought to myself.

"I've been meaning to ask. Are you and Ginny together yet?" My mother asked me drunkenly.

A blush spread across my face. I looked at Ginny to see her have the same reaction.

"I would also like to know," Time said, chuckling at my mother's actions.

"You already know. You know everything you dummy" Scarlett said almost whining. 

I heard Damon laugh and Oliver looked uncomfortable.

"I think that's enough wine for you," Time said, taking the alcohol from the drunken lady.

"We'll talk about your child's love life after I explain to the poor children" I heard time whisper to my mom.

I heard whines come from Scarlett as she got up to sit on the couch in the bunker.

" I guess it's time I explain myself to you all.

I'm time itself. You see powers have been around since the coming of this planet. I came around shortly after. 

You heard from Sarah's antics that I know everything. While that is true because of my ability to control time and see what most eyes can't.

There are things even beyond my control. There are forces beyond me. Things that I don't even know.

But there is something I can say.

I'll tell you about the locked away history of the world.

Now sit down. We're in for a long ride" he said.