Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Devyn's Pov

Why was my mom calling her?

Ginny gave us all a look wiping the remaining tears that were left.

She then answered by putting the phone on speaker allowing us to hear the conversation.

"Hello?" Ginny said softly.

We all waited patiently for an answer.

"You and the others go home immediately.

Ginny, you have to go home now" Scarlett said with a panicked tone.

For all the years I've known my so-called mother I've never seen her in this state.

"What happened? Ms.Dexter?!" Ginny said, alarmed by my mother's tone as well.

We stayed quiet and in anticipation. 'Why would my mom call Ginny? ' was all my mind could think about.

"Devyn's dad is dead as well as that stupid doctor that was at the hospital with Devyn. 

The evil foes that you know so little of are after you. For all, I know that little teacher Mr.Miller is dead as well" Scarlett managed to let out. 

You could tell from her tone that she was also scared.

The news of my father who tried to feed me pills to suppress my powers death wasn't hitting me.

I just saw him not too long ago.

I mean the old bastard didn't know what was coming to him.

It took me some time however to digest the news that I had just received.

I noticed the others with open jaws. They looked either terrified or shocked as did I.

"Ginny bring the others I know are with you. I'll send you the location. Make sure no one follows you. Drive-in one car all of you.

This is no time for you four to be splitting up. I will meet you guys there. 

Make sure to be safe" Scarlett my mother said. The phone soon disconnected.

A message coming in of the location she told us about.

Was my mom not an enemy?

Who killed my dad?

The doctor?

So many questions flowed through my mind.

So many unanswered questions once again.

I feel like I should trust my mom. She looks so concerned but the thought of betrayal still crossed my mind.

"What should we do?" I asked the others, focusing my attention on the three of my friends.

"We go. It's the only reasonable solution." Oliver said, unsure of his answer.

"Can we trust her? What if it's a trap?" Damon said.

We all knew Scarlett to be somewhat of a manipulator and a good one, to say the least.

She's lied to us before. We all knew that. The biggest lie is that she wasn't my mother.

But this…

This seemed genuine. She sounded genuinely afraid.

Something that I've never seen before.

" I think we should trust. I'm not using emotion either" I said certainly. 

I did believe I could trust. At least for right now.

"Then we go," Ginny said, grabbing her things.

Even though she wasn't looking me in the eyes it still gave me joy that she wasn't avoiding me.

"Wait, I have a feeling we should take the books and pictures of the ciphers engraved on the wall," Oliver said, putting down his bag.

It only made sense. Our foes were after us. For all, we know they have our location. 

They could take all the information that we have.

We also have no idea what the ciphers say. They could be the key to fixing this whole mess.

We nodded in agreement, taking books up, as well as taking the pictures of the wall.

We drove to the location that Scarlett send

The more we drove the more it looked like we were going nowhere.

Fear washed over us. I still trust Scarlett. But this.

Damon pulled up. It was a field. It looked as if a farm could be on this huge plot of land.

Ginny's location was still on and we came out of the car saying that we couldn't drive on the field.

We walked for a while. In pure silence. The only sound that could be heard was the wind rustling through the grass.

We came in contact with a door that was covered in grass. 

You would have to look closely to notice the door merge into the rock.

We all looked at each other.

There was a button on the door.

It marked " The way to the other side". Not the best choice of words in my opinion.

"They want us to die?" Damon asked, taking the words right out of my mouth.

Oliver shaped his head pressing the button.

A blue emerged from the tiny button. This caused Oliver to step back.

It looked as if it were going to scan us.

"Please be still while I verify your identity," The door said. 

I've always seen these in movies but not once did I think it was real.

Our bodies tensed up listening to the machine.

The blue light started to scan us. Starting from our heads down to our toes.

It suddenly stopped. Which was a signal that it was done.

It took a second before the door opened.

"Welcome back," the door said

We walked in. My mind wandered a bit.

It wasn't out of the norm. Had we been here before?

In another life?

"You're late. I thought I raised you better." Scarlett said to me as she walked closer to us.

The door then shut behind us.

"Gianna, I'm assuming they know," Scarlett said. 

"They do," Ginny said looking down at the floor.

This feeling once again. It feels like someone keeps stabbing me in the heart.

I saw my mom smile looking at me.

"You seem to be taking your husband's death well," Damon said. 

" He wasn't my husband. At least not a real one. I've always known he was a traitor. 

I would say the old bastard got what was coming to him.

My concerns are that you all are safe" Scarlett said.

"It's time we explain," She continued.

"We?" Oliver asked looking, at Scarlett straight in the eyes.

"Time, you can come out now"