Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Third Person Pov.

"Good job the two of you. Next Devyn Dexter vs. Daniela Bethania.

Let's see what you got. Shall we begin?" Mr. Frost said.

Devyn felt her heart skip a beat. Her nerves kicked in.

She began to fidget with her clothes as she scanned the room for her opponent.

As soon as she found Daniela some memories of the first day of the hero course flooded in

Devyn quickly recognized the brunette with pretty green eyes.

 Daniela the girl who Devyn used her powers on. One of the three so-called victims.

Based on what Devyn had heard of these events it was not a good day to be competing against the girl.

Devyn could sense the anger from a mile away.

Daniela stares at her from across the room with her jaw clenched.

Devyn being the person she is immediately started to panic.

Even though she didn't remember exactly what she did, she felt extremely guilty.

Her heart rate increased as she took her bottom lip between her teeth as walked up to Daniela.

As Devyn went closer to Daniela, she tensed up.

She almost looked afraid of the girl who was nervous to even compete in this stupid school activity.

"Umm. My name is Devyn. Umm. I'm sorry about the other day.

I wasn't completely used to -" Devyn said before she was cut off.

"Can you two stop conversing?

 You're wasting my time as well as your classmate's time" Mr. Frost is in such a manner that made it seem as if we were talking for years.

Devyn didn't even want to be there much less spend time talking to any of her new classmates.

'Nerves ' she thought, blaming her problem on anything other than herself.

"Avoiding conflict won't work Ms.Dexter, begin!" Mr.Frost said getting comfortable in his seat.

It was almost as if it was a movie that a little boy is eagerly awaiting.

"Let's see how powerful you'll be without your fancy powers," Daniela said, going to the fighting position.

Devyn shifted her balance trying to copy exactly what Daniela was doing.

A laugh filled the room.

Devyn turned around to see Damon laughing at the girl who tried to copy Daniela's stance.

"Sorry, carry on," Damon said, his laughter slowly dying down.

Devyn shot him a death glare which only caused Damon to laugh more.

Devyn gave up on Damon and turned to face Daniela.

Daniela on the other hand found this whole thing hilarious.

It slightly made her change her views on the girl who put her through that.

It still didn't change that she wanted to fight. Turn her to pulp maybe.

"Let's get this fight over with, shall we?" Daniela said with a smirk planted on her face.

All Devyn did was gulp and return to the position that caused Damon to laugh at her.

"The same rules apply, now begin," Mr.Frost said.

He looked done with everything. It was only his first day.

The fight started.

Daniela balled her fist. Then sent a curved punch to Devyn's temple. 

Devyn didn't even try to block, not saying that she could if she tried.

" Don't kill me, don't kill me" Devyn muttered under her breath.

Daniela heard this.

' Is this girl serious? ' she thought.

Daniela stepped back balancing herself. Bouncing from one leg to the other.

Devyn also managed to regain her composure.

As soon as she was ready to look at her opponent.


Daniela had lifted her knee straight forward hitting Devyn in the jaw.

Devyn crashed straight onto the floor.

All Devyn could say was " I can see the stars" reaching a hand up in the air.

"It was that easy?" Daniela asked as soon as she saw Devyn's weak body on the floor.

"Did you do martial arts or something?!" Devyn asked looking up at the girl who beat her effortlessly.

"I did actually. Anyways, I feel much better now.

 You're much weaker than I thought" She said, reaching a hand to help the girl.

Devyn was both astonished at the change in attitude and offended by Daniela calling her weak.

Deep down Devyn did know she was.

She took Daniela's hand getting up.  The girl who just beat her and was just angry was now perky and happy all of a sudden.

It seemed as if the Daniela she met 15minutes ago and now we're two different people.

"Congrats Daniela on your win, uh, Devyn, go see a nurse," Mr. Frost said.

The girl already knew that she was going to be bruised once again.

Devyn's Pov

Time skip to after school.

I was bruised. I mean anyone could tell by looking at my face.

I hopped into Damon's car. We all planned to meet at the treehouse to see what we could find.

No one had found the key for the ciphers. We eagerly wanted to know what the message carved into the walls said.

"What's going on with you and Ginny," Damon asked looking straight into my soul.

I felt heat come to my cheeks. I knew that my face turned red.

I wasn't a good liar and Damon, like the other, could easily read me.

"I-Its nothing" I stuttered, turning my head around so that I was looking out the window.

"What did you do? You're blushing!!!" Damon said.

"Keep your eyes on the road," I said, trying to change the subject.

"I'm gonna find out what you did," Damon Said confidently in his statement.

"You're not gonna find out"I mumbled under my breath.

" I heard that," Damon said with a smile planted on his face.

We finally pulled up to a stop near the path we would walk to the treehouse.

The more we came here the shorter the journey felt.

I almost didn't realize that we were there.

As we climbed up to the treehouse, I saw Ginny and Oliver sitting down with papers scattered on the floor.

She and I made eye contact. Both of us turned away almost immediately.

"Can y'all stop acting so weird? You both have been off lately, speaking as you guys are the closest" Oliver said almost fed up with our antics. 

"They're up to something," Damon said, perking up.

"You told him?!"Ginny said looking me straight in the eye almost embarrassed.

I gave her a look.

This made Oliver and Damon stop everything that they were doing.

" I didn't," I said as if I were trying to plead my innocence.

 "I'm sorry I kissed you okay. I'm sorry I-

I messed up. I just don't want to lose you" Ginny said, getting up with tears in her eyes.

My heart. Why do I feel like this?

It feels like someone just stabbed me.

I've never seen Ginny cry.

I didn't care that Damon and Oliver were staring at us completely confused.

I just wanted her to stop crying. That's all I cared about right now.

The room erupted with rings. I clearly recognized Ginny's ringtone. She quickly wiped her tears.

She looked at her phone. I say the caller ID.

Why was my mom calling her?