Chapter 18

Third Person Pov

Chapter 18

Everyone came back from the changing room in the suitable attire that the school had set for them.

It was a simple gym uniform. The colors blue and yellow.

 Although it looked simple the clothes were fire resistant and could withstand a great deal.

"Everyone line up," Mr.Frost said in a stoic tone making his way to the front of the class.

"We will have training today to test your physical abilities. We will do this without the use of your powers.

To make sure everyone sticks to this rule, the government has designed and given us armbands to nullify our powers once the users have them on" the man continued holding a box of armbands in his hands.

Everyone lined up and the armbands were placed on every one of them.

Devyn and Damon noticed a shock as the armband was connected.

Mr. Frost gave them a weird look. One that was of suspicion as if this shock was not supposed to be normal.

A wave of paranoia passed over the two as they walked back in the line.

"Now that your armbands have been connected we will start our endurance training. Hopefully, most of you are in shape.

Although by the looks of it my hopes won't budge" Mr.Frost said with a look of dismay seeing the children he had been assigned to teach.

"Let's start with the basics shall we class. Get down and give me 150 pushups" he said to us.

" How are we supposed to do that when we didn't even do a warm-up?" a girl in the back said.

"Well good question. Here's my response. Do you think you get time to do a warm-up in times of trouble?" he responded looking straight at the girl.

Silence filled the room. No one responded to the statement and only kept their heads down.

It almost looked like she had disappeared.

"No answer. Now get down and give me 150 pushups". Mr.Frost said his voice was completely elevated.

The dread of the students could be noticed from afar.

 It might have been Mr.Frost's first day but for the students, it felt long enough.

Devyn had hardly ever exercised at home. She was one of those girls whose metabolism was a power in itself, speaking that she could get by with eating anything and keep her slender figure.

Devyn would be lucky if she would be able to do one pushup, much less 150.

Nevertheless, she tried to like the other students. Even though most weren't successful, in their eyes it was quite the accomplishment.

Once the students were done in their estimation they all collapsed on the ground.

Tired from the work they oh so tried to do.

Damon, who wouldn't like to admit it, found it very difficult for this challenge.

'Who in their right mind gives 150 pushups at 10 in the morning ' Damon thought.

" That was garbage. It's funny speaking that some of you made fun of the two new students about getting in this time of year.

They did much better than some of you who dared to make a snarky remark" Mr.Frost smiled, making a quick glance over to Damon and Devyn.

'That snarky bastard made us exercise to prove a point. I hate him even more ' Damon thought.

"Get some water everyone. It's time to fight your classmates. To see how you would do against an opponent.

I've already chosen your partner based on an overview of yourselves. Be prepared to fight and try to win without those powers of yours" The teacher said.

All the students got their waters and sat down ready for their names to be called to fight.

Damon and Devyn were extremely nervous speaking as they have no experience in this kind of thing.

What they didn't know was that the other students were nervous as well.

Their last teacher, Mr.Miller, who was reported missing used their class time to waste time and boost their egos.

You could say they had a bark but no bite in their situation.

As time went by students fought. Some of them lost badly, and others were afraid to hurt their "pretty faces". The fight looked as if it was being done by 4 years.

Finally, it was Damon's turn. 

" Damon Murphy vs. Valerian Lewis. Both please step forward. In this fight, you can't hit below the belt. It's apparently cheating so, you may begin" Mr.Frost said.

As the fight started Valerian plunged towards Damon at full speed.

Since Damon's powers involve focusing, 

He easily dodged the attack with a swift step.

This affected Valerian's balance as he nearly stumbled.

Before Valerian could regain his balance, Damon stepped back balancing on his left foot, and threw his right fist out in a curved punch towards Valerian's jaw.

It obviously had some effect on Valerian as his mouth started to bleed causing Damon to smirk.

A few saw Damon's sadistic tendencies before but now he wasn't afraid to show it.

Damon smirked looking at Valerian as if he were a predator and Valerian was his prey.

"I want you to hit me as hard as you can," Damon said, standing still in one position.

This lit fumes in Valerian as once again he trotted towards Damon with his fist balled.

Before he could hit Damon, the boy grabbed Valerian's hand, twisting it.

Everyone watched eagerly to see what would happen next.

A familiar glow arose in Danon's eyes. One that was familiar to Devyn's.

It was weird to see since Damon had no access to his powers. 

Both Frost and Devyn looked at Damon with curiosity in their eyes.

"You can stop now," Mr.Frost said aimlessly but it still managed to catch Damon's attention. 

Damon unhandled Valerian.

Valerian collapsed on the ground, shaking and crying as Damon towered over his weak form.

"Sorry that I dislocated your wrist. No hard feelings?" Damon said reaching out his hand to help him up.

It took a minute but Valerian used his other and took Damon's hand.

"Good job the two of you. Next Devyn Dexter vs. Daniela Bethania.

Let's see what you got. Shall we begin?"