Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Devyn's Pov

As I opened my eyes to the sunlight shining in my face I noticed that I wasn't in my room.

The memories of last night flooded in my mind.

Ginny was no longer in the bed. She probably went downstairs.

Normally Ginny would wait for me to go downstairs with her.

I'm just so confused. From all I know, I'm not gay. Am I?

I arose from the bed and went to the bathroom to Shower. 

I got dressed and made my way downstairs.

Ginny's parents were welcoming as always however Ginny avoided eye contact with me.

Did she regret last night?

Did I upset her?

"Come sit down Devyn. We made breakfast. You sit at your usual spot next to Ginny" Fai Sato, Ginny's father said to me with a smile on his face.

He clearly didn't sense the tension that was in the room.

I looked at Ginny as I made my way to sit next to her. All she did was look down at the table.

"Ginny are you okay? You normally chatty when Devyn is over if I don't say" Jasmine, Ginny's mom asked her.

"I'm fine" she muttered.

The rest of breakfast is quite silent. And let's say the silence was too loud for my liking.

I want to talk to her about what happened but I don't know if I should.

When breakfast was over I got up from where I was sitting, Ginny doing the same.

I was going to have to get a ride with Oliver since they have to pass my school to get to theirs.

We then left to get to school.

"Why are the both of you so silent," Oliver asked.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it" Ginny said looking straight ahead of her.

"What happened to Ginny? She's acting weird" Oliver asked me, still paying attention to the road.

"I don't know," I said quietly responding to Oliver.

I then heard Ginny mutter something that wasn't audible on my end.

"What was that? Oliver asked.

I didn't take my eyes off the two of them.

I felt awful. My heart started to feel weird if that was the word to use. I've never actually kissed anyone. 

It just felt weird to not understand how I'm feeling right now.

I feel like I'm letting down Ginny by not speaking about it. I didn't regret anything but I'm just so confused about this entire situation.

" I said it was nothing. Can we move on now?" She said.

"I know that something is going on between you two. Just please work it out, we have no time for conflict between any of us.

We don't even know what evil forces are after us. 

We can't be the ones to turn on ourselves before the villains even get to us. So work whatever you have going on out." Oliver said, we just stayed silent.

He's right though but I don't think it will be that easy. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

The rest of the car ride was uneventful. Once again the silence was unbearable.

I finally got to my stop, Oliver driving away shortly after.

This was going to be a long day. Time seems to be moving so slow today.

I had to face that new class of mine since the situation that I had no memory or explanation of.

I walked to my class and was met by Damon.

"Are you okay? You look pale." Damon said as a greeting.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it" I said.

As I took my seat I could feel everyone staring at me.

It felt as if they were boring holes in my back.

I already felt awful about the situation, the constant stares, and whispers only made me feel worse.

I then heard someone walk into the class. I then looked up to see a man who looked as if he was in his mid-forties.

"Good morning class I'm your new teacher, Mr.Frost.

Your last teacher Mr.Miller has been reported as missing. So in the meantime, I'll be your teacher" he said plainly.

It shocked me how he could just say a teacher who I saw a few days ago was now missing.

I started to wonder if this was a kidnapping done by the government. It wouldn't be that far off.

I wonder what they would do with him. Even though I knew him for such a short time I knew he was powerless.

Funny thinking that we were the teacher for the hero course thinking back on it now.

"I bet she was involved with Mr.Miller going missing. I wouldn't put it past her. Why is she here anyway" a girl whispered.

I knew about the incident and what I did wrong but I had no control.

It angered me, to say the least. I had nothing to do with the teacher being missing.

"Don't worry about it," Damon said to me, trying to comfort me.

I simply smiled at him. His words didn't help but I knew Damon had the right intentions.

 I then heard the new teacher clear his throat.

"And no Ms.Dexter was not the cause of Mr.Miller going missing. 

That is quite a stupid assumption if do say so myself" he said looking over at the girl that remarked.

I smiled looking back down at my desk.

"And before I forget. My power is Sound manipulation. If you're not dumb you can understand my power from its name. Now get changed, everyone.

It's time to train those powers that are given to you.

Unlike your old teacher, I won't just allow you to use them with no proper training.

You will have to earn the right to use your power in my class. We do this by working hard on our minds and body.

I've seen that some of us will need extra help on the mind. Now everyone gets ready. It's going to be a long day" Mr.Frost said.