Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Devyn's Pov

"In simple terms what we are trying to say is that we are the reincarnated four," Ginny said to me.

"How can we be the reincarnated four?" I asked. It may have seemed like a stupid question but my mind already began to spiral thinking about this.

"Listen Dev we were as shocked as you. Even Ginny didn't know about this" Oliver said to me trying to reassure me that everything would be okay.

"Why would Ginny know about this?" I said now facing Ginny.

She shot a glance at Oliver then back at me with a saddened expression on her face.

Why did her mood suddenly change?

"Look, Devyn," she said, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"I knew about the prophecy since I was 8. I didn't know a lot of the details but I knew the bare minimum.

I didn't tell any of you because I was told not" she said with saddened eyes.

'Am I the only one who didn't know about this? Did the others not trust me enough to know ' I thought to myself.

"Did you guys know about this?" I asked with a feeling of anger blooming out of me.

"Ginny only told us 3 days ago. When she found out about you being in the hospital she just told us.

She Was really worried about you Devyn. She still is." Damon explained to me.

I looked at Ginny who looked somewhat ashamed for not telling us sooner.

It was hard to stay angry at her. She never stayed angry at me.

"So what do you know?" I asked her. It would only be fair if I gave a chance to explain.

I can only imagine the burden that she had to carry for all these years.

"I don't think this is going to be quite easy but I'll try. 

At the age of 8, I found out that the people we know to be our parents aren't.

They sat me down that day and explained what went with the plan. Of course, they disclosed most of the details. 

They didn't tell me where we were from or how they got possession of us.  All they told me was that my job was to make sure you guys were on the right path.

Like a guardian of some sort. I'm not what they call the guardians in the book.

I hardly know of them. All I know now is that we are closing in to the time the prophecy will go down." She managed to summarize to me.

I felt bad that she had to go through this by herself.

All I managed to do was hug her.

For the person who randomly hugged me earlier, she was surprised by my action.

After some time we pulled away for what seemed like a very short moment.

I wasn't shocked that I wasn't really my parent's child. It does hurt to know but a part of me had a feeling that already gave it away.

"Is that all the book said?" I asked, turning my attention back to Oliver.

I needed to know more about the books and what we should do. It wouldn't make sense to dwell on what can't be changed.

"The book told us to divert our attention to the walls as they carve us on the right path.

I think they mean the carvings on the wall mean something" Oliver said.

"It may be ciphers," Damon suggested.

"Ciphers are hard to solve especially when you don't have a key to follow," Ginny said.

"They must be left a key. Somewhere at least" I said.

"There has to be a key. They wouldn't have said focus on the ciphers if they knew that we can't find someone to solve it" Oliver said, getting a little bit frustrated.

"It will take time to figure it out but now we should focus on what we do know". Damon said calmly.

"We do know that we are the reincarnated four. So we have to build on that since we know that we have enemies coming our way".Ginny said 

" We have no idea who we are even up against. They must have prepared for years since they have their memories" I said.

" We know now that, that's what we should worry about," Ginny said to us trying to comfort us of the situation.

"It's getting late anyway. We should head home.

 My parents are still there and they are still suspicious about the last time I came home late" Damon said getting up to take up his things.

"Ginny, can I stay at your house tonight? I don't really want to go home with my Dad there.

I don't even know where my mom is-" I said before Ginny cut me off.

"You don't have to ask. Of course, you can come. My parents are home though.

But they won't have a problem that you're coming" She said with a slight smile. It seemed genuine.

I found it funny that we still call them our parents after knowing. I mean after 17 years of calling them that I guess it only makes sense.

We finally left the treehouse. It was almost 8 so I wouldn't say it was late.

The walk to Ginny's was short and not too many words were said.

The silence seemed somewhat peaceful in my viewpoint.

When we got there Ginny's parents were quite welcoming it was hard to believe that they weren't our parents.

They did play the role quite well.

We went upstairs and washed up. Ginny lent me a shirt and some shorts to sleep in.

I then plopped on her bed and the room erupted with laughter. 

Ginny just stared at me and all I could do was stare back.

" You know that I was really worried about you," she said, not taking her eyes off me.

" Well, you don't have to be worried anymore. I'm fine" I said to her smiling. She simply smiled back.

Her hand then met my cheek. I felt my heart start to race. 

' What's happening ' I thought.

Her face then started to inch closer to me. 

As she leaned in I tried to calm my heart rate by tit was pointless.

My eyes started to close and my face began to close the gap between us.

In no time our lips met. Maybe time stopped at the moment when my lips met hers but the fluttery feeling I felt only intensified.

Her lips were warm and soft. They were almost silken and pillowy against my own.

I could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath my nose, fingers carding through her hair as we breathed each other in.

Ginny's kisses are like a black hole pulling you in until gravity is lost under her touch.

I then pulled away, looking at her.

The air of the room was now thick. There was now clearly awkwardness between us.

"Goodnight," I said turning around, closing my eyes thinking about what I had just done.

"Goodnight," she said in a saddened tone turning off the lights.