Chapter 25

(I'm so sorry that I didn't upload last week. I hope you enjoy the chapter anyways :) ).

Chapter 25

Devyn's Pov

I heard those words leave my mom's mouth. I'm surprised that my jaw didn't fall to the ground when I heard her explain.

I've heard a lot of crazy things in my life but this is what surprised me.

I've lived with Scarlett for seventeen plus years and yet I've never seen her express such sympathy.

It almost seemed genuine.

Even though I was shocked by her sympathy I still needed to focus on what was important.

How can people I've not heard about be so powerful?

I mean they do have the right people by their side.

I must admire the thought and persistence that went into their plan.

But besides that, if what we were hearing was true I'll be dead before I face them.


I can't even fight my classmates. I nearly died then.

I can't even manage to throw a punch in a fake scenario.

Why me?

Why trust me with this much power?

I understand choosing Oliver, Ginny, and Damon.

I mean there is the obvious choice to go with.

I'm just a weak dumb-

No, you know what.

I can't come up with anything to make myself better.

My thoughts were cut off by everyone getting up from their seats.

"I'll lead you to all your rooms," Time said.

We all got up. Ginny was right by my side.

I smiled at the thought of our past events.

I have no idea what we are. I want her to be mine of course but is that what she wants?

I didn't want to think of that.

I know that if I made it out of this crap alive I would be needing some serious therapy.

I felt soft hands intertwine with me.

I looked up to see it was Ginny's. My face lit up. Just this small little thing reassured me so much. How is one human so perfect?

I felt my face light up and my glance went down to my feet.

' Coward ' I thought.

I heard a soft giggle come from her. This didn't make it any better.

"We're here," Time said with his normal smile plastered on his face.

Five white doors presented themselves in front of us.

'There were six of us here. Why are there only five doors? '  I thought.

" Damon there is your room, Oliver your room is right beside Damon's, Scarlett and my room are over here.

Oh and finally, Ginny and Devyn your room is to the left" Time said as he started to walk away.

I looked up to the door he was pointing at. That door looked like it was taunting me.

"We are sharing a room?" Ginny asked, slightly concerned.

It was like she's reading my mind. See this is why we work.


"You said that if I ever prevent you two from sharing a room you would kill me.

I mean you can't kill me but I did take your warning to heart" Time laughed.

Oliver was neutral about what Time said. He probably didn't even hear. Knowing Oliver he was swept up in his thoughts.

The only way he would get our attention is if he specifically said his name.

Damon on the other hand was amused by this whole situation. He already started laughing hysterically.

Ginny and I were dead silent. 

Don't get me wrong I'm happy with sharing a room with her but it's awkward, to say the least.

"Oh okay, that makes sense," I said.

I already felt Ginny's gaze turn to me.

I opened the door of our room and led Ginny in.

Even though I closed the door Damon's laughs did not die down.

I was already nervous about sharing a room with her. 

I didn't want it to seem like I was pushing it. It didn't help that I dragged her in.

I could feel my heart rate quicken and my face felt out.

The only thing saving me from looking like a tomato is the brown skin.

Melanin am I right?

"Are you okay Dev? You look a little red" Ginny said.


"Y-Yeah I'm fine. I hope it's okay that we are sharing a room. I'm new to this and all but I need to make sure that you're okay. I don't wanna cross the line and-" I started rambling again but words were cut off by Ginny's lips on mine.

It was barely a kiss. I wouldn't really call it that. Our lips simply touched before Ginny pulled away.

I was left in a state of confusion.

"I'm sorry. I don't know if I'm pushing it with the kissing" Ginny said slightly turning away from me.

 Reaching my hand out to caress her cheek.

"What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Can I kiss you?" I said simply not taking my eyes off her.

Ginny slowly nodded. 

I immediately took that as a sign to kiss her. My lips smashed into hers. 

I honestly have no idea what I'm doing to be quite frank.

I just know that this is what I want. She was what I wanted. 

I wanted to express how I felt towards her but words didn't seem like enough.

My body felt like it was on fire. It was as if this was something both of us were craving.

All these hidden feelings that were pushed to the side were finally showing themselves.

"You don't understand how many times I've been wanting to do this," I said against her lips. 

She smiled and gave me a simple peck on the forehead.

"Well you can do this whenever you want from now on," she said to me.

I swear if I smiled anymore my cheeks would fall off or something.

For the rest of the night, Ginny and I talked a bit. 

Occasionally stealing a few kisses from each other.

I don't know why this girl is making me so happy in this depressing situation.

I just know that I want her to make me happy for a long time.

I want to make her happy.

This was all that mattered right now.

Third Person Pov.

(The following morning)

Scarlett made her way to the teens' room.

"Wake up" She yelled knocking on the 3 doors.

Oliver came out of his room not long after. He looked as if he had been awake.

Scarlett proceeded to open Damon's room door.

He still was fast asleep. The noise she had made earlier didn't seem to bother him.

Scarlett knew yelling wouldn't do anything to the boy.

"I'll shake him awake," she said. It almost seemed as if it was amusing to her.

So that's what she did. 

A loud groan could be heard from the curly-headed boy.

"What the heck!!! I swear-" Damon started before he looked up to see Scarlett.

"Oh, it's you," he said somewhat disappointed.

Now, Damon and Oliver, we're up.

All Scarlett had to do was awake the lovebirds.

She whined at the idea.

Scarlett made her way to their room not bothering to knock.

"Wake up. I swear if I see something that's gonna blind me, I will kill you and myself" She shouted then looked at the bed where the two girls were.

Ginny slowly started to get up. Devyn wasn't budging, however, her grip around Ginny's waist only tightened.

"You've got to get up, Dev" She whispered to the girl.

"But I don't want to," Devyn said, burying her face in Ginny's neck.

"God. Just get up, it's not that hard you learned to walk at 6 months. I'm giving you two 5 minutes.

I'm feeling quite nice today" Scarlett said as she made her way out of the room leaving the door open.

In a few minutes, everyone was outside.

Devyn and Damon recognized the man

"Hello, you four. I'm sadly going to be the one to train you. Now let's get started. 

The sooner we started the better you losers will get"