Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Third Pov.

"Hello, you four. I'm sadly going to be the one to train you. Now let's get started. 

The sooner we start the better you losers will get"

Ginny and Oliver, we're utterly confused. A random man just called them losers.

They did however notice the expressions on Devyn's and Damon's faces.

It was both an annoyed and shocked expression.

"What are you doing here Mr.Frost. How did you even find us? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Devyn asked blandly, not caring about the stares.

"First off, I told you. I'm here to change you. Secondly, I should ask the same question why you aren't in school, but I already know so it would be pointless" He said observing everyone.

"Hold on, you guys know this dude?" Ginny asked, now facing Damon and Devyn.

"Sadly," said the three.

"He's our teacher in the heroes course," Damon said.

"Yeah. He got hired after the last one died" Devyn said with no sense of empathy.

They all just looked at her. Devin didn't seem to get why though.

She just told the truth.

" Let's save the chit-chat. I'm one of your guardians. So as your guardian I will help train you to go up against your enemies.

Valerian and Daniela here will be alongside me to help train you four.

Got that? Yeah. Let's get started" Frost said in one go, not allowing anyone to respond.

"Valerian and Daniela?" Oliver asked, still lost on everything.

"What do they have to do with all of this?" Devyn asked the man

"You know them too?" Ginny raised a question.

"There are classmates for all I know. Why would they be here? Isn't this place supposed to be a secret?" Damon raised his voice demanding an answer.

"Well first off lower your voice. Secondly, they are guardians in training. Like you guys The Gods made them" Mr.Frost said just in time for Valerian and Daniela to appear in front of everyone.

"Hello friend," Daniela said with a smirk on her face as she reached a hand out to Devyn.

Valerian remained quiet with his head hung low. Probably ashamed of the fight he had with Damon.

Devyn remembered how Daniela nearly killed her during class.

She was definitely intimidated by the girl.

"H-hey" Devyn spit out. She almost ran away like a coward.

Ginny glared at the two. Switching her gaze between the two.

"Devyn you didn't tell me about your little friend," She said sarcastically.

"Well-" Devyn started but was cut off by Daniela.

"You haven't told your friend about me Dev?" She said, wiping a fake tear from her eye.

Not only was Ginny glaring at Daniela but now Devyn was too.

Now Damon was stifling his laughter observing the girls.

"Well I don't think I wanna talk about trying to kill me," Devyn said, not breaking eye contact with Daniela.

"She tried to kill you?" Ginny asked as her anger was now apparent to everyone.

"Well, not ki-" Devyn tried to explain

"Please I was going easy on you" Daniela spoke up.

"Shut up! All of you" Mr.Frost began.

"Daniela, that was very unprofessional. We came here to train not to senselessly talk" He shouted.

He now got everyone's full attention. It shocked them, to say the least.

Even though Frost was harsh with his words and loud at times. That yell sounded like he used a megaphone.

A result of his powers.

"Ten laps, all of you," Frost said. His voice now backs to normal.

"I didn't even do anything" Valerian spoke up. Oliver nodded in agreement.

"Does it look like I care?" He said, crossing his arms.

So that's what they did.

Ten gruesome laps around the grassy field.

Everyone seemed to be doing fine.

Except for Devyn of course. She was basically hyperventilating by the fifth lap.

She looked as if she was about to fall.

Devyn of course tried to stop to take a break, catch a breath. Frost just shouted at her every time she tried.

Causing Devyn to be frightened which led to her running again.

By the time everyone was done with the laps Devyn was only on the seventh.

Ginny looked sorry for the girl as she watched her struggle.

Damon was no help as he and Daniela started laughing at the sight.

Devyn didn't like to be laughed at. Especially since Ginny was watching.

She felt the need to prove herself, to say the least.

She felt a surge of power come over her.

Sort of like the day she ended up going to the hospital.

Her eyes turned a hint of blue and a smirk appeared on her face.

Her powers were active. 

She turned her energy as well as the energy around her and channeled it.

This caused the girl to go faster. 

In no time the girl completed all her laps and walked up to Frost with the smirk still on her face.

Everyone stared at her.

Daniela's and Valerian's eyes widened. Daniela taking a step back from the girl.

Mr.Frost stared into Devyn now blue eyes.

Devyn looked straight at him. The blue time over Devyn's eyes slowly faded and the girl was once again tired and out of breath.

"Do I still need to complete ten laps? I did seven. Isn't that enough?

I'm so tired" Devyn confessed as she slowly looked up to see the others staring at her.

She saw a cowering Daniela and the rest of them were just confused or shocked.

Devyn couldn't tell.

She was confused herself.

"Is there something on my face? Look I know I suck at this whole exercise thing. You all don't need to tell me" Devyn said.

It made no difference to them. They all just continued to stare without a word.

She turned to Frost and gave him a look.

Almost to say 'what's wrong with them '.

"Devyn. I hate to break it to you but you completed your laps".