Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Third Person Pov.

"Devyn. I hate to break it to you but you completed your laps".

Devyn started at Frost dumbfounded.

" How did I complete the ten laps. I almost passed out at the start of seven. No offense Frost but I think you got your counting wrong.

And you call yourself a guardian" Devyn said to him as a response to his confusing statement.

"First off, my counting skills are amazing. Secondly, I know you finished the 10 laps. We all watched you do it." He said with a snarky look on his face.

Devyn turned to face the others almost seeking reassurance that she wasn't losing her mind.

They all had somewhat of a sympathetic look on their faces.

"Why can't I remember? God! Stupid brain." Devyn said, hitting her head in annoyance.

 Mr.Frost took her hand to stop her.

She turned to look at him.

"It isn't your fault per se. Well, it is" Frost said, looking her in the eyes with a smile on his face.

Devyn gave him an angered glare watching the older man stare.

"Is that supposed to help me?" She said,

"Yeah, but  I didn't finish. You're an awful memory and you unconsciously use your powers due to your past life" Forst said.

Now everyone had their attention on the two.

Daniela and Valerian not seeming surprised by the information but still interested enough to pay attention.

"I thought Time said the memories of our past lives are forgotten. How can a past life control me? That me is dead!" Devyn said. She emphasized her last sentence which only caused Frost to smile.

"The body is dead. The soul is still a part of you and because of the lack of knowledge in your power, your last life has chosen to take control.

Quite predictable if you might ask me" Mr.Frost explained, causing Devyn's jaw to drop.

It made sense though. Just enough sense to be understandable.

"Why can't I remember? Why does it take over and cause havoc?" Devyn asked, genuinely curious.

"When that part of your soul steps in to control the body, the current soul that I'm talking to now wasn't there to witness what your past life did. Therefore the lack of memory.

To answer the second question. Your last life was an arrogant and cocky bastard. She had a lot of anger issues. A  raging God-complex.

Quite opposite to who you are now" Frost smiled.

"Devyn, you're gonna have to learn how to take control. If you don't, everyone's gonna end up dying again.

A process I don't wanna relive" Frost said walking away from me and towards the others.

Devyn followed him and stood beside Ginny not daring to say another word.

"We came here to train. Each of you will fight against each other to the best of your ability. Since there are six of you here.

The winner of the first matches will go against my prodigies, Valerian and Daniela you all might know already.

The pairs will be Damon vs. Ginny and Oliver vs. Devyn.

Oh before i forget powers are allowed" Mr.Frost said looking at all of us as if he was awaiting an outburst.

That's what he got. An outburst. From no other than Oliver and Ginny.

"How is that fair? Ginny and I have no powers. We all know that Damon is powerful. Devyn, eh. Not so much. 

That's beside the point. How can these fights be fair, if we're at a disadvantage?" Oliver said with his voice raised.

Ginny nodded in agreement. Clearly thinking that the fight set up for them wasn't exactly in their favor.

"Nothing in life is fair" Mr.Frost smirks at them.

Oliver and Ginny sent him a death glare to which Frost responded with a light chuckle.

"But you fao are not powerless. I have your divine objects. I know I said I would wait to give them to you.

We gave no time to waste when we clearly have our enemies watching our every move" Frost said, moving to two cases near his marked car.

They seemed heavy yet the man didn't seem to struggle despite his frail figure.

He set both on the grass.

Everyone watched his every move.

He slowly lifted case one which held two knives of all shapes and sizes and looked up to Ginny.

"This is for you. This my friend is The Sword of Bedelia. I can't touch it myself. Only the true owner can do that unless the owner decides to give it to another.

Now take it" Frost said to Ginny.

"Aren't you gonna tell me how it works?" Ginny asked the man confused as she took the two knives up.

"Nope. That's got you to figure it out" He said plainly.

Mr.Frost turned to Oliver's case.

His focus now is both the case and Oliver.

Oliver stared keenly, not taking his eyes away.

Curiosity was eating him up on the inside.

The case slowly opened to reveal a bow and arrows.

Some arrows were glowing with a bright white or greenish tint of light.

Others were emitting darkness of some sort.

"Take it," Frost said.

Oliver didn't waste time to take it up and observe it.

"Now let's begin, everybody. Just a reminder not to actually kill anyone. That would get me fired" 

Damon and Ginny went first.

The fight was mostly bickering between the two. It was normal for them.

They did throw a couple of punches at one another.

Damon and Ginny were determined. None of them wanted to lose.

Damon used his powers on Ginny. She was strong-willed however and could somewhat determine Damon in all of this.

She took her knife. Ginny felt a wave of power wash over her.

One knife started glowing. Ginny only smirked as if she figured out what her weapon did.

"Why did it get hot," Damon said as he started to hyperventilate.

The swords of Bedelia had the power of fire. She could use it like any normal light or she could direct the fire from within the sword towards her opponent.

The fight ended with Ginny winning and Damon giving up.

Ginny seemed proud of herself.

Damon was disappointed but he tried to look on the bright side of things.

'At least I got some training in ' he thought.

Now it was Devyn vs. Oliver. 

It was unsaid but they were known as the softness of the group.

Damon and Ginny, we're normally the defenders.

No one knew what to expect with the fight between the two.

Both of them got into a fighting stance.

Damon again busted out laughing at Devyn.

Devyn only ignored him.

She wanted to win. There was this hunger inside of her that wanted to understand her power and be stronger.

Devyn threw the first punch which reached Oliver.

He stepped back because of the impact.

Oliver took his weapon up.

He has the same reaction as Ginny. As if he understood what to do now.

Oliver had no intention of shooting the arrow just yet. 

Devyn looked confused but prepared herself to use her powers since it was the only way she would be able to win.

She observed the arrow he held up. It emitted a dark matter.

Oliver smirked looking at her. The guy was a sore loser. He did love a good game.

He just targeted Devyn. 

Since Devyn was paying keen attention she used her powers to strike the arrow away from her.

It didn't work however since the arrow knew its target.

It only came back preparing to go after Devyn.

The girl took a deep breath in. She tried not to pay attention to the others watching her.

She only focused on her opponent and his weapon.

For her to win this fight she needed to manipulate the object. To somewhat break it.

She focused on it and fixed her stance.

It was a hard time but she needed to relax for her powers to work.

Devyn didn't want her last life to take over. She wanted to be in control.

Devyn watched the object crumble. She used her powers and it felt good.

She needed to take down Oliver before he got another arrow.

Devyn thought for a second.

She had the power of the mind. She knew that.

It came to her. She needed to take control.

"Sorry" Devyn mumbled as she reached a hand forth.

Oliver walked up to her, dropping his weapon.

Devyn was the one in control. She knew exactly what she was doing.

"You lose," The girl said, resting a hand on Oliver's head.

"I lose," he repeated.

"Now go to sleep," She said quietly. So quietly that only he could hear.

Oliver did just that. He went to sleep almost instantly.

Everyone just watched the two.

Frost smirked at the sight. Almost as if he were proud.

"Now that we have our winners. Let the final round begin.

Shall we?"