Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Third Person Pov

"Now that we have our winners. Let the final round begin.

Shall we?" Frost said.

Devyn wasn't really paying attention at this point.

She was too caught up in the fact that she won and remained in control.

Up until now, Devyn didn't know she could do such a thing with her powers.

Yes, the power she grew up with.

Devyn felt good in herself. She felt proud, to say the least.

Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. She didn't know how to wake Oliver up.

She walked over to Mr.Frost and tapped his shoulder.

He turned around to face the younger girl.

"What?" He asked in a harsh tone.

"I don't know how to wake him up," Devyn said, almost whispering.

"Oh, don't worry about that. You told him to sleep so he'll eventually wake up. Think of it as if he's taking a well-deserved nap" Frost said simply to the worried girl.

"It's that simple. Well, thanks for the explanation, I guess" Devyn said and casually walked back to the others.

"Now for the final round. Ginny, you will go up against Valerian" Frost started.

Ginny didn't feel pleased. Not saying she thought Valerian was a bad guy. The girl simply wanted to fight Daniela. 

For personal reasons…

" Devyn, you'll fight Daniela. Ginny and Valerian, you know the drill" Frost continued as he took a seat in the grass.

Ginny and Valerian glimpsed at each other as they stepped forth preparing to fight.

"Prepare to lose like a good girl" Valerian smirked as he got into a fighting stance.

Ginny rolled her eyes and carefully held her sword in her hands.

Valerian didn't talk much but when he did it would be something cocky or him just expressing his anger.

His power was quite simply the man could regenerate a body part when called upon.

The only disadvantage he has is that he still feels pain.

It would be quite useless in a fight like this if Ginny didn't stab him.  He had to just use his fighting skills.

There were no real rules to this fight; your opponent just had to be down.

Ginny charged at the boy. She just had to get him down. That was her plan.

If it came in terms of the whole punching each other and stuff. Ginny knew she would lose.

She had to use logic. She didn't know his powers.

Ginny was going into this fight blindly.

All she has to do is hit him at the knees and he'll be down.

Valerian saw Ginny coming and clenched his fist preparing to swing a punch at the girl.

Ginny went closer to the boy preparing to punch her swiftly and used her sword to hit him at his knees.

Valerian landed straight on the ground in shock at what just happened.

Ginny took this time and sat on him so he wouldn't escape.

Then claps were heard from no other than Frost.

"Valerian I gotta admit it. I knew you would lose but I didn't think you would lose so fast. I mean you must've beaten a record" The man said.

Valerian shot a glare at him and Ginny laughed getting off of him.

" You lost like a good boy," Ginny said and strolled away.

A groan of frustration left Valerian as he got up from the ground.

"Now last but certainly not least. The fight we've all been waiting for" Frost said before being cut off by Damon.

"This isn't one of those wrestling matches," He said.

"You've ruined the moment. Anyways Devyn and Daniela are gonna fight" He said and sat back down in the grass.

The two stepped up. Neither of them looked at each other.

Both were afraid of one another. Daniela was scared of the fact that Devyn could use her powers and Devyn of the fact that Daniela turned her into pulp last time.

Devyn knew her powers involved every aspect of the mind.

Daniela's powers were body manipulation. Meaning she could manipulate the energy in one area of the body to another.

This causes double the amount of force in the targeted area of the body.

Daniela charged at Devyn with full speed. She targeted her right fist. 

If she got through with the punch it would surely send Devyn to the ground.

Devyn saw the girl coming with her fist clenched.

She needs to use her powers. She stared deeply at Daniela and the girl went into the air and over Devyn.

Since Daniela was using massive force to run it caused her to be sent flying over Devyn.

Devyn was smart to use her telekinesis abilities on the girl.

Daniela hit the ground pretty hard as a loud thud could be heard.

She didn't give up however as she quickly got up and retargeted her first.

Before Devyn could respond a punch was thrown into her abdomen.

Devyn didn't fall; however, her balance was lost.

She regained it quickly.

Daniela was coming in for another hit. She targeted her legs this time.

Her energy was already going down massively. Which only meant she couldn't keep this up any longer.

Devyn saw her and used her telekinetic powers and grabbed the girl's legged before it kicked her.

With pure focus, Devyn causes Daniela to fall.

Devyn knew Daniela would get up if she didn't hurry over to the girl.

"You'll give up," Devyn said, not taking her eyes off Daniela.

"I give up," Daniela repeated, not moving an inch as she stayed on the ground.

And just like that, the match was over.

Daniela was frustrated that she lost. The class and cheers coming from Devyn's friends weren't helping.

Devyn's vision became blurred and her ears started to ring on the other hand.

She felt a headache come upon her.

"Guys," she said in a low tone.

Before anyone could help her, Devyn fell to the ground.

She was losing consciousness.

The last thing she heard was Ginny screaming her name.

And then everything became black.