Chapter 38: Once the Strongest Man in the East

Going back a few hours, the night of Mwana's awakening might not have been anything special in the Jua village but a shocking event that could shake the entirety of the Kingdom of Toro took place that same night. However, this world-changing event went unknown to the majority of people. Whether it was the ordinary civilians or even high officials, they were none the wiser.

...2 hours before Midnight…

On this rainy night somewhere in the South Central region of the Sword Scar continent, an old man with a lamp in hand was looking out the window of his hut. While the heavy rain did not interrupt his writing, something else had caused him to put down his pen. This old man was dressed in green robes made out of reeds from the lake. He was very thin with his eyes sunken to the point where he looked emaciated. As he looked out the window at the rain, the old man, Mwenda-Kasi, sighed to himself, "How time passes. Are we all nothing before the flow of time?" After putting away his writings, the old man left his home.

Outside the hut, the sky was as dark as the abyss with large clouds moving to cover the entire region. The rain tapped on the lone hut with a pitter-patter but none of it fell on the old man. Looking from above, this hut was the only house in this region with the region itself being a small island. There was neither a bridge nor a boat from this lonely island to the outside world.

However, Old man Kasi simply walked from his hut and across the water as if he was gliding. Even when the rainfall intensified, it did not hinder him as he continued to walk across the lake water with his hands behind his back. A wall of rain moved towards him but it did not faze him. "The rain tonight…it seems that even the sky is crying." There was so much rain that the sound it made when it hit the lake blurred into a long, whistling noise as if the cries of a ghost; it was the cry of nature.

Only a few seconds passed but despite his slow pace of walking, the old man already arrived on dry land. As soon as he arrived, he saw a huge white bird descend from the sky. On its back was a middle-aged woman, a tall muscular dark-skinned man, and 2 young boys who looked exactly alike. The 2 boys looked around 11 or 12 years old and were clearly identical twins each of them having long hair but with their heads shaven at the sides. They were both dressed in thick and warm purple blankets. As for the burly man, he had a more traditional look and was only dressed in animal hide.

The strange thing about all 6 beings at the scene including the bird was that the rain did not touch them. Even stranger, the rain was not deflected by some type of energy barrier but naturally flowed to the side as if that was its original path.

"Did you hear it?" It was the old man who asked this question.

"Yes." The response came from the middle aged woman and was accompanied by a sigh. This middle-aged lady was dressed unlike others in Toro as she was wearing Eastern silk. Her hair was also white, thick and lock-ed. The locks were tied in a neat bundle and covered under a headscarf.

The words that had brought all of them hear were, 'It is time.' These words were uttered by a voice filled with power but also endless vicissitudes. The voice felt as if it came from ancient times.

This place that they had landed at was also an island named Sese Island. However, this island was much larger than the one the old man came from. It was almost as big as an entire province. Off in the distance, the 5 individuals could see blinking lights, the sign of a town. In a flash, the 5 had already covered dozens of kilometers arriving at the town gates. These gates did not have any guards and were left wide open so that anyone could walk in. The town itself had the standard village design instead of an official town design. Its walls were still made of sticks, logs, and vines instead of the rock or even steel walls that most towns had. One could tell that this town was simply a village that had grown too large due to time and prosperity.

As everyone walked into the town, they saw people running for cover from the rain. The clouds seemed extremely aggressive today as they spat out pails of water onto the town. The ground was filled with puddles while the roofs of the houses were soaked wet. However, one could tell that the town itself would have looked like a beautiful Southern village if not for the rain. While the walls were only made of wood, they were reinforced from the inside with whitewashed stone that looked exceptionally beautiful even at night. It was a true 'beauty is on the inside' scenario. The streets were lined with dim lamps with the light refracting everywhere due to the heavy rain. There were many small houses scattered everywhere separated by small streets and water drains. Although the outer edges of the town were a bit disordered, the town got more organized towards the center with the buildings getting larger. This small town and the island it stood on was the origin of Toro. Unknown to most people, this was also where the future of Toro and the entire Sword Scar continent would be decided on this night.

At the very center of the town and surrounded by tall trees, was a grand compound filled with several buildings. At the very center of these buildings was an ordinary commoners hut. This hut was the destination of the 5 people. On reaching the hut, there were already other people kneeling inside the hut. The small hut had upwards of 20 people crammed in it. The 5 were immediately welcomed into the hut by an old woman who seemed as if she was bosom friends with death itself. She was that old!

In the middle of the hut was a bed covered by heavy purple and lavender-colored blankets. These blankets bundled up an extremely old man that seemed on his last breath. He was extremely thin with his bones and joints almost sticking out like a porcupine. His eyes were open but seemed empty as they had been hollowed out by time. His face was full of wrinkles to the point of looking like ocean waves. However, despite how he looked, his body naturally released enormous pressure that kept everyone on their knees. It was not that the dozens of people in the hut were kneeling by choice! Although they would have still kneeled out of respect, it was the old man's aura that compelled them to kneel.

"Forgive me everyone. Even my aura is out of my control now."

"Don't apologize, father!" the middle-aged woman immediately replied while already shedding tears.

"Don't apologize, my King!" At the same time the old man, Kasi, cried out as well. Although he had a stern face on the way here, he immediately broke down after seeing his king's present state.

"Kato my son, come closer." The old man stretched his frail hand towards the door. Everyone else made way as the 5 people moved towards the old man. It was only when they arrived while still in a kneeling position that one of the twin boys took the old man's hand. This young boy of 11 or 12 was also shedding tears like a fountain.

"Father." Despite all the words stuck in his chest, the word 'father' was the only thing he could say. His heavy emotions made it almost impossible to talk.

"Now now don't cry," the old man said while patting Kato's head. At the same time his eyes moved to the second twin who had also arrived at his bedside. "Wasswa, I hope you understand." The old man said with a sigh while patting the boy's shoulder. "Mmm," the second boy replied calmly, he was clearly the less emotional of the twins. These two boys were the old man's youngest children. He was exceptionally fond of them as they had been conceived in his old age.

Today, the old king had a declaration; one that he knew was probably his last. "Kato, in front of all your siblings, uncles, aunts, and followers, I now confer you the King of Muwawa." As Kato kneeled before the old king's bed surrounded by his siblings, such a shocking declaration was made! However, no one in the room was shocked as if they had expected it but if this was said anywhere else, the situation would be different. What did the 'King of Muwawa mean?' Over a century ago, there had been 4 Great Nations in the Sword Scar continent instead of the 3 currently existing ones. Muwawa had been the fourth Great Nation!

Who was the old man to confer such a heavy title? This old man was the former ruler of Muwawa; the Ruler of the 4th Great Nation. He was a man who once bore heavy titles such as [the Strongest Man in the East] and [Kagona, the Dragon of the Central Plains].

As the King of the East, Kagona had been a True King who surpassed the Lord Level. He had ruled for almost 200 years but in his waning years, he was injured in war and what followed was sickness and weakness that led to his country breaking apart. Muwawa split into 4 larger nations and 7 minor nations with the Kingdom of Toro as one of the larger nations split of from this former titanic nation.