Chapter 39: The Great Declaration

The 4 larger nations split from Muwawa were: Butterfly Country [Pepeo], the Land of Enlightenment [Uono], the Nation of Calling [Wito], and the Eternal Night Kingdom [Toro]. Of these 4 countries, Uono had taken refuge under one of the 3 Great Nations, The Golden Kingdom, while Toro obviously had ties to the Dark Kingdom going by its name alone. Apart from these four, there were other smaller lands such as Madi, Kiziba, Buddo, among others.

The Kingdom of Toro was the largest of the 4 larger nations split from Muwawa. Toro was under the leadership of the former renegade Prince Bemba, Kagona's own younger brother. It was Bemba who had led a rebellion against his own brother seeking the help of one of the 3 Great Nations, the Dark Kingdom, to oust Kagona. If not for the help of the Dark King Kunguru, a King level combatant and one of the 3 strongest generals in the Dark Kingdom, Kagona would have never been injured even in his old age. As expected, the glory of Muwawa and Kagona was obfuscated in Toro with Kagona's accomplishments purged from the records and his reputation smeared under Bemba's reign. Some of the 3 Great Nations went as far as to praise the breaking away of Muwawa's former territories as winning a fight for freedom and gaining independence.

There were four Great Wars that led to the fracturing of Muwawa. In the First Great War, Kagona suffered an untreatable injury in his fight against Bemba and Kunguru. As he could no longer sustain the kingdom, the throne was handed over to Kagona's oldest son Mabuku. However, while Mabuku had been a great scholar at the time, he was not as accomplished in terms of martial arts or military achievements when compared to his father in his prime. Mabuku found it hard to live up to his father's reputation and expectedly, he could not triumph over his uncle Bemba in the Second Great War of Muwawa. This further split Muwawa as Mabuku chose to carve out his own nation instead. This nation was Kiziba to the North West of Toro near the Sese islands. When Mabuku died, his brother Kisitu replaced him as ruler. It was during King Kisitu's rule that the Third and Fourth Great War occurred; wars that spanned decades. As time went on, the lands under the former royal family were slowly eaten away by Bemba's force. Similarly, King Kisitu's own spirit of resistance had been gradually eaten away by Bemba's cruelty in war.

A particular incident 1 year ago had driven King Kisitu to the edge. On seeking to conquer Kiziba once and for all, Bemba had set up camp in Budo right at the borders of Kiziba. Bemba's reputation of cruelty and ruthlessness had long intimidated King Kisitu and in his fear, he vowed to hand over his ceremonial chair to whoever could kill Bemba. This ceremonial chair was a symbol of authority and represented the right to kinship. It was that incident that had led to the events of today as it was the young Kato out of all his siblings that had vowed to accomplish the task.

The Old King Kagona looked at his children fondly before addressing Kato, "Child, you are now the King. I also see that you have gained some powerful followers. However, you should only trust in your own personal power from now on. Whether it is national or military power, they are empty. They could slip away at any moment." Sigh. "If there is rebellion, you should be able to quell it yourself by the might of your own fist! That's what I learned in my final ruling years as my kingdom gradually slipped from my grasp. I should have dedicated myself to advancing my martial arts. I was lost in politics and lost focus on what was truly important. Maybe, just maybe, no not maybe but surely, surely I could have become a Monarch with my own power and talent! A Monarch living for 400 or 500 years while suppressing everything beneath them!" Kagona articulated his hopes for Kato and his regrets all in one breath. However, the statement seemed to have sapped away most of his strength.

The Old King then turned away from his children before looking towards two people who were kneeling at the edge of his bed. These two were Old Man Kasi, his former King's Guard and Namu Kana, Kato and Wasswa's mother. "Kasi, I'm sorry I disappointed you. You joined me while young, you put your aspirations in me, you gave up so much but you did not get to enjoy any of the glory." Old Man Kasi felt even more emotional hearing the Old King's words. He was crying like a fountain while begging Kagona not to apologize. Kasi's dignified image had long been lost as he genuinely cried himself into a mess. He had served King Kagona since he was young and had been prepared to share in his king's joys and sorrows.

"My King, although I will probably follow you shortly, I promise to use my last years to keep the young king safe. This recluse of a writer will finally come out of my lonely island. Even if you did not ask me, I will consider this my last mission!" Hearing Kasi's solemn promise, Kagona couldn't help but feel a bit guilty before apologizing once again, "Sorry, old friend." When Kasi heard these words, he cried even more as it was his honor to be called a friend by the Old King.

When Kagona turned to look at Namu Kana who was crying at his side while holding his other hand, he could not help but feel guilty towards her. He had married her in his last years while she still had a long life to look forward to. He would always think that maybe it would have been better if she had not been tied to their waning and troubled royal family. "Kana, you are young. For my sake and your own, please be happy." To his wife, these were the Old King's last words.

On this night, a man who was once peerless under the sky breathed his last. The fall of a legend! Instantly, multiple cries filled the room. Many of the people in the hut were either part of the royal family or the most loyal followers of the royal family. They viewed Kagona, the symbol of Muwawa, like a deity!

A moment after Kagona passed away, a golden light shone from him enveloping Kato. Kato was shocked but he soon felt as if his body was greatly empowered by the light. The rest of the people in the hut were shocked to the point that their cries abruptly stopped. The golden light had illuminated the entire hut. When the light subsided, Kato's eyes shone with a golden color and his aura skyrocketed. The vague aura of a True King emanated from his body!

However, when Kato tried to stand up his body felt heavy as he almost fell down but Wasswa was there to support him. Once the last aura of the Old King disappeared, the people kneeling in the hut could stand once again but they all remained kneeling. Only Kato remained standing as he performed the last ceremonies for Kagona as he was the new heir. It was only hours later that everyone's emotions calmed down.

As Kato turned to address his siblings and family, he was filled with emotion as bittersweet memories overwhelmed him. He was still a young boy yet the few years he had spent with his father and siblings had been filled with sad and happy moments. He still remembered how he cried when he and his brother were sent off to the Masaba Mountains to hide away from Bemba's assassins. The two twin brothers could not see their father or siblings till their decent from the mountains a year ago. Standing before Kato were his siblings: Kisitu the King of Kiziba, Rukidi the Conquerer, Mu the Creator, the Self-proclaimed King Kabaka Mateso, Merina, Suna, Wasswa, and his oldest sister Wada who was the middle-aged woman with white hair in locks. Apart of his twin brother Wasswa, the rest of his siblings were all decades older than him with some such as Kisitu being over 100 years old!

At his young age, Kato already had the support of his brothers' and sisters' maternal clans in addition to a few other major ancient clans. One of his brothers, Rukidi, ruled over Madi, a small country in the Nothern regions. This small country had a prosperous port called Podi which made the nation a financial giant. Apart from finances, Rukidi's support was also important as he was currently the strongest of Kato's siblings. Not only did he possess ridiculously strong martial strength, Rukidi also had a secret but strong conquering army. As for Wada and Mu [short for Muubi, Mumbi or Mbuubi], these 2 sisters roped in their husbands and the clans behind them further increasing Kato's influence.

Looking to his oldest brother, Kato reminded him that he would travel to Kiziba see him after their father's rites were settled. The reason was clear to both of them as Kato would only go there to take over power and unite the South East. In their agreement, Kisitu had conceded power to Kato on two conditions. The first was the promise and responsibility of taking down Bemba while the second was that Kato had to create his own clan. As the eldest living son of Kagone, Kisitu was also the head of the clan and he only conceded power on the condition that Kato formed his own clan. This was so that Kisitu's own legacy would not be erased once Kato took the throne. After all, despite his helplessness towards Bemba, Kisitu had indeed built up a legacy in his over 100 years of life while the current Kato was barely a teenager.

Kisitu answered Kato saying that "En, I await for you to show me, show us, and show the entire world your power. Remember Kingship is earned in Battle". In response, Kato reflected back to their agreement 1 year ago before answering his brother, "I shall keep my promise. I will bring you Bemba's head!" His words were filled with confidence that moved his siblings' and followers' hearts.

'The boy is so young yet he already has the mark of a True King.' Old man Kasi couldn't help exclaim in his mind.

On this day, Kato made 2 declarations that would alter the future of the continent for a long time to come. His first declaration was simple yet ambitious: "I will unite all major clans west of the Great River in 5 years time. Then it will be time for war! I swear we will only have to fight once and we will win!" Kato had thought about it for a long time and he did not want to fight a protracted war against Bemba like his brother Kisitu. If there was something Kato deeply understood, it was that preparation was everything. His second declaration was shorter yet its effect radiated all over the continent. Kato's declaration was that: "Muwawa shall see the light again." At the same time this declaration was made, oracles and diviners all over the Sword Scar Continent felt a shift in the flow of fate!

In response to Kato's words, Kisitu nodded in acknowledgement before adding, "After father's funeral come to the capital, I shall hand over my military at that time. But first, we should take care of those flies outside. They dare desecrate this place!"