
Dr. Understand walks into the dorm and closes the door.


Dr. Understand turns around and sees Darling and Zenkai standing there.

"Oh my god- how are you guys still alive? Are y'all okay?"

"Yeah, we got some help from someone."

"From who?"

"I don't know his name, when I woke up he was already gone. Darling was awake I think."

"Yeah, he said his name was Hago."

Dr. Understand smiles

"Well welcome back now, with you two here our group is at full power."

"Full power for what?"

"Oh yeah you guys weren't here when I talked about it so listen."

He then explained the battle of regions, why they were doing it, what it was, and that they were competing in it.

"Oh seems fun, can't wait."

"I know you can't, they didn't wanna make people wait too long so it's tomorrow!"

"Wow that's great."

"Anyways, how's everyone's training going"

Rai walks up and pulls out Curtana.

"It took me three hours but I finally did it."

"Great job Rai."

He took the sword from her and put it on a counter.

"Who else?"

Shin walks up.

"I managed to open a portal in a second so I got two seconds faster."

"That's good, who else?"

JX comes out of the room all sweaty he then lifts his hand and covers his arm in ice.

"I sat in that room for three and a half hours and I can still make ice."

"Proud of you, JX, go shower now please."

"I think we're all good and Jasmin is equipped with a weapon now and Darling and Zenkai fought a dangerous villain so I'll let them relax for now. I'm gonna head out now gotta do some stuff, bye now have fun."


"Welcome Kuzan, its been a while since you last visited me."

"I'm sorry I couldn't visit but I ran into the Miracle."

"And you guys fought?"


"And you won?"


"So what else can I help you with?"

"I just wanna know why am I the villain?"

"What did you say?"

"I've done everything, I fought the miracle, gained power since the day I was born, I've been the villain but why me?"

The man got up and slapped Kuzan.

"You aren't a Miracle so don't act like you wanna save this world, you're nothing but hatred, chaos, and hell. When this world falls apart you'll be the one to blame."

Kuzan looked at him and apologized.

"You're right, I'm sorry I was born to be the bad guy so I'll play out my role. Just answer me, you killed the Saito clan right and adopted me, right?"

"Yes I did, what about it?"

"Did you already know who I was before you took me?"

"I know everything. The hate Kuzan, The Miracle Zenkai, the broken but happy Sin, the smart Kenji, The quiet Haru, the power stealing Darling, the Time master Dr. Understand, even those two villains you have playing the good guy. I may sit in my separate universe and not leave but that doesn't mean I don't know what's happening in that world."

"So why did you take me, if destiny is already predetermined wouldn't I lose to the miracle?"

"There's no such thing as already written destiny or fate because fate can always be broken. I've bent my fate and you can bend yours as well, who would you rather have a Miracle who brings all good in your life or a Hatred who can destroy anything in its path?"

"I understand thank you for your time father."

Kuzan turns around and a door appears, he enters the door and returns to their world.

"Man I'm bored, I got called the cops on me, I helped a random kid but he called me scary. There's no respect here but imma go back into town."

Sin left again and went back into the city.

"Hey, you."

Sin turns around and sees two guys with the three dudes he beat up yesterday.

"I heard you gave our fellas some trouble earlier.''

"And if I did? What about it?"

"We're gonna teach you a lesson that's what."

"Yeah and we're not like them, they are regulars but were devils."

"A devil, huh?"

"Oh are you dumb? It means we're specials."

"No, being a special doesn't mean you're a devil, it's your insides that make you a devil."

"Yeah, we killed and robbed so I guess we fit your meaning."

"Not really because I killed way more than you could imagine but I'm not a devil."

"Let me guess you killed 1 person on accident."

They start laughing



"In my whole life I've killed 1,250 people, yet I'm not a devil."

"No, you're worse than a devil you are a maniac."

"Yeah man we were just joking about killing people, but your heartless have you ever even apologized?"

"Apologize? For being heartless? Did anybody apologize for making me this way?"

Sin then smiled, his eyes grew wide. He looked at the people and laughed at them.

"Bro you're weird.. We're out of here."

"Yeah, sorry regulars, y'all can handle that weirdo."

They ran away and didn't look back, the regulars looked at Sin and also ran away. Sin just watched them till he couldn't see them anymore then he also walked away.


"What now"

Sin turns around and sees Haru behind him

"Oh it's you, what do you want"

"I heard what you said to those regulars and so-called devils, and you asked Kenji why he does what he does so do you mind also answering that question?"

Sin gets closer.

"Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't I just wanna know but do you think it seems fair you can ask a question but then ignore it when its asked to you"

Sin laughs

"You're a funny guy you know, but to make your answer short I've tried both sides and the things I found on both kept me on this side."

"What did you find?"

"So much beauty in the dark, but a lot of horrors in the light because the truth is sacrifice makes us stronger. Revenge keeps us going and hatred keeps us alive, that's everything that darkness offers."

Sin walked away and Haru just stared at him.

"He is a ticking time bomb, someone full of emotions but smiles and blows things up. People like that are the worst, but I should head back now."