Kanto’s Ace

Dr. Understand runs into the dorms where everyone was sleeping.

"Everybody WAKE UP!"

Nobody listened so he kicked down every door.

"Bro... what do you want?"

"Did y'all forget what today was? Get up and let's go."

They got up, got dressed, and went to the living room.

"Okay, we will be going there like an hour early meaning we're going right now."

"What, why?"

"Because there are things I have to take care of as a ranker so y'all have to come early."

"You brought that up last time as well but whats a ranker"

"Right because of what happened with those villains I didn't get to explain the ranking system so pay attention I'll make this quick"

Everyone sat up and looked at him

"At the very bottom of this list are Regulars the people with no power and are usually weak against us, second-lowest are specials. Everyone with power is in this rank but still can be higher in this list, it's usually a place for weak specials. Third are monsters, they usually live in forests and caves and are stronger than the normal special, above that is where I am; the rankers people who are acknowledged by the world as the strong, we keep them safe. The strongest people are ranked after that are devils, beings who are a threat to humanity. Lastly, and the strongest tier are Gods, currently only held by 5 Gods maybe 6 if you still consider the Thunder God a God.

"Okay so basically you're stronger than everyone but a devil and a god?"

"I'm not stronger than every ranker though, there are three people who are currently above me but I'm sure I'll surpass them soon."

"Oh okay that sounds good I guess."

"Hows the number 1 ranker? He must be strong."

"He is but we haven't heard from him in two years."

"2 years??"

"Yeah, he took an S class mission that was ranked Devil and he hasn't returned in two years."

"Are y'all sure he isn't dead?"

"He probably is, but I have a feeling he isn't."

"A feeling, huh?"

"Okay now follow me, we are heading to Kanto."

Everyone got up and followed.

"Taeju group, let's go we're heading to Kanto. As a ranker I have to head there early."

They all got up and followed.


"Yes Itsuki?"

"I met two people yesterday, they were specials around our age so there most likely gonna be at the event today."

"Okay, what about it?"

"Nothing, but I don't care about our teacher's grudges. Just leave those two to me, you and Flakes can have the rest."

"Okay, I don't care that much."

"Thanks, tell Flakes what I said and I'll show you them if they come."

"Yeah sure, just don't get cocky again. If you think you're losing just call for me or Flakes."

"If I need it I'll call y'all."

They took a bus and arrived there in 10 minutes. They got off the bus and seen some groups and looked around.

"Anyone fighting worthy?"

"Flakes, calm down."

"Come on Yuki, this is a fighting event at least let me pick out my prey."

"Wait till it starts, until then don't leave my sight. You and Itsuki always spur trouble, at least Vannox doesn't bother us."

"That's because y'all boring and weak."

"Are you calling me weak Flakes?"

"Oh not you, Vannox, I was talking to Yuki."

''Okay then imma go find something to eat."

"We're almost there, I can see it up ahead."

Dr. Understand and his students appear at the event and they look around as well, they see a big building that looks like an arena.

"So we will have a 1v1 fighting tournament or something?"

"There are different parts and stuff, we always have a 1v1 part but it's usually the last event."


"Let's head in."

They go through the door and there's a big crowd of people shouting it was that time of the year where the regions prove they are the strongest group. People bid against each other.

"What region you think is gonna win this year?"

"Taeju because they have the great Dr. Kenzen."

"Isn't that the guy who ranked below Dr. Understand? Kaijo is gonna win."

"Y'all both are wrong this is the home of Kanto they'll have the most support."

"I can already hear people yelling but let's go sign in."

"Where are JX and Shin?"

"They were just behind us."

"They probably got lost with the crowd."

"Most likely, let's go."

"Listen up, Kanto group this is our home we can't lose on our turf. Lyssa will lead you guys on the attack since she's an illusion specialist, she could provide aid. Our power hitters, Liam and Noah, will take the first hit and we have two healers unlike the other groups where it was just chosen people. We have a combined strength team."


"What Lyssa?"

"I was wondering if I could go do something real quick before the event starts."

"Sure, hurry up and come here before the first part starts."

Lyssa walks away and she looks around as if she's looking for something, she takes a turn and runs into Taeju and falls over. Itsuki who was standing in front looks down at her

"Hey, there cutie you okay?"

He reaches his hand out to grab her.

"Don't touch me."

She slaps his hand away

"You know that's the second time my hand got slapped when I tried to help someone, what a cruel world. I'll see you around cutie."

Taeju group walks away, she gets back up and starts looking around.

"Man I was sure he was gonna be here today."

She kept walking and she saw the Kaijo group, she looks at him and smiled.

"I knew he would be here, what group is that though?"

"You don't know who that is?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Sorry I heard you talking to yourself so I answered."

"Oh um."

"Anyways that group standing there is one of the fan favorites even though nobody knows the students, almost everyone knows the teacher, they are representing the Kaijo region."

"Kaijo, huh? Any other groups I should worry about?"

"There's the Taeju region as well, they have the great Dr. Kenzen and I heard their roster is pretty strong too."

"I don't know why people keep bringing up the teachers, they won't even be fighting."

"True, but a stronger teacher can usually teach better."

"I guess so."

"Anyways what's your name and are you competing?"

"Yeah, I'm competing for Kanto and my name... I don't see why it's relevant."

"Guess you aren't as dumb as you look, anyways I'll see you on the battlefield Kanto girl."

He walked away while she looked at him Kaijo group appeared behind her


"Oh uh hey sorry I didn't see you there."

She looked at them and then looked at Zenkai, she hid her face.

"I'll get going now."

"Who was that?"

"No clue but she seemed familiar."

"Her face seemed red, maybe she's sick."

"Better for us, she was a special so she's probably competing. Her being sick would be in our favor."

"I guess, Darling, but we can't wish bad on people."

Dr. Understand comes with JX and Shin.

"I found them, they got thrown off the path with the crowd and now the first contest is being announced, let's get going."

They walk into the region competitors area only. From there they saw many people who seemed like 6 in each group, Zenkai looked around and he saw Itsuki.

"That's the guy at Taeju who gave us money, right Darling?"

"Hmm, oh yeah. I hope I get to fight him cause he reminds me of Sin, both cocky."

"He probably wouldn't be cocky if he didn't have the power to back it like Sin, so just be careful Darling."

"Yeah yeah I know."

Itsuki looks around and spots Zenkai and Darling.

"Yo, Vannox and Flakes"

They both looked at him and said "What?"

"Leave those two to me, y'all can have everyone else."

"I already said I didn't care."

"Why do you wanna fight them Itsuki? If there strong at least give one to me."

"No, they just disrespected me. I don't even know if they're strong or not so leave them to me."

"I don't care then, I only want the strong. There yours if it's for something that silly."


"Kanto Vs Chubu."

"Kaijo vs Shikoku."

"Taeju vs Kyushu."

"First Kanto vs Chubu, please step forward."

Kanto and Chubu walked out of their areas.

"Let me explain, this is "Capture the Flag". Each group will have different color flags, you can decide how to split, who guards it, and who grabs the other flag you just have to go find the other group's flag and return it to yours. Now, Kanto and Chubu decide who's guarding and who's attacking."

"Lyssa and Liam yall should attack the rest of us can guard"


Lyssa and Liam walked they looked around but the battlefield kept changing

"We'll never find the flag at this rate"

While they looked around a surprise attack was made on them

"Lyssa move"

Liam pushed Lyssa out the way and he got zapped he fell asleep lyssa got up and went toward him

"Liam are you ok Liam wake up"

He slept there and didn't wake up she got up and looked at the girl who knocked him up

"You'll pay for that"

"It's one on three what are you gonna do about it" said a guy who also came out the corner

"No, it's two on one"

"Huh can't you count"

"Tell me what's your worst nightmare"

"What are you talking about"

"I can help you live that nightmare over and over again"

She looked at him and he fell over

"Like I said two on one"

"What did you do to him"

"Nothing just I'm an illusionist right now he's probably living his worst nightmare and running as if he's about to die"

"That's very cruel"

Lyssa tossed a chain and it grabbed the girls neck and she pulled her toward her the girl dragged through the floor

"Looks like it's about to be one on one"

"Let go of her"

The other guy hand turned to iron and he tried to punch Lyssa she threw the girl into him and walked away

Kaijo and Taeju stare down from the crowd"

"Damn Itsuki she's strong I'm having her since you wanted those other two"

"Ok Flakes do you just dont hurt her face"

"I'll try"

"Isn't that the girl who ran into us Zenkai?"

"Yea it is but I know that I know her from somewhere but where"

"You probably do when she ran into us she hid her face"

"She did?"

"Yea and she was in quite the hurry"

"They were about to announce the event so of course she would be"

"I guess"

Lyssa kept walking till she found where the flag was she hid behind a boulder and see the other three in the group

"Let's just sit down Kanto isn't that strong our members probably already finished of their attacker and finding the flag"

"True Kanto is only famous for their legendary swords"

Lyssa got closer and took something out of her pocket she rubbed it on a part of the chain that was sharp and she got closer again she then jumped out and tossed it and it stabbed someone he fell asleep and she hid behind another boulder the other two got up and started spamming their ability"

"Come out I don't know how you got through our attackers"

"Don't worry about how but what the heck is that"

Lyssa looks at the boy and his hand was now a gun

"oh this here he isn't human he's a robot created by me and hes also the 6th member to join our group in Chubu"

"That doesn't seem fair"

"Life isnt fair sweetheart"

Lyssa jumped to the side and tossed her chains at the robot she cut one of his bullets and scraped his face she then landed and went behind another boulder

"Shoot her"

The robot starts spamming his bullets at the boulder she wraps her chains around the boulder and crushes it

"There's your opening shoot her"

Before the broken boulder pieces fell to the group she screamed and the whole crowd had to hold their ears and the rocks flew toward the robot and pierced him it fell over and started malfunctioning

"Ow my ears what is that"

"Don't worry about it so now your last what ability you have or do you wanna just hand over the flag"

"Um uh I don't have a fighting type"

Lyssa walked past him and grabbed the flag

"I'll see you later then"

She then made it back to her side


"I guess it's our turn"

"Yea I think me and JX should be attackers"

"Huh why only you two"

"Because you and Zenkai got to fight Sin and the other guy and Jasmin isn't a fighting type Rai can be an attacker if she wants"

"I'll just be a defender thanks tho"

"Ok it's decided Zenkai Darling Jasmin and Rai will guard and JX and Shin will attack"


Team Kaijo walked forward and JX and Shin started looking for Shikoku's flag