
Hiro ran toward Anbu and lifted his hand in a striking position and clashed with Anbu's sword. they repeated the striking and Dr. Understand came from the other side throwing a punch he missed as he joined the fight Dr and Anbu moved in a synchronized method and started fighting with Hiro. Hiro put some distance between them and threw his swords at them made another one and threw that one as well he then jumped up and came kicking down, Anbu's dragons shoot out some flames and change his path Dr. Understand runs toward Hiro and throws a punch at his face sending him back.

"You got a mean hook time master," Hiro said as he started flying toward one of the planets and broke it and kicked all the remains toward Anbu, and Dr moved in front of Anbu.


"This is getting annoying let's return home" Hiro then reset Anbu's world again and they returned to earth

Dr. Understand started floating up and put two fingers to his face and a giant clock appeared behind him.

"Chronokinesis: Timekeeper's Hand"

The giant hand on the clock came off and pointed toward Hiro.

"Time freeze"

He struck the hand down and made a giant dent in the floor Hiro stood.

Dr. Understand landed and looked around.

Back to Zenkai:

"Hey Hikari are you ok" Zenkai said as she stood there frozen he ran out the castle and everyone was still.

"This is like Dr. Understand power is he here right now?" Zenkai started flying up and flew around the country in an instant and returned to the floor.

"It's everyone."

*A few moments before time got frozen*

"Hey, you're kinda cute what's your name" a random lady said at a club

The man looked at her and grinned.

"Call me Sin."

"That's a unique name, I like it" she said touching his face she then froze and Sin looked at her he looked around and everyone else was also frozen he walked out the club and looked up and saw someone flying over him and recognized who it was he then followed him.

Back to Dr. Understand:

"Did I get him"

Hiro appeared behind Dr. Understand and tried to kick him but Anbu grabbed his leg.

"You're not the only one who can move in stopped time," Anbu said as his dragons came down with another swift attack pushing Hiro back.

"Stopped time huh so that's what this is to think it doesn't affect me my beloved God did create me with too much power"

"Your beloved God?" Dr. Understand replied

"Oh my origin I'll tell it to you since you're gonna die soon anyway"

When Takemikadzuchi was banished from Heaven he came to this world the one we stand on and traveled, he was the first person to walk these lands and y'all disrespect him, anyways he touched the dirt on the land and noticed how it took many forms and he created a being out of it and brought it to life that being was me he filled me with power to do many things but he sealed away half of it and he gave me a job to watch this world and left me, I became the second being to walk these lands. I tested my power and did many things then I decided to use my power and see how wide it can be so I made that universe we just came out of and decided to sit there and watch the world from there. That's how I came to be you could see me as the guardian of Earth.

Dr Understand looked at Anbu then looked back at Hiro "damn you old."

Hiro started floating up again and flew toward Anbu's black dragon and hopped on its back. The dragon moved around uncontrollably trying to get Hiro off, Anbu jumped toward his dragon throwing his sword at Hiro but Hiro caught it.

"Thank you."

He then used the sword to stab the black dragon in back and blood came out of it, it fell to the floor he jumped off and landed.

Anbu ran toward the dragon and watched it breathing hard he got up and grabbed his sword out of its back and walked toward Dr. Understand.

"Is there a range on your time stop"

"No my range extend to areas beyond the universe every world in it is frozen right now and everyone who is affected by the flow of time should be frozen."

"Ok good" Anbu said he then put his fist out as a fist bump for Dr. Understand.

"Let's go crazy just like old times" he said

Dr. Understand smiled and put his fist out for Anbu as well. "Yeah, let's do this."