Dr. Understand

Anbu threw his sword at Hiro but Hiro moved out the way, Anbu continued running and put his hand up and moved his fingers in a circle his sword circled back around and came from one direction while Anbu came from the other Hiro did a flip over the sword and it came flying to Anbu's face. Anbu tilted his head grabbed his sword and stood on it while he made it fly around the sword went up with Anbu he then jumped off and landed on his Gold dragon back and walked to its mouth the dragon opened its mouth and Anbu went inside he then pulled out a with a gold katana with a black dragon on it. He let it go and it started floating around him he jumped up and the black blade also came flying behind him he sent both of them toward Hiro and they started circling him Dr. Understand came from below and kicked his leg below but Hiro jumped over it and moved out the path of the sword he then gave a serious strike to Dr. Understand's chest sending him back. Anbu tried to punch Hiro in the stomach but his fist was grabbed he tossed a left hook but Hiro grabbed that as well, Anbu tripped Hiro then elbowed him in the chest sending him to the ground hard both his swords came flying to him and he grabbed it as he tried to strike down Hiro moved out the way and did a flip off the ground and struck a kick to Anbu's face. Dr. Understand was using this time to create more clocks as Hiro turned around he looked up and saw Dr. Understand floating with 5 clocks behind him all of the hands-on the clock came off and pointed toward Hiro.

"Timekeepers strike" all five of the hands rushed down at Hiro and he dodged one then another and another but one of the hands did a serious cut on his shoulder. He grabbed his shoulder and started running dodging the rest of the attacks. Anbu ran after him with both his swords in his hand he jumped up and tossed a sword to Dr. Understand who was running toward Hiro at the other side. Dr. Understand grabbed the sword and came face to face with Hiro who had Anbu coming from behind.

Hiro smiled as he stopped and put one hand to face Dr. Understand and another at Anbu he closed his eyes again as both Anbu and Dr. Understand threw the sword they had at him. Anbu moved his hand to keep the sword in a straight path. Hiro opened his eyes grabbed Anbu's sword did a flip over Dr. Understand and stabbed him in the heart. Dr. Understand stopped and moved his hand to his chest trying to reset it but he already lost too much blood and couldn't focus his aura but tried to conceal much of the blood so he didn't die right away, he dropped to the floor and looked up as Anbu came running toward him and looked at Hiro opening a portal and trying to walk through it. Anbu yelled and ran toward Hiro and reached out to him as the portal closed and Anbu fell to the floor he got back up and ran to Dr. Understand.

"Stay with me Dr. I'll get help"

Dr. Understand spoke "train the Miracle"

"What did you say?" Anbu replied.

"I have the ability to track whoever I mark that's how I found you if that person dies the contact disappears, I have seven students back in Kaijo but six of the contacts disappeared one of them is the Miracle who'll fight at the Coming chaos at first I thought it was Darling but when we got attacked at the bridge it became clear it was Zenkai and he's the last one alive right now find him and train him he's at Jadia right now," Dr. Understand said

He then put his hands together and started the flow of time again

"That's all I can manage to do right now" he said then his hands fell to the ground and he laid there lifeless.

Anbu cried for his fallen friend the only person he ever considered a friend died in his hands he digged a grave and put his body in then made a headstone and scribbled some words on it.

"Here lies the Great Time Master now declared the second strongest Ranker in the world he was a great friend and even better hero R.I.P" Anbu put the headstone down and got on his knees he put his hands together and closed his eyes he then got up and started his path to Jadia.