There are many things that I regret in my life so the orgy on my arrival at the Expert level is not the worst thing I have done, even so, it is problematic that Raden and his brother started saying stupid things about taking responsibility being that blame it on Jenazad.
Jenazad reportedly said that I have excellent genes that will make it possible to form suitable descendants for the Tidat family, which is why several of the women I slept with within that orgy were illegitimate daughters of the Tidat royal family.
I hate politics, I hate politics so much, the word hate doesn't accurately describe how much I hate politics so I hate the damn situation I got into for not being careful and thinking with my crotch.
The most disturbing thing about it was that the pair of brats Sham and Hartini started looking for me while calling me 'Danna-sama'.
Education in Tidat makes women subservient to men so now they see me as the man they will be with for the rest of their lives.
Rimi thought they would be good girls for my harem as they were raised to be obedient and talented in martial arts.
Rachel found it amusing so she told the girls to call me Danna-sama after learning about Japanese culture with Rimi.
The pair of blondes motivated the pair of brats to chase me and now people think I'm a pedophile.
Rumor is spreading that I have a liking for little girls and mature women. The latter is true but the former is a vile lie.
It's funny that even martial artists are not exempt from gossip.
My relationship with Rimi is known and surprisingly Ryuto did not bother with it, instead he gave me his blessings and warned me that he would kill me if I hurt Rimi, it is like an older brother who cares for his little sister what it seemed to me funny since Ryuto's rival's sister loves me too.
These days I have not contacted Shigure or anyone from the Ryozanpaku since I am not supposed to remember them, even so I was able to get information about Yami's movements since I have related to most of Yami's disciples.
I still don't know all the teachers, but at least the disciples were easy to meet. What bothers me is that one of the female disciples looks at me like she's some kind of scary predator who wants to eat her.
Her name is Chikage Kushinada and she is the disciple of one of Yami's strongest people. Chikage is a genius girl the same age as Honoka and she is quite adorable as a little animal.
I couldn't help but find her cute so I played around with her a bit and we got along when we first met, but when she heard of my exploits corrupting a couple of little girls younger than her, Chikage started avoiding me.
It's unfortunate since I really liked patting her head and feeding her candy, but I have other issues to deal with.
Yami gave me my first mission which will be with the armed division. The relationship between Yami's two divisions is strained to the point of being almost hostile, unarmed martial artists view people who use weapons as garbage, while armed men regard the unarmed as scum.
I am the only one who took the path as a weapons martial artist who also practices unarmed techniques so I am in the middle.
I have put a lot of effort into my acting skills so that my charisma makes both divisions not reject me for my choice which has made me friendly with both groups.
Somehow I became friends with most experts at the Master level and below, the Super Teachers are only interested in my potential except for a couple of Super Teachers with whom I have managed to create a certain friendship.
The mission is to go to the Ukrainian border to pressure the region's mafia to join Yami.
As I am leaving, the disciples of Yami's unarmed division will go to Japan to start facing Kenichi which will obviously help Kenichi's growth.
As for why Yami doesn't send an army to eradicate the Ryozanpaku is something I will never understand. They're just giving them time to get stronger while gathering more allies, but that's something I'll never say since I don't want Yami to hurt my pretty Shigure.
This mission will be of great help since I will be able to avoid the persecution of the women of Tidat who do not leave me alone.
Rimi insisted on following me, but I convinced her to accompany Rachel so she wouldn't feel alone.
Rimi is a girl in need of approval so she worries me that she will try to trick women into my harem just to earn praise, so I want Rachel to hold her back.
On the other hand, Rachel is carefree but in reality, she has a lot of attachment for her friends so she will take care of Rimi.
Interestingly, Rachel has dropped some of her exhibitionist tendencies as she is beginning to develop feelings for me. I'm sure I could get Rachel to enter my harem if she would confess to her, but that would make her abandon me when the time comes for my memory recovery that will make me reconcile with the Ryozanpaku.
I plan to use Kenichi's weft armor to my advantage. Kenichi's idiot ability is useful for getting allies and making enemies reconsider, so I want Kenichi to use that ability to make Rachel stop looking down on people who are not willing to kill, but it will be problematic if Rachel passes for full evangelism so Rimi will serve as an anchor that holds the ideals that killing is right in Rachel's heart.
There is also the risk that Rachel might develop feelings for Kenichi due to the plot armor so I made sure to leave a permanent mark on Rachel's heart.
In one of our training sessions, I took advantage of Lucky Pervert's ability to steal an 'accidental' kiss from Rachel.
Rachel is not the kind of shy girl who would faint from touching her hands, even if her first kiss is meaningful that wouldn't be enough to leave a permanent mark on her heart, which is why I had to act like the situation was embarrassing to me, but without showing regret.
Instead of apologizing like I'm sorry for what happened, I had to act shy like a silly girl who gets her first kiss. Although Rachel (and possibly all of Yami) knows that I have an active sex life, the fact that I show shame with her will plant the idea that she has a special place in my heart.
Even though I had to vomit until my stomach was empty due to the disgust I felt against myself for acting like a fag, it was worth it as Rachel not only acted more affectionate with me, she has been more careful with her own appearance and for the first time, she seems annoyed with other men looking at her body.
To prevent Diego from coming to bother me that I am obstructing Rachel's training, I helped Rachel improve her reflexes through training matches where she had to evade my throwing knives.
It was dangerous but Rachel seemed excited so everything was fine.
I can let Rimi and Rachel travel to Japan without worry, but to avoid unforeseen situations generated by the stupid plot armor I have prepared several contingency plans that include a secret message for Izumi.
I wrote a song for Rimi that she usually hums when she walks.
Izumi has the task of being attentive to any possible member of Yami so the arrival of the disciples will catch their attention, when Izumi can hear Rimi humming he will be able to identify her as one of my lovers since the song is a sign that I prepared with Izumi.
I prepared a couple of plans in case he will take some of Yami's female disciples as my lovers and for some reason, they end up arriving in Izumi city.
When you understand the operation of the plot armor then many plans can be made using the protagonist as a reference point which makes me grateful to Kenichi
As a form of payment, I will make sure to make his mother and sister happy.
Once Izumi can identify Rimi and Rachel then she can use her connection to the Ryozanpaku as she takes advantage of Kaname and Kisara to make a girl group. Although they are enemies, they are also young girls, so there are several issues that can unite them, such as shopping.
Since I could raise more money in Yami, I left most of my money with Izumi, some of it went to Shigure attached to the secret farewell letter, I also left an envelope for Renka and the last was a farewell gift for Miu which It will make her heart feel guilty for turning the back on me.
Thanks to the plot armor I am sure that Yami's disciples will not immediately turn hostile and will even associate with Kenichi in such a way that several of them will become friends with Kenichi or at least have a relatively friendly rivalry.
To prevent Rimi's loose mouth or carelessness from the other disciples from letting the Ryozanpaku know that I am now in Yami, I made sure that everyone had a habit of calling me Kuro instead of using my real name.
It is still possible that things will go wrong and someone will say my identity so I have to quickly strengthen myself for the disaster that could come.
So I am a little excited about this mission in Ukraine. I will be able to take a moment to go to the apocalyptic world to improve, then I will use the excuse that the combat experience in Ukraine helped me to break my limits which allowed me to reach the limit of the Low-Class Master level, one step closer from the Master class.
This will attract the attention of Yami's teachers who will want to take me as their personal disciple, which will bring problems.
Ogata won't be upset if I left him as long as I follow the path of 'pure' martial arts where hatred must not stain martial arts.
My idea is to attract Chikage's teacher because even though I haven't been able to see her in person, Chikage gave me a good description of how she looks and her personality.
I honestly liked what I heard and I have a feeling that I can make Chikage's teacher a good ally as long as she can give her the right benefits.
What is better than a Ki enhancer?
I won't give her Rasen unless she can fully ensure her loyalty which is almost impossible considering Chikage's description, but it could help her use Hamon.
Kaname, Kisara, the Valkyries, and Rimi are already learning Hamon, I just had to stimulate their respiratory systems with Hamon and then give them instructions on how to train him.
It is beneficial for health, vitality, and strength so they have even become more beautiful, an additional benefit that gave me a pleasant surprise.
For now, I have not given it to Izumi since her body could not bear it so it will be later. I need to get acquainted with Renka and Miu so I didn't give them to him either, as for Shigure, I'll give him Rasen when this is over.
I made a lot of preparations but my stupid undiagnosed obsessive disorder makes me unable to stop making new plans for hypothetical situations which is a fucking headache.
At least I will be accompanied by several beautiful women on this mission which ensures a bit of distraction while I try to conquer them.
At what point did I begin to see the conquest of women as a way to kill time?
Shit, I am more rotten every day.
Well, it doesn't matter, if you can't face it, just enjoy it.
The team for this mission is led by a Super Master level teacher and one of the main members of Yami's armed division, Mildred Lawrence.
A beautiful blonde woman who embodies most of my fetishes, a bit tall, slim figure, well-defined abs, a round butt, and big breasts. Her eyes are striking since she has a double pupil which somehow gave her an amazing precision but also makes her sensitive to light so she always wears special glasses.
Mildred is the only Super Master level teacher that I got along with within the armed division because well, I love her body and I couldn't let her go.
We get along well as she is a master of archery while I use throwing knives as a secondary weapon, aiming made us friendly.
I'm taking advantage of the fact that she has a slight complex with her eyes. Mildred usually wears revealing clothes not only for comfort, but it is also so that other people do not notice her eyes since she seems to have a childhood trauma which I can exploit to make her my cute sniper.
Mildred brought in her disciple to gain experience, a cute blonde girl with big breasts named Olivia.
Olivia is at the High-Class Disciple level as Miu although she is weaker than Miu, she is cute so she is also my target. I plan to use the nature of my meditation technique to make Mildred and Olivia feel they need to help me when I move up to the Lower Class Master level.
Actually, that is not necessary since I did a breathing technique with the Hamon that allows me to counteract the side effects of my meditation technique so as not to lose control of lust again, I learn from my mistakes. Still, it is a convenient excuse.
In addition to Mildred and Olivia, we are being accompanied by a Master level Japanese bow master and her three disciples, I do not know the name of the master as she does not usually speak. Her disciples don't talk much to me either since my reputation is not the best among Yami's women, although I don't think much of them either.
Icould say that they are a group similar to the Valkyries and if I include them in my harem it will only be to complete numbers.
Since a group consisting of only ranged attackers is a bad idea, I and someone else will take care of the defense.
A beautiful Japanese woman dressed in samurai armor named Izayoi. Like many of the women into martial arts, Izayoi has put her femininity aside from her so I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't care if anyone saw her naked.
Despite that I am sure that she has a complex with her lifestyle, I think she wants someone to show concern for her as a beautiful and delicate woman who deserves care and affection.
I'm still not sure of everything Izayoi's heart hides but it is my second priority objective on this trip after Mildred.
Something interesting is that Izayoi has no problem approaching me despite my bad reputation which shows that she doesn't feel that anyone might be interested in her.
If I show interest and care I am sure I can win her over, but I have to do it in such a way that she is willing to betray Yami for my sake.
Yes, this will be an entertaining trip.