I had not checked the full extent of my strength since I came to this world of martial arts and now that I notice it, I am further and further away from being considered human.
"How are things over there?" - Mildred's voice sounded through the communicator in my ear.
"Clear zone, moving to the next checkpoint" - I spoke in a monotonous voice like a machine.
"Affirmative ... Hurry back ... And be careful" - Mildred's voice was awkward as she kept her tone professional.
In the last week of the mission, I have become close to Mildred and Izayoi to the point that we can be called more than friends less than lovers.
It was easy to get close to Mildred, I just had to use the same tactic as with Saori of acting like a clumsy boy who fell in love with an older woman and didn't know how to express her feelings. The main point was to show that I liked her double pupil eyes which honestly look interesting.
If she only showed that I am a shy fool she would see me as a lovable child so I have put effort into showing that I am a trustworthy man.
Throughout the trip, I have been in charge of food, equipment repair, first aid, enemy tracking, information analysis, helicopter maintenance and I even had to face my biggest enemy, paperwork.
Mildred joked that many martial artists developed strange attitudes and mine could be work addiction.
I can't deny it, if I stay still for a long time I start to feel anxious as I feel that the breaks are a waste of time that I could use to create plans, do maintenance, or seduce women.
Currently, Mildred sees me as a trustworthy person who appreciates her, pampers her, and shows her a certain affection for what so she has begun to perceive me as a male figure.
Something interesting that I have discovered about female martial artists is that most of them renounce their femininity while walking the path of martial arts, cases like Rimi where her appearance and her strength are just as important to her are strange.
I admit it has been unpleasant having to act like a compliant servant just to make these women feel comfortable with me.
The idea is to show that I am willing to do my best to make them happy, but not getting to the point of losing my balls acting like a stupid mat that they can trample on, I'm not going to act like Mr. Ichijo's stupid son.
Even if I can act with a complacent attitude towards these women, I will not be submissive to their whims so I have made it clear that this is an equal exchange, an example is that if I make the food they must help to set the table and wash dishes.
Something interesting is that Yami's teachers encourage discipline among their disciples by making them independent, so most of them have a minimum of skills in housework.
Although most martial artists focus so much on combat that they forget other aspects such as cooking. In the Ryozanpaku only Miu was able to cook and that only when it was simple food.
One time Shigure tried to make a Japanese hamburger and it was a mess that I had to clean off the walls and ceiling.
In Yami, it is worse, since they have the resources to hire the best chefs so less than 10 teachers in all of Yami know how to cook.
Most can do simple things like cook fish over a campfire or make rice with an automatic rice cooker (most teachers are Japanese), but when you ask them to do a proper preparation to balance the flavors then they will think you are speaking to them in an alien language.
So far only Ogata has shown me how to cook since he was previously secluded in the mountains and learned to cook.
Because of this, a person who is skilled at manual work is an attractive resource that many teachers would like to bring along on their missions, especially if the person knows how to protect themselves from becoming a burden.
When this mission ends I can already see how a discussion begins between the teachers to take me during the missions.
How troublesome.
Anyway, leaving aside that I am a kind of human Swiss army knife, the reason why Mildred sounds uncomfortable when listening to me is that in this time together she has become fond of me so using me as a tool causes her a feeling of guilt.
Yami's higher-ups know about my brainwashing so it's no exaggeration to refer to me as a tool. In the current team, only Mildred knows about this, the rest believe that I have a divided personality and that is why I behave like an emotionless machine when Mildred gives the order.
I had to hold back my smile when I saw Mildred biting her lip guiltily after ordering me to attack a rebel refugee base that opposed the Ukrainian government.
Yami and Ukraine began negotiations, the government asked Yami to take charge of the rebel forces within its territory, as well as to expel the foreign military forces.
This is shit about international relations and other bullshit that I didn't even bother to understand.
Did I mention that I hate politics?
The point is that we had to destroy a refugee base filled with armed rebels and innocent people alike.
Now comes the interesting thing. Despite the fact that Yami is something of an evil organization that seeks to dominate the world, most martial artists who follow the fist of death are not willing to kill innocents. Only psychopaths like Jenazad can kill innocents casually.
Despite my shitty attitude, I'm still not a complete degenerate who enjoys killing innocents. Still, I can adapt to the mentality of a soldier who takes orders from his leaders even if they go against my principles.
I am someone who thinks of benefits above all else.
Mildred was self-conscious about what she should do. If they took their time they could enter the base, eliminate the armed rebels, and then subdue the rest without taking innocent lives.
I was sent to reconnoiter the base, in this team, I am the only one with stealth and infiltration skills. No one doubts my capabilities since I have done demonstrations at Yami's base.
Once at the base I saw that the operation could be carried out with ease, even I could finish off the armed people while threatening the civilians to end this with the fewest casualties. On the other hand, this was an opportunity.
Navi started laughing like a maniac when he saw my actions which makes me doubt if I have really gone psycho.
True to my words that the end justifies the means, I attacked one of the rebels without covering myself to be seen and starting a shootout. I texted Mildred saying this was an ambush, someone had set us up, they were using civilians as shields as they know we are not willing to harm them so they already know us.
Mildred was furious, she is an impulsive woman and a bit childish so in an act of fury, she gave me the order to attack everyone at the base while she and the rest of the team supported me with ranged attacks.
To say that it was a massacre is an understatement. I honestly felt sick of myself for causing the deaths of dozens of innocent civilians only to make Mildred feel guilty about becoming a murderer who abandoned her own path as a martial artist.
Before Mildred and the others arrived, I put together some documents that mentioned the relationship between the Ukrainian government and Yami, I burned most of those documents almost unrecognizable just leaving a couple of clear words.
Words out of context are a media weapon that can ruin lives, using the false publicity tactics employed by journalists I led Yami to believe that the Ukrainian government joined the recent UN-led group to take down Yami.
Mildred felt horrible as after getting out of killer mode I started showing symptoms of PTSD as if the fact that I killed women and children had left an emotional scar on my heart.
I actually felt a bit guilty, but I can get over it with a night of drinking and a couple of women.
Mildred wanted to apologize, but she didn't know how to do it. She was worse when my lie began to escalate and now our squad is in an armed conflict with the rebel group and with the Ukrainian government at the same time.
Yami will send reinforcements in four days to take control of Ukraine by force. I feel strange for causing a civil war just to win over Mildred ...
I am currently in a warehouse in the government armed forces. Izayoi and I went inside to finish off the soldiers to empty a vault of gold.
Yami not only makes money through deals with different governments and companies but they also loot those who oppose them, showing that the only reason they haven't conquered the world yet is because of the stupid need to prove that they are the strongest martial artists.
If Yami focused on world dominance instead of wanting to beat the Ryozanpaku then they would have already unified half the world.
Things are going perfectly which allows me to go to the next point in my plan to kill two birds with one stone.
Izayoi has a bad habit of neglecting his safety when fighting and focuses on eliminating the enemy. The care that I have shown for Izayoi the last few days has paid off and if I asked her she would enter my harem without hesitation, but it is not enough, I need her absolute loyalty and I have the perfect plan for that.
I left a soldier alive after beating him a bit, the subject is pretending to be dead while he holds a weapon that I 'accidentally' leave nearby. Before throwing that gun down I made sure to get half the powder in the bullets as insurance as you are never too careful.
I'm about to meet with Izayoi, she tends to get distracted when she is near me so it will be an excellent time for the soldier to shoot her. I will intercept the shot and get hit in the head which will leave me in a coma.
By combining the Ki, Hamon, and Rasen I can put a protective energy membrane under my skull, the bullet will go through the skin and bone without damaging my brain so I just have to lower my heart rate to make it look like I'm in a coma.
I did a lot of experiments to prevent something unexpected from happening which makes me wonder if I have a suicide complex, first I had a lobotomy and now I'm going to get shot in the head.
Mildred already feels very guilty for turning me into a people killer out of the way of martial arts so this will tie her to me under a guilt complex which I will later transform into a twisted dependent love like Rimi.
Izayoi will be in a similar situation, I just have to make sure that she doesn't develop extreme guilt that causes her to turn away from me or even commit suicide.
As for Olivia and the other archers, I don't have much interest in making preparations with them and will only take them after my awakening in 3 days according to the timeline of this world, just one day before the arrival of the reinforcements.
I will wake up and show a power surge that will put me on the Master level so I can use the excuse of the side effects of my meditation technique to get the women for this mission.
The reason I made this shitty plan that honestly looks like the ravings of a madman is because I got bored of acting like an emotionless machine every time I have to fight, it is frustrating not being able to express my emotion every time I face platoons of people armed with machine guns and assault rifles.
Having the skills to slaughter a squad of soldiers with my bare hands but not being able to show any emotion is frustrating, it's like having sex while keeping a monotonous face without being able to tell the woman to move her hips faster.
That is why I will use this time to go to the apocalyptic world, not a second will pass in this world when I travel to another world but an explanation will be necessary to justify my increase in strength, near-death experiences are a method of growth for the people with great innate potential like Hayato or for someone in weft armor like Kenichi.
Yami's people believe that I have outstanding innate talent like that of the Furinji family but the truth is that my innate talent sucks, all my strength is based on overexertion beyond my physical and mental limits.
If someone else did a workout like mine then they would die of exhaustion, pain, or at best they would go completely insane.
There are days when I feel that death would be better than continuing to train and only my ridiculous willpower keeps me going, I think I have developed a true obsessive-compulsive mental disorder but what is going to be done to it.
I have a headache and they haven't shot me yet, this is going to be shit that will give me a migraine but Mildred and Izayoi's pair of nice butts are worth it.
Now I am heading in the direction of Izayoi to begin my performance of Sleeping Beauty, I just hope not to be raped while I sleep like the princess in the original version.
Everything is so problematic, I hope the apocalyptic world is exciting and allows me to get carried away when it comes to exploiting my strength, and who knows maybe there are a couple of pretty girls.
People in desperate situations are easier to manipulate and a zombie apocalypse sounds pretty desperate.
I just hope I don't have to use the "hero saves the princess" tactic too much or I might have to do a bleach mouthwash for all the shit I'm going to throw up.
How troublesome.