When I planned to get shot in the head I knew it would hurt like shit, but that doesn't help lessen the pain.
Something positive about the Hamon is that it is the vital energy that can heal wounds so the hole in my skull is not a permanent problem, I just have to be careful not to receive damage in the same place to prevent my brain from being damaged.
Using the vibrations of the Hamon, the firmness of the Ki, and the spiral movement of the Rasen I was able to make the impact force disperse before damaging my brain so I am not worried about possible side effects, although the fact that the Madness energy rose from 2.3% to 2.5% is problematic.
Everything went as I thought, I met Izayoi, she began to brag about the soldiers she had killed to receive my praise, that moment of distraction was taken advantage of by the soldier who was pretending to be dead to shoot, I acted like an impulsive hero receiving the bullet in Izayoi's place and now I'm pretending to be in a coma while listening to Izayoi's sobs. As for the soldier, Izayoi split him in half vertically.
Izayoi knows that she is important to me so she will not walk away from her and dedicate her life to serving me which prevents her from doing something stupid like committing suicide.
As things unfold for my future awakening and trio with Izayoi and Mildred, there is something more important that I need to ponder.
When I am taken to a stretcher in a secret shelter I built for our war against the government and the rebels, I will use the low-mid level dimensional travel ticket.
The thing is, Navi gave me interesting information. Due to my achievements in getting several devoted women who would rather die than leave me, I can update an item in my inventory.
The achievements related to being a Harem King are more significant which is why my title of Harem King went up from 5% to 10% even if several of those devout women are not yet in my official harem.
I could save this achievement for when I get a suitable weapon, but I have a better idea. I can upgrade the travel ticket to go to a world with greater difficulty.
The range of the ticket is according to my strength at the time I obtained it, the low-medium level ticket is adjusted to the level I had at the time I obtained it, so with my current strength that world should be low level.
If I use the upgrade the ticket will go up to the medium-high level based on my current strength so it will be a true apocalypse with beings that can threaten me at the Expert level.
It is a dangerous but not impossible bet, up to the high level I still have a chance to survive. Anything higher than that means a miserable death unless you get that world's plot armor or an ultimate ability.
After thinking about it and considering that I will not be able to carry any equipment so I will be unarmed I decided that the risk was worth it since there was another benefit of going to that world, if I meet the requirements then I will be able to obtain the authority of that world.
There are two types of worlds, Named Worlds and Thematic Worlds.
The Named Worlds tell a single story, by name, this martial arts world is called 'Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple' so it is literally the story of Kenichi.
When Kenichi's story ends the world continues on its way while the plot armor disappears, the world no longer has a protagonist and follows a natural course, the world does not cease to exist and another story may emerge in the future or it may that the world simply becomes a common world without a plot.
The Thematic Worlds are those that tell several stories at the same time related to a single theme, so there are several protagonists and plot armor at the same time.
Many of these stories do not connect and in case different protagonists know each other it is possible that their plot armor makes them allies or enemies, but they can never be indifferent to each other.
Unlike a Named World, Thematic Worlds do not give an almighty plot armor to the protagonists so there is a greater chance of failure.
Thematic Worlds are more dangerous, but there are greater opportunities for growth since you can antagonize a protagonist without the world attacking you, it is even easier to steal the plot armor since you only have to take the main role so that the world gives you your recognition.
Most importantly, in Named Worlds the plot armor ceases to exist when the story ends, if I steal Kenichi's plot armor it will disappear when the story ends.
The worst thing is that even if I build a world bridge that will not give me the authority of the world, anyone who can find the location of the bridge will be able to cross it which will be problematic. I will need to build a secret base in this world and in my homeworld to hide the bridge, but it is for later.
The Thematic Worlds do not have this problem, if I get the recognition of the world then I will be able to obtain its authority so that I will be able to change some laws of the world, travel to that world whenever I want and I could even turn it into a second home that no one else will be able to access unless he's a higher entity like a deity, which honestly sounds like shit.
I will have to keep a low profile so that a god of shit does not come to steal my things and then I can get the strength to steal the things of the gods.
The point is that if I get the authority of the mid-high level apocalyptic world I will have access to a lot of resources and could even turn it into a training ground for my future helpers.
Yes, I have resigned myself to the fact that I will have to create my own armed forces since the multiverse is full of idiots who have a lot of free time so they alone seek to fuck the world.
My homeworld is troubled so if some group of jolly idiots like Yami appears they could cause a third world war which would ruin my happy peaceful life.
I think to form a military force with the necessary force to make the different world powers learn to behave like civilized people so as not to ruin the world, it would be troublesome if some idiot thinks it would be fun to use nuclear missiles as fireworks.
The preparations are finished, I just have to be careful not to lose a limb or it will be troublesome to explain how a gunshot to the head caused me to lose an arm or a leg.
I plan to spend a few years in the apocalyptic world so I spent several days going over the information about this martial arts world so as not to forget important details.
Just in case Rimi will give me a report when I see her again, although she will have a panic attack when she finds out I fell into a coma…
I'll make it up to her later.
This might even help Rachel hold onto her feelings for me which would be an added benefit.
Leaving my thoughts about this world to focus on the zombie mayhem I will face, I was taken to our group's secret base.
I almost screwed things up when I felt Mildred's bloodlust directed at Izayoi. I was worried that Mildred was impulsive but luckily Izayoi is a traditional warrior so she offered to take care of me and said she would take her own life when Yami's reinforcements arrived so my idea of waking up one day before reinforcements arrived has been an excellent idea.
Even if I'm attracted to Mildred I'll be upset if she hurts my pretty samurai girl so it's good that she can calm down for now.
When I was alone in the room, I took advantage of the moment to open my system and activate the ticket.
[Dimensional Travel Ticket: Apocalyptic World
Difficulty: Medium-High
World Type: Thematic
World Theme: Zombies]
[Do you want to enter the world ?: YES / NO]
Accepting the trip, my vision began to blur. Now that I think about it, it is good that I have clothes in my inventory since I have no idea if I will appear nude.
"Hey Listen! Married women, lonely lolis, desperate students, brave warriors! Every beautiful woman will be taken by the King of the Harem! Wretched men tremble! His daughters and hers wives will not be safe! Muahahahahaha! " - Navi started laughing like a psychopath watching a documentary on how sausages are made.
I have concerns that if my Madness energy grows I will become as stupid as Navi… Whatever, I will look for a beautiful woman with knowledge in mental health.