Chapter 74: Road to Recovery

After several hours of travel, Mikoto called me from inside the car.

"There is a radio transmission" - Mikoto turned up the volume on the radio for us to listen.

"To any survivor, the world situation has turned into a disaster, but we must not lose hope, come and find us and we will receive all survivors with open arms, we have established a safe base where we will offer them food and water.

We are at the Takagi residence in the center of the city, we will wait for you and remember, do not stop fighting "

It was a male voice full of fighting spirit if I'm not mistaken that should be Saya's father and my father-in-law because Saya finally declared her feelings to me, although she specified that she should not enter into a relationship with me until she introduced me to her parents.

Just from his voice, I can tell that Souichiro is a man born to be a leader who can lead others with charisma and discipline.

If Saya's mother isn't as beautiful as I've heard then I might get along with Souichiro, and if she's beautiful, well, life is unfair to heroes.

The walkie-talkie rang with Saya's excited voice. - "That's my dad!"

Then there was a moment of silence and Saya's voice started to sound angry. - "They made a base instead of trying to find me ..."

After that Saya closed the transmission.

"I'm going to see how she is" - I shook my head and stood up to jump onto the bus where Saya was.

"Take care of her" - Mikoto spoke with concern.

Since the two tsunderes put their differences aside, they became good friends and although they often argue, they get along quite well.

Sayo took Kaede like a doll and smiled at me. - "I'll take care of our little girl~"

"I am not your daughter!" - Kaede yelled angrily, but she didn't resist, my little monster gave in to Sayo's teasing.

I ignored the antics of those two and jumped on Saya's bus.

I got on the bus and knocked on the window three times, this was the password to let me enter through the hatch without attacking me since some infected could climb on the vehicle.

The hatch opened and I was able to get in, this was one of the survivor buses that wanted to leave my base, they were being protected by Saeko, Saya, and some members of the hospital who were good shooters.

The hospital staff greeted me with respect as they were grateful that I saved them and gave them shelter.

Since Black Label is publicly a terrorist organization they were not interested in joining a base run by a politician who also has connections to the mafia.

Before we go Fiona spoke with Mikoto and Yuko to tell them that Souichiro is the main suspect for the death of my parents, they should not tell me for the moment since it was only a theory and it would be bad if by a rumor I started a war with the family Takagi.

They were only supposed to tell me this when they deemed it appropriate.

As for how I found out, Navi is an excellent spy.

"Look, I told you I would come" - I saw Saeko making a gesture with her hand to call me.

"Saya are you fine?" - Although it is obvious that she is upset to be forgotten by her parents I still have to ask to make her react.

"..." - Saya did not say anything, she approached me and hugged me while she clenched her teeth with anger and sadness.

To the side, I saw Saeko winking at me and moving her lips to say something to me without Saya listening. - "This is your opportunity"

My pretty Saeko has been corrupted for the greater good.

"I'm here Saya, everything will be fine" - I hugged Saya and began to comfort her.

Navi is looking around so that a mutant attack doesn't interrupt this opportunity to make Saya choose me over her family.

"They sniff ... They are saving people ... They are helping people sniff ... I should be proud of my parents sniff ... But they prefer to help others instead of looking for me sniff ..." - Saya tried to hold back crying putting her face on my chest.

"Your parents love you, maybe they were just busy with other matters that they considered more important" - Saeko approached to comfort Saya, but her words indicated that her parents did not value her.

Saeko has been interested in manipulation so I have given her some advice together with Rin since they are both the most obsessed with pleasing me.

"I hate them! Are other people more important than their daughter?! Am I worthless to them?!" - Saya raised her head, her face turned red with anger.

I hugged Saya.

"Let me go!" - Saya complained, but instead of trying to free herself, she hugged me back.

Ah, tsunderes are a headache, only Mikoto is cute.

"Saya, you are valuable, maybe your parents did a search, but due to the mutants they couldn't find you, remember that we left your school, maybe they looked for you there and when they didn't find you they had to go back" - I stroked Saya's hair to calm her down.

Saya's school was on its way to the Takagi residence, as we passed I could see that there was no sign of a fight or a search party so I don't think the Takagi family sent a rescue party.

When Saya knows this she will be furious and in case they did send a search party but an accident happened, Saya will still be furious as she is a temperamental girl.

"I ... I have to talk to them ..." - Saya calmed down a bit but she didn't want to let go of me. - "C-Can we stay like this for a moment? N-Not that I like to hug you baka! "

And she was a tsundere again, so tired.

"Sure Saya" - I spoke gently and continued stroking her hair while Saeko smiled at me knowingly.

I hugged Saya for a few minutes and then I had to release her as a group of infected runners were approaching, there were no more than 20 but there were some Jockey and Hunter so I had to be careful.

"When you talk to your parents I will accompany you" - I smiled at Saya and gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

"B-Baka!" - I heard Saya's embarrassed cry when I came out through the hatch.

When I saw the infected I sighed in annoyance, the infected runners are increasing and that will be a headache, the good side is that the people in my group are also improving with martial arts training, Ki, and Serum Gamma research.

"Hey Listen! Be a man and stop sighing! " - Navi appeared next to me.

I grabbed Navi, covered him in Ki, and used spiral energy to make him spin.

"Wiiiiiiiiii faster!" - Navi shouted excitedly.

I looked at a group of infected lined up and threw Navi. - "Rasen Arts: Navi Shot!"

Navi flew through the heads of 5 infected that were lined up, smashed a Jockey, and destroyed Hunter's chest.

With a pop sound, Navi appeared next to me. - "Hey Listen! Do it again! Do it again!"

I held Navi and prepared to continue attacking, I could dedicate myself to baseball.

In this way Navi and I played for a while, Sayo became interested in our antics and since she is the one with the best affinity with Rasen among my women I began to teach her how to use the Navi Shot.

"I hit her between the eyes!" - Sayo shouted excitedly after killing an infected old woman.

"Hey Listen! A 7 out of 10, it was a predictable hit! Try a curveball! " - Navi appeared next to us.

Sayo cannot use the Rasen at will and although she begins to learn my Rasen Arts techniques they are just imitations without the real power.

Even so, she is similar to Apachai and Miu who can use Ki naturally thanks to her primitive instincts so she can use the basic Navi Shot covered in Ki.

"I don't know what to think about this" - Tsubaki looked at our antics not knowing what to say while Kaede didn't understand what we were doing since she can't see Navi.

To make my story more credible, Navi will only be shown in front of women who receive a ring, only to my official wives I will tell them about the system and trips to other worlds.

"Isn't this supposed to be a dangerous trip?" - Tsubaki asked confused to see us play.

"Having fun is important for physical and mental health" - Sayo shrugged.

Tsubaki sighed.

"Do you want to join?" - I smiled at Tsubaki, she smiled embarrassed and nodded.

"Tsubaki, shuriken" - I raised my hand.

"Understood!" - Tsubaki got excited and turned into a shuriken.

I thought of something interesting.

Using the spin of the Rasen I spun the shuriken. Unlike when I spin Navi, Tsubaki started absorbing Rasen instead of just using it as a cover.

The air began to spin and seeing that it was getting dangerous I threw the shuriken at a group of infected that were blocking the way.

"Rasen Arts: Spin!" - I threw the shuriken and smiled.

The shuriken continued to spin as it pierced the infected, the further it advanced the stronger it spun creating a small tornado that not only tore apart the infected but also pushed away their remains leaving the path clear.

Seeing Tsubaki walking away without stopping, I summoned it in my inventory and then in my hand.

Tsubaki reverted to her human form and held her head as ducked. - "Ugh, my head is spinning"

I reached out my hand to help Tsubaki support herself, but a small electric current appeared between us, instead of being something painful it felt warm and comforting.

"Hey Listen! I don't know what you just did, but the curse on your soul contracted! Congratulations you now have 2 years, 8 months, 1 week, and 5 days before the curse consumes you! " - Navi sounded sincere for the first time since we met.

I gained 4 months in an instant.

I looked at Tsubaki and hugged her with sincere happiness.

"Thank you Tsubaki!" - I did not care that she felt embarrassed, now I have a way to move forward.

I was worried that after summoning Tsubaki neither of us knew how to deal with my curse, I thought that if our bond strengthened then Tsubaki could influence the curse, and apparently, I was right.

In that little electric shock, I felt our souls resonate for a moment, it was as if our hearts had been synchronized in a beat.

For a moment I saw some unfamiliar scenes. It was a hidden village in a forest, several people dressed as ninjas trained with weapons that turned into humans.

A young man with black hair looked at me and smiled kindly as he handed me a wooden sword.

There were feelings of happiness, warmth, joy, and a sense of security.

Everything looked giant from what felt like the perspective of a small child, those must have been memories of Tsubaki's childhood and although it was for less than 10 seconds we managed to connect.

Tsubaki looked at me with a strange expression, then hugged me.

"Now I think I understand you a little more ..." - Tsubaki's hug tightened.

I don't know what she saw and I'm not going to ask.

Fortunately, Mikoto's voice interrupted the strange moment. - "In front is the first barricade to get to the Takagi residence! We are close!"

I decided to drop the Tsubaki thing for the moment, mainly because I don't want to remember my shitty childhood and I'm sure she saw one of my worst experiences considering the way she's hugging me.

"Kaede and I will move the barricade, when the cars finish passing we will put it back, Tsubaki I need you to stop hugging me so we can move forward" - I gestured to Kaede to follow me.

"Hmph" - Kaede pouted, but she followed me, this girl is getting jealous.

Is it puberty?

Very troublesome.

Tsubaki looked at me for a long time and then released me.

"You will not be alone" - Tsubaki muttered in a low voice.

What did she see to behave like this?

Ah whatever, the past doesn't matter, only living in the present matters and planning for the future.



Author's-sama note:

I'm going to rush things after arriving at the Takagi residence as I want to explore magic and other supernatural forces.

I will go back to doing some summaries and time jumps but I will try not to exaggerate.

Another point is that the zombie world will not be completely conquered for the moment and will be in relative pause, first I want to finish Kenichi and visit the home world.

What do you think? I really appreciate the opinion of you readers.

A hug <3