As we were approaching the Takagi mansion a pickup truck approached.
"Mikoto, stop the car, Kaede stay alert in case of shots" - I looked at the truck and couldn't feel killing intent, but one is never too cautious.
When we stopped I got off the roof of the car and gave the truck a friendly wave.
The van stopped and two men got out, judging by the way they walked and the naturally intimidating presence that seemed to be that of the yakuza.
"It seems they know how to move, good job getting here" - One of the men smiled when he saw the fortified buses.
Although they look tough they are not violent people and they seem reasonable, that says a lot about their leader.
"Thank you, we did our best" - I was confident and proud without being arrogant.
"Subaru, Takeda!" - Saya got out of the bus while she screamed excitedly.
That idiot, she must have stayed on the bus, or she could put herself in danger, I have to educate her better.
"Young miss?" - The man who looked stronger looked at Saya in surprise and shouted excitedly. - "The young miss has returned! This is great, Soichiro-sama and Lady Takagi have been very worried about the young miss! "
Saya walked over and smiled happily. - "Have Mom and Dad been looking for me?"
"Em, well ... Soichiro-sama has been a bit busy and well ... Em, you should understand young miss..." - The man got nervous.
"I see" - Saya said no more and returned to the bus.
I smiled wryly. - "It has been hard for her, she just needs to see her family"
The two men nodded uncomfortably, one of the men pulled out a walkie-talkie. - "We are escorting a convoy of survivors, inform Lady Takagi that the young lady is back home"
The two men returned to the van and led us to the Takagi residence.
I'm worried they didn't even ask about the barricade, I hope they aren't too careless with defenses or things will get troublesome, especially since I felt like my stalker is still watching me.
Finally, we arrived at the Takagi residence, it was a huge villa surrounded by high concrete walls, there were multiple groups of workers reinforcing the walls and setting traps around the village while surveillance groups patrolled the surroundings.
Despite the good discipline of the staff, something was bothering me.
There were only rough men working, there were no ordinary people or women helping to improve the outer defenses.
I hope Soichiro is not an idealistic idiot who wants to protect ordinary people while people with combat skills do all the work, although if he really is like that I can use it to my advantage.
We entered the villa and they took us to a parking area, they did not ask us to hand over our resources and in fact, they offered us food.
The survivors began to get off the buses and began talking to the people of the Takagi residence.
"Don't we have to work?"
"Thanks! You really are saviors! "
"That idiot forced us to work all day, Soichiro-sama is the true hero who thinks of people"
I stood to the side, looking at these idiots who are unwilling to put in the effort to survive I restrained myself from laughing at these idiots.
I had to pat Kaede's head who was about to kill the survivors who spoke ill of me.
"Tch, you ungrateful bastards, we should have let you starve" - Sayo snorted in disdain.
Although Sayo cares about protecting innocent people, her biggest concern is children and sick people. Those people who have a chance to protect themselves, but are unwilling to put in the effort are garbage in her eyes.
"Seeing this is disappointing" - Yuko approached us and sighed. - "If this place allows people to do what they want then they have no future"
"It's normal, humans only give their best when their lives are at stake, Luis protected them so now instead of surviving they want comfortable lives" - Saeko spoke without interest, she couldn't care less about the rest of the survivors.
"Now this is my fault?" - I smiled wryly because it's true, I protected the survivors too much since I want to complete my missions.
Although the people I personally trained will be true elites, I cannot neglect the numbers so I need to train generals and not just experts.
"It's your fault for not taking into account the selfish nature of humans" - Sayo smirked as she looked at the survivors who were walking away from us.
"What's that?!" - We heard a scream and saw several guards pointing their weapons at the mutant animals while Yuki stood in front of them.
"They are my friends!" - Yuki was not afraid of weapons and she extended her small arms to protect the animals even though the animals glared at the guards fiercely.
If one of the guards shot the mutant animals they would make a massacre.
I went to the place accompanied by Saeko. - "They are animals that we have domesticated, they are safe"
I tried to speak calmly, but seeing that the guards were ignoring me, I used my Intimidation skill that had grown to 80% since I obtained the Ogre Corps.
"Please put down your weapons, you will scare my defenseless pets" - I smiled kindly as the guards turned pale and lowered their weapons.
I can now focus my Intimidation on specific targets within 10 meters without affecting allies.
I can also mix Ki, Insanity, and Anti-Rasen with Intimidation to empower it, but that would kill the guards with a heart attack or stroke.
"Thank you for understanding" - I waved my hand to dismiss the guards.
Although the guards were obviously scared they still stayed to watch us. I admire their professionalism, I hope I don't have to kill them when I take over this place.
I ignored the guards and patted Yuki's head. - "Good girl"
"Ehehehe" - Yuki smiled tenderly, the little schizophrenic is adorable.
I saw Saya approaching so I gave instructions to Saeko. - "I will leave things for you here, you organize our group to stay together, use the animals to check the food they offer us, if a problem arises you can order Sayo and Kaede"
Saeko nodded and I went with Saya.
"Do you want to go talk to your parents?" - I asked kindly seeing Saya's complicated expression.
"Yes, but I don't want to go alone ..." - Saya looked at the ground while she played with a lock of her hair.
I suppressed a sigh and smiled. - "I will go with you"
"T-Thanks, but it's not like I want you to come with me ..." - Saya looked away embarrassed.
"If you don't want me to accompany you then I'll wait for you here" - I sighed dramatically.
"You have to come with me! You have to meet my parents! " - Saya took my hand and screamed in panic, then her face flushed and she started to stutter. - "N-Not that I w-want to introduce you as my boyfriend or something like that..."
I decided to stop teasing this girl or she might pass out from embarrassment. - "I understand, let's go Saya"
We started walking towards Soichiro's office.
Saya didn't want to let go of my hand and even though she was red with embarrassment there was a small smile on her face.
As we walked we saw hundreds of survivors settling in tents and sleeping bags, there were children, the elderly, and adolescents.
I understand that weak or too young people are resting, but even healthy adolescents were too lazy to help with the base.
Seeing several children playing instead of working I felt like it was a waste of manpower, or maybe I'm just jealous since all my childhood I worked until I passed out, who knows.
"So many people and they are not willing to help" - Saya frowned when she saw that only the Takagi family staff were working.
Saya was a spoiled princess who did not know the effort of working to survive, only with the arrival of the infection did she know what it was like to feel useless when she did not work, because of this she is no longer so spoiled and even thinks that children they should help to create a secure base.
"Your parents only want to protect innocent people, even if it only wastes their resources in the end they are so trying to help" - I tried to sound honest, but I'm really starting to despise Soichiro's idealistic mentality.
For a yakuza who became a politician, he expected more exploitation of ordinary people, than disappointment.
"They use their resources to feed a group of useless people while making no effort to try to find me" - Saya squeezed my hand.
We both stopped in the hallway of the mansion, there were no people around which is a security flaw in this place.
"If you had to choose between saving me or saving a thousand people, what would you choose?" - Saya looked into my eyes, there was sadness and loneliness in her eyes.
"How can I ignore my cute tsundere? I would save you "- I squeezed Saya's cheek.
This wasn't just what Saya wanted to hear, it was my true thoughts.
The world can go to hell and I could not care less as long as my lovers are safe, in case of an irreversible catastrophe I will simply take my harem and go to another world, the rest can go to hell.
"And a million people?" - Saya smiled a little, but she kept looking at me seriously.
"Saya, if you want me to destroy humanity just to make you happy say it or this will take a long time" - I smiled wryly.
"Hmph, it's not that I'm happy about your words" - Saya snorted and turned her back on me.
The tsundere attitude is tiring me so I hugged Saya and kissed her on the neck. - "If you are not honest I will not know if you want affection"
"N-Not here" - Saya got nervous but she didn't push me away.
I gave one last kiss to Saya's cheek and released her.
"Let's meet your parents" - I want to see what her mother looks like.
"Nn" - Saya nodded shyly and we went to the main office.
"Mom, Dad, I'm back!" - Saya opened the door happily.
In the office, there were several people gathered discussing something important.
I saw a man with black hair, a severe face, and a strong complexion, he looked like a military man instead of a politician. That should be Soichiro.
To one side was a beautiful woman with purple hair, a supermodel body, and noble ladylike temperament. Yes, I will definitely be Saya's stepfather.
Even though Saya's mother was a sexy Milf, in the place there was a more interesting person.
I resisted the urge to smile when I met an old acquaintance.
I've been looking for this jerk for glaring at Shizuka when we run away from school.
I finally found you Koichi Shido.
Author's-sama Note:
Yesterday a beautiful person donated 10 dollars to me, he did not leave a name but even if I do not know who you are I love you <3
That is why today I will upload a double chapter of No Otaku and a chapter of Ugly, I will translate it and later I will upload them.
A hug <3