"YOU ARE DEAD!" - Wesker yelled furiously as he lunged at me.
As soon as Wesker leaned over to push himself I jumped to the side avoiding his onslaught.
With the mutation, his speed grew to an absurd level and I can hardly keep up with his movements, but the sudden increase in strength makes control difficult so Wesker can only propel himself in a straight line like a bullet.
Wesker went through the building behind me which gave me a moment to breathe, having to regulate my own organs puts a lot of load on my brain.
I heard a strange sound approaching, I glanced quickly while still paying attention to Wesker and saw two military helicopters approaching.
I ran to get out of the firing range of their guns, but before they could point their guns at me, two shots from the Takagi mansion hit the pilot and co-pilot of one of the helicopters causing to crash into a building.
In the two hours of preparation, I went to my base to bring various weapons, as I could not bring people because the full speed trip on Locura's back could kill most of the people, I was still able to bring two of the best rifles from sniper and a Gamma Serum for Rika.
Although Rika is not part of my harem and I hardly know her I need all the help possible, luckily my weft armor did its job and Rika got the Right Shot ability where she can predict the direction of moving objects based on their speed, mass, and acceleration.
It is similar to Saeko's ability to see into the future, but Rika can only determine the direction of her target.
Although she may be weaker than seeing the future, Rikka's ability is perfect for a sniper as she doesn't put too much of a burden on the brain and can be used continuously even though it is mentally draining.
The second helicopter tried to take evasive action but another shot went through the glass, killing the lead pilot.
I ran towards a building, using Hamon on the soles of my feet, and along with the acceleration of my movement I ran along the wall of the building, when I was far enough away I jumped towards the helicopter.
I broke the glass of the helicopter and got in, ignored the corpse of the pilot, and with a blow to the throat I killed the co-pilot.
Let's see if you can handle this, Wesker.
I learned to fly helicopters on my mission together with Mildred on our mission in Ukraine, it is always useful to learn new things.
Wesker finally came out of the building, started looking for me, I took advantage of his moment of distraction and aimed all the weapons at Wesker.
Wesker was bombarded with missiles as machine gun bullets rained down on his body.
When I finished the ammo I frowned to see that the bastard was still alive.
Wesker had covered his head with his left arm using the exoskeleton as a shield, although most of his body was mutilated and burned, he was still standing and had begun to regenerate.
Fucking mutant cockroach.
Even though Wesker was recovering, his legs were in pieces so it would take time for him to move, I took the opportunity to raise the helicopter as high as I could.
I covered the helicopter with Ki, then made the helicopter head pointed to the ground and used the highest power to land on Wesker.
As the helicopter fell I used Rasen to cover the helicopter. - "Rasen Arts: Spin!"
When the helicopter started to turn, I jumped out of the vehicle before it was too late.
In the air, black blood came out from my back as my suit was ripped apart. The black blood formed a parachute reducing my fall acceleration, this thing is too useful.
The helicopter continued to rotate, creating a small tornado of blue energy that when hitting the ground made a thunderous sound that was the combination of a bomb and a storm over Wesker making an explosion of Rasen and fire.
I finally landed on a building and looked at the impact area, when I saw Wesker kneeling on the ground gasping, but alive I couldn't help but curse. - "Son of a bitch, he's still alive ..."
"Language" - Tsubaki claimed me in a low voice.
I jumped off the building, before falling I used the trick of forming Ki platforms under my feet to slow the fall and thus I landed on the ground with ease.
I crouched down to build momentum in my legs and then rushed over to Wesker taking advantage of the fact that he was hurt.
When I was a meter from him I raised the shotgun with a drill bullet, aimed it at Wesker's right eye, and fired. - "Rasen Arts: Spin"
"UNFORTUNATE!!" - Wesker yelled furiously as his psychic power created an explosion of invisible force that almost threw me dozens of meters away if it weren't for the fact that I plunged the short sword into the ground to avoid the impulse.
Wesker's body began to tremble as blood vessels bulged in his chest and arms.
His chest parted to reveal a yellow crystal orb.
I felt a sense of danger so I used all my strength to get away from Wesker as worm-black tentacles shot out of his body as they headed in all directions catching the debris left behind by the helicopter.
The tentacles retracted, attaching the pieces of steel to the Wesker body.
Wesker's right arm was a mass of flesh with chunks of steel forming spines.
The left arm was similar, but instead of thorns it had a more robust appearance as a blunt weapon.
This is troublesome.
Wesker seemed to have lost his rationality, he began to roar like a beast consumed by hatred as he flailed his arms to destroy everything in his path.
When Wesker's gaze locked onto me, he let out a scream so loud it formed shock waves and ran in my direction.
His speed slowed compared to his previous form but the sense of danger he emitted was much stronger.
I was quick to dodge when one of his fists nearly hit me. When Wesker's right fist hit the ground, a small explosion formed, shattering the concrete with a force greater than the gunshot of an armored tank.
I'm not sure I can deflect that blow with my Aiki but I need to knock it off balance.
I loaded an explosive bullet into the shotgun and fired into Wesker's leg, the bullet exploded causing some of his flesh to be ripped apart but he still remained standing.
Ignoring his injury, Wesker ran in my direction.
Gritting my teeth, I covered my arms with Ki as the black blood hardened my limbs as much as possible.
I pulled all the strength out of my muscles, causing my back to contract with the ogre's face, and recived Wesker's blow.
"Aiki!" - I yelled as I reached out my hands to redirect Wesker's blow.
I was able to make Wesker's blow slightly change his trajectory so that it hit his own leg, but part of the impact still damaged my left arm dislocating my shoulder.
Wesker was about to avoid hitting his own leg, but at that moment I activated the drop of black blood that I implanted earlier.
For a split second my Madness made Wesker's 5 senses flooded with wailing and blurry shadows, bringing back painful memories of his past that distracted him long enough to throw him off balance.
The second Wesker started falling on his face I screamed loudly. - "ATTACK COMMAND!"
From a building, Sayo came out with the girls, from another building a beautiful white-haired woman appeared holding a katana.
Kaede's vectors pressed against Wesker's shoulders preventing him from regaining his balance, Shiro made a blood whip that enveloped Wesker's legs to make him stumble, Sayo ran with her fist covered with Ki while her gauntlet pulled out a drill. - "Giga Drill Break!"
Sayo hit Wesker's side, the moment his body was in the air without any support, the white-haired android woman ran onto Wesker's back and performed a sword game that was almost impossible for a human due to limitations physics of a body of flesh.
2B's sword set focused on cutting the areas with the most sensitive tissue with surgical precision to damage the body's nerve endings and ligaments.
Before Wesker's body fell to the ground, 2B made more than 90 cuts in Wesker's unprotected areas.
When Wesker hit the ground I jumped on his back. - "Tsubaki double scythe"
I threw each blade at Wesker's shoulders taking advantage of the cuts left by 2B and pinned Wesker to the ground.
"CHISE!" - With my scream, the weapon in the shape of a Japanese schoolgirl came out of a building at high speed, its ability to fly is on par with a fighter plane so in a blink it reached us.
Metallic glass wings protruded from her back, her right arm usually a machine gun, but now it was shaped like a large science fiction cannon, the plasma cannon.
"To the head!" - With my cry Chise raised the cannon and when she finally reached us, she hit the tip of the weapon against Wesker's head firing the plasma cannon.
Blinding light flashed as a beam of white plasma covered Wesker's skull and the ground, evaporating everything in its path.
Only with the distance, I could feel the intense heat of the weapon and I was glad that thing did not point at me, I need to find a way to give constant energy to the androids as they are excellent weapons of war.
Wesker's head disappeared as his body stopped fighting.
Chise fell to the ground, the plasma shot consumed her power reserve so in 2 minutes she will turn off until she is recharged.
"2B take Chise to her capsule to rest" - I sighed as I took out the scythes from Wesker's corpse. - "It seems that everything is over, you have to go to our base to give support"
"Those words are usually bad luck" - Sayo smiled wryly.
"Oh come on, how can a few simple words make a mess?" - I massaged my forehead in frustration, having to regulate my internal organs is giving me a migraine.
"Even so, I worry about all the damage you received" - Sayo looked at me with extreme concern.
"I'm fine, that alone won't kill me" - I sighed wearily, I want a vacation.
Shiro stared at Wesker's corpse. - "Still alive? Shiro thinks that he is still alive "
I frowned, I didn't feel the least trace of life force in Wesker and my perception of danger wasn't ringing unless ...
"RASEN ARTS: SPIRAL SEIKUKEN!" - I waved my hands creating a blast of Rasen that pushed the women away as hundreds of tentacles shot out from Wesker's back, attacking at random.
None of the tentacles pointed at me, but they all headed towards the women, despite the fact that I managed to push them to avoid the most damage one of the tentacles cut 2B's legs, Kaede used her vectors to protect the girls while Shiro formed a blood barrier, but the tentacles managed to break through their defenses.
One of the tentacles cut off Shiro's arms that were outstretched while another headed for Sayo's stomach.
Sayo was able to react and protect herself with her Ki-covered gauntlets, but the force of the impact broke her gauntlets and arms as she was thrown against a building through the wall with the little girls.
The plot armor protected me from a random attack while risking the lives of loved ones to force me to improve… This is bullshit.
The tentacles returned to Wesker's body as they held onto Shiro's severed arms, Wesker's body assimilating the flesh as he rose to his feet.
Indeed there was no life in Wesker's body, his wounds did not regenerate while his head was gone, but his body still functioned.
Unlike the infected who were only sick people who could die from anemia or exsanguination, Wesker was a true zombie.
Blades of blood began to come out of Wesker's body, even though Wesker gained the ability to use the Branch of Sin, the fact that he lost the ability to think made his power unstable so the blades appeared randomly.
Although he was dead, Wesker's body turned in the direction Sayo and the girls were thrown, he seemed to want to get more genetic material from Shiro ...
"GIGA DRILL BREAK!" - My Rasen-wrapped fist hit Wesker's body a couple of meters away.
"Sayo get out of here" - I spoke and then looked at 2B who was holding Chise's body. - "Withdrawal command"
2B nodded and began to crawl while she held onto Chise.
Chise seemed to want to stay, but she didn't even have the energy to speak.
Now, where is what makes Wesker tick?
Does his whole body work automatically or is there a nucleus?
I looked at Wesker's chest as he stood up, although the yellow orb was cracked, it emitted an intense light that it didn't have before.
It seems that I still have a lot to learn, I can't judge my enemies again based on logic, until the enemy's body is destroyed and his soul is Tsubaki's food, I can't stop fighting ...
Looking at Wesker in that state I felt that my instinct for danger became strange, one moment I felt danger and the next I did not feel anything, the fact that Wesker attacks randomly confuses my instinct, in the future I have to fix that.
"Navi stay on my neck to protect my skull" - I took off the rest of my torn suit, at this point it can no longer protect me. - "Madness focus on healing my wounds and get ready to call our lab rat"
"I understand" - Madness sounded serious for the first time in his life.
I circulated the Rasen in my body.
In my Rasen techniques, there is one that I designed just for training, it is a technique that forces the Rasen and Anti-Rasen energy into my body through my Willpower.
By giving a single command I can make my body constantly break its limits and as time goes on I get stronger, but it puts a huge load on my body.
I normally use this technique when training for 5 minutes a day.
After 5 minutes my body begins to break down, after 8 minutes my energy becomes unstable and I begin to pass out, at 10 minutes I am on the verge of collapse.
I have not tried to go beyond 10 minutes and I am not going to do an experiment, if I cannot defeat Wesker's corpse in 10 minutes I will have to retreat.
Hope the plot armor helps me.
"Rasen Arts: Without End!" - Energy covered my body as my mind focused on one thing only, destroy the existence of Albert Wesker.