Rasen and Anti-Rasen, contradictory energies united through a single technique.
Rasen increases my power constantly, Anti-Rasen eliminates my limitations every time they appear, together they form a technique to exceed any limit.
My body was engulfed in blue and purple flames that merged like Ying and Yang. To do this technique I used the same foundation of combining Ki Dou and Ki Sei.
Although Ki is an energy inferior to Rasen, combining two contradictory energies is simple, creating balance where both energies flow in the same direction without fighting each other.
With this principle my body began to strengthen, leading me to a feeling of extreme power.
I didn't waste a single second and as soon as I activated Without End I threw myself at Wesker.
My hands held the double scythes, when I approached Wesker's body his arms rose to hit me as dozens of blades of blood shot out of his torso to cut me.
His attacks were predictable so I was easily able to dodge them, I got close to his torso and threw a scythe at what was left of his neck, then pulled the chain pushing myself towards his chest.
"Giga Drill Break!" - My right fist was covered in Rasen and Anti-Rasen creating a blue and purple hole.
When my attack was about to hit the core on Wesker's chest, five blades of blood shot out from his chest receiving my blow.
Although the blades took most of the hit, my attack was too strong breaking the blades and almost reaching the yellow core but the core plunged into Wesker's chest causing my attack to destroy Wesker's chest without damaging the core.
I caused my heart to drop to the level of my abdomen when four blades of blood shot from his wounds through my chest which broke my ribs and punctured my lungs.
The black blood rebuilt the tissue in my lungs around the blades allowing me to breathe despite how painful it was.
The hole in Wesker's chest was so big that my hands could get inside trying to find the yellow core.
Wesker's arms held me in a bear hug, pieces of metal embedded in my back as several blades of blood came out randomly stabbing my body and mutilating my back.
I kept my heart moving to avoid fatal attacks but the number of wounds I was receiving was consuming most of my energy.
"Tsubaki…. Shuriken… "- It was difficult for me to speak due to the pain and loss of blood, the fatigue began to hit me, but the Rasen that circulated in my body continued to strengthen me.
Tsubaki transformed into the shuriken shaped like a ninja star, it was put on my right wrist like a bracelet.
"Rasen Arts: ... Spin" - The shuriken began to spin as the black blood enveloped it forming a drill.
I drove the drill into Wesker's body, if I can't find the core then I'll destroy all the meat until I do.
"Giga…. Drill ... BREAK! " - The drill began to rotate at high speed causing pieces of meat to fly out.
Now it was an endurance fight over who would go down first, as Wesker's torso became scattered bloodstains on the ground, my own body being stabbed nonstop.
Madness was in charge of rebuilding my organs constantly, I just kept my heart safe while Navi covered my head to prevent the blades of blood from damaging my head while the rest of my body was torn apart.
Time passed, the fight to see who was the first to be turned into meat paste for sausage had lasted for 7 minutes.
My body temperature was increasing to a dangerous level, my regeneration capacity was beginning to fail while my strength continued to increase.
I had 3 minutes left to finish this or I'd be in trouble.
Time was running out when Wesker's arms stopped pressing and started trying to throw me away.
Since I couldn't fight back my arms, I had Madness call my emergency plan, Lab Rat #1.
From a secluded building came a wild animal growl mixed with the agonizing wail of a human.
When I came to this world I wondered what would happen if I used Rasen, Hamon, and Insanity to stimulate the zombie virus mutation. The answer was now approaching my direction.
Running while waving his arms was a hideous creature with pink flesh that seemed to be melting.
His right arm was a meat whip while his face was unrecognizable looking even more disgusting than the skinless monsters that attacked me at school.
It turns out that stimulating the virus with my energies creates a monster with unstable DNA, due to excess energy its cells age at a high speed similar to the genetic damage caused by nuclear radiation.
The human that used to be known as Shido Koichi was now a grotesque creature known as Lab Rat #1.
Rat #1 still maintained his consciousness, emotions, and intellect to awake while every second alive was torture.
Although Rat #1 was still conscious, he lost his free will and was following my orders through the Madness link so in the 20 minutes left to him he was my puppet.
I made Rat # 1 jump on Wesker's arms that were trying to push me away, Rat # 1 held the arms while several blades of blood appeared mutilating Rat # 1's body, but thanks to his regenerative ability, Rat # 1 was able to hold Wesker's arms while crying from pain.
"KILL MEEEEEE!" - Rat #1 screamed with a hoarse voice full of despair, but he was just a failed experiment so he didn't matter.
After most of Wesker's torso disappeared, I finally found the yellow nucleus that had been hidden near the bladder.
"GIGA DRILL BREAK!" - I pressed the drill towards the yellow core, although several blood blades tried to protect the core, my constant increase in power thanks to the Rasen allowed me to destroy each obstacle until I reached my goal.
In the 9th minute after activating my technique, I was finally able to hit the yellow core. When the core was impacted by the drill tip, it began to crack and like a falling porcelain cup, it broke into dozens of small pieces.
Wesker's body stopped moving, the blades of blood stopped emerging from his body, and he just stood still like a statue of flesh and steel.
Behind me, Rat #1 collapsed as his body dissolved as if in acid, due to the DNA damage he could no longer stay alive.
Well, it was useful while it lasted, I won't remember.
I was finally able to deactivate my Without End technique, which almost made me fall into a coma, I had to use Hamon to stimulate my brain and stay conscious.
Tsubaki transformed into a human, then a ninja sword appeared in her hand and slashed the blades of blood pierced my body.
"First finish off those two idiots" - I spoke with difficulty.
Tsubaki moved her sword and killed the last trace of life energy in Wesker's body, she also ended the pathetic life of Rat # 1 getting two other souls with negative karma.
"One day you will kill me out of worry" - Tsubaki looked at me with teary eyes as she helped me remove the blades of blood from my body.
"I'm alive so it doesn't matter, let's see Sayo and the little girls" - Even though my mind was blurry from pain and hunger, I felt worried about Shiro and Sayo as they were injured.
Damn attachment emotions, it only increases my worries.
Although 2B lost her legs, she is almost totally a machine so she will not feel pain and only has to be repaired so she does not worry me.
"Before worrying about others, first worry about yourself" - Tsubaki sighed and began to give me first aid since my regenerative capacity was at its lowest point and I could not recover my external injuries while Madness focused on rebuilding my internal organs.
My blood solidified to prevent bleeding, but most of my bones were broken and the muscle tissue was ripped so I can't move, I can only speak, but even that is painful.
Even so, this is not so bad, if I ignore the extreme pain of being put in a meat grinder, these are wounds that I can heal so I will not have permanent damage that reduces my strength, although I may have to stay in bed for a while couple of weeks.
I was about to ask Navi to go check on Sayo and the girls' condition, but I saw Kaede approach us as she carried Sayo and Shiro.
Sayo had her arms broken, but it was not a permanent injury, with the proper treatment she will be as good as new in a couple of days.
Shiro lost both arms, but her wounds were already closed, if I can help her with my Hamon she will recover her arms in 5 days maximum.
Only Kaede was fine and that's why she took care of the girls.
"Shiro had fun!" - Shiro yelled as she waved what was left of her arms, it was a bizarre scene.
Sayo approached me with her usual kind expression that she uses to cover up her anxiety, a habit developed in her work as a nurse. - "Are you fine?"
"75% of my bones are broken, all my internal organs except for my heart and brain were torn and I'm starving, I'm very fine" - I exclaimed sarcastically.
Sayo smiled awkwardly. - "It is the custom, normally people are distracted when you ask if they are well, which facilitates the work of nurses to treat them"
"Seriously?" - I raised an eyebrow, it sounds stupid.
"Yes, sometimes the most absurd things have a purpose" - Sayo smiled. - "Now the question is, what is your purpose for this fight? I'm sure you would have preferred to retreat and set traps to wear down the enemy instead of a direct fight"
I smiled as Sayo began to understand me better. - "It's Monika, I want to see her reaction"
I'm not sure of Monika's purpose, but if her words were true about wanting to be my wife then it was necessary to put her to the test.
If during the fight Monika had interfered, I prepared an escape plan to then search for her and kill her, but since she was honest in helping me I will give her a chance.
"Was all this suffering worth it for someone you don't know?" - Tsubaki asked me reproachfully.
Tsubaki wasn't jealous, rather she worried that I would do something dangerous in order to get a woman I don't even know.
"It was worth it" - I did not hesitate to agree.
After seeing what 2B and Chise can do she made me think that even if Monika is a psychopath she is still worth conquering in order to get her support to get all of androids and Umbrella's resources.
As for her appearance is the least, in the worst case, there is cosmetic surgery so a talented person is more important than a pretty face.
"Well anyway, we're going to our base, we have to support Saeko and the others" - I tried to move, but my body didn't respond.
Madness was busy rebuilding my lungs so my muscle tissue was atrophied preventing me from moving.
"They will be fine, for once in your life try to rest" - Sayo spoke to me in a serious voice without taking no for an answer. - "When was the last time you took a break?"
"..." - I could not answer since I honestly do not remember.
Maybe at 12 years old when I passed out in an alley after being shot?
I really need a vacation.
Anyway, I gave a mental order to Navi to go check the situation at my main base.
Navi went to check on the whole situation while I was carried by Kaede's vectors to take me to the Takagi mansion.
They put me on a bed, Mikoto and Tsubaki started treating my injuries while Sayo was being cared for by Rika.
Shiro started playing with Kaede acting like a penguin waving her severed arms, her sense of humor is unsettling.
After 8 minutes Navi came to give me a report. - "Hey Listen! Your women at the main base are fine! They ambushed the armed forces using the mutant animals, although this caused several casualties among the animals so the lolis in charge of taming the animals had a nervous breakdown so they were sedated! "
"Kiwako's group joined Saeko's group and together they attacked the rear lines of the armed forces so they managed to eradicate them!"
"Some people were injured and are already receiving treatment! There were some casualties from the survivors, but since they weren't part of your harem it doesn't matter! "
Since the situation ended well, I took a breath, or so I would like, but Monika was making noise wanting to contact me.