(Miu Furinji perspective)
My heart was full of anxiety and fear, it is the first time that I have experienced this kind of feeling, the fear of the possibility that the man I love could die, the terror of losing the person who was willing to fight my grandfather just to show that he has the strength to be by my side.
Luis is a person full of flaws, but the protective and caring side of him allows me to ignore the fact that he is a womanizing idiot, well, maybe I can't ignore that, but I can tolerate it.
Despite the fact that I have constantly gotten angry with Luis since that fool continues to increase the number of women around him, I have never thought about the option of leaving him because he became the most important person in my heart, even more important than my grandfather and the dojo masters.
Luis is the person I love and that's why I'm feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety as that idiot went to face Yami's experts on his own account.
When we noticed that Luis had disappeared immediately we felt anxious, we knew that Luis would not abandon us to escape on his own since he loves us, what worried us is that Luis loves us too much and is a fool willing to give his life in order to protect us, that's something I hate and love about him.
We tried to question Yellow Queen who was the only person who appreciates knowing where Luis went, but she refused to speak and only drank tea.
Even intimidating pressure from stronger women like Mikumo and Sayo, or threats from more dangerous girls like Kaede and Shiro were of no use, Yellow Queen only drank tea.
Even if we knew that Yami would invade the island, we did not know which way the ship was facing so going out to search randomly would only waste time and we could fall into a trap that would only make the situation worse.
We had started to consider the option of ignoring all restraint and going to find Luis, but before we could divide into search teams, Luis's partner appeared in front of us.
"Hey Listen! Somebody give me some popcorn! I just need that to enjoy how they beat my stupid partner! " - The fairy that always accompanies Luis was laughing non-stop, although we have already gotten used to the fact that this fairy seems to have a mental problem.
Navi couldn't keep laughing as Mikumo held him up as her Ki materialized to lock up the fairy.
"Tell me where my husband is" - Mikumo was the last woman who had joined this family, but she seemed to be one of the most attached to Luis ...
That damn fool has a special taste for mature women, damn perverted fool, he's a womanizer… A cute womanizer… Fool.
"Muahahahahaha you can't intimidate me! Nothing you do can cause me pain muahahahaha!" The fairy was laughing as Mikumo tightened her grip on him making the air around her creak, but Navi remained intact.
Saeko walked over to Mikumo and patted her shoulder. - "You will never be able to make him speak with this method, Luis mentioned that this fairy is an extreme masochist"
"Hey Listen! Don't fuck me bitch! You are the masochist!" - The fairy screamed with joy.
Saeko smiled calmly. - "I wonder what would happen if I told Luis that you called me a bitch ~"
"..." - Navi stopped laughing and began to shake.
"Who knows" - Saeko began to show a smile that gave me chills. - "My loose tongue could mention that the little girls have obtained photographs and videos of my husband in the shower and during his night activities with his wives, I even heard about a black market where the girls exchange their snacks with a blue fly in exchange for those Photographs"
The fairy's blue color paled.
"Oh, I also remember that Rin was sleeping with a torn shirt that my husband had thrown away after tearing it during his training" - Saeko's smile grew. - "I wonder if someone is selling my husband's used clothes, just imagining that happens to me seems unpleasant so I'm sure my husband will be furious, very furious~"
"Mercy ..." - Navi began to sob. - "Don't tell that idiot or he won't make me hamburgers anymore, please don't tell him..."
"I'll keep your nasty secrets in exchange for you to tell me where my husband is" - Saeko was smiling with contempt.
"I'll say it, I'll say it…." - Navi was shaking.
Mikumo raised an eyebrow. - "I never liked the idea of using words as weapons, but maybe I can learn some of your tricks"
Saeko smiled gently. - "It will be an honor to help such an amazing martial artist"
So Navi told us the exact location of Luis, although he kept crying that he deserved some popcorn so I felt sorry for the fairy and got him some snacks.
"Yum mum you're a merciful angel yum! Sorry to think you were a gorilla with cow's tits and no brain yum!" - Navi ate popcorn while she said things that made me want to hit him.
Now I understand why Luis always has headaches, this damn fly is hateful.
We took one of the island's yachts and headed in the direction where Luis was fighting, at some point Navi disappeared saying that Luis had called him which only made us worry since Luis is a stubborn fool who does things on his own without asking for help.
All women who are in a relationship with Luis wanted to go help him, but Saeko reminded us that it would be dangerous to bring non-combatants so people below the Upper-Class Disciple level could not come.
Since we can't bring in non-combatants, but we can't leave weaker women without someone to protect them either, only Mikumo, Sayo, Kaede, Shiro, Shigure, Saeko, Rachel, Diego and I decided to come, although it is strange that Diego brings drones with video cameras.
"What are those things that fly for?" - Shiro asked Diego as she pointed to the drones.
"Hahaha you have a good eye, these are drones with high-resolution cameras, the best technology to make live broadcasts of big events" - Diego began to boast.
"We are not here to play" - Mikumo frowned.
"This is not a game" - Diego's huge smile only grew. - "It's entertainment!"
"..." - Mikumo decided to ignore him.
When we approached the area that Navi mentioned we could hear strange sounds but before we got closer to the place, Shigure, Mikumo and Diego frowned and without saying a word jumped off the yacht to run in the direction where fighting sounds were heard.
It was difficult to see the situation since the waves of the sea were wild as if there was a storm even though the sky was clear.
We accelerated the yacht and when we got to the combat area I saw that Shigure, Diego, and Mikumo had remained still on what appreciates the remains of a ship.
We looked in the direction the strongest teachers in our group were looking and I felt my mouth drop open in amazement.
"It's not fair, he went to fight and he didn't invite me" - Saeko let out a sad sigh.
"That would be suicide" - Rachel smiled bitterly.
There was Luis fighting with 2 of Yami's leaders. The reason my body froze was that my instincts warned me that if I reach out to help then I will become an obstacle and will most likely die.
"Who are they?" - Shiro asked as she watched the fight curiously.
"The man in the mask is Silcardo Jenazad, one of Yami's strongest experts and the best martial artist in Pencak Silat" - Mikumo replied calmly while all her attention was on Luis' fight.
"And who is the blond man?" - Shiro tilted her head. - "He looks like Miu"
"..." - Mikumo didn't answer, I didn't know why, but her silence made me feel anxious.
"Kushinada-san…." - My voice was shaky, although I didn't know why I felt that way.
"Let's see the fight" - Mikumo did not look at me and continued watching the fight.
I also looked at the fight feeling strange. Normally I don't think too much about things around me, but I have some assumptions about what is going on so I want to talk to Luis as soon as possible.
Luis ducked avoiding a spinning kick from the blond man, at the same time he threw one of his scythes in Jenazad's direction.
Jenazad tried to avoid the attack, but the scythe snaked to follow, causing the chain to wrap around his left arm. Before Jenazad could respond, Luis pulled on the chain, luring Jenazad.
The blond man took advantage of this to attack Luis's back with a barrage of blows using the tips of his fingers as he aimed at Luis's vital areas.
I recognized this technique as one of my grandfather's techniques, which increased the feeling of anxiety in my heart, even more so because I know the destructive power of that technique, so seeing Luis being beaten filled my heart with concern.
Despite the fact that Luis received a lot of attacks on the back, he only looked at Jenazad with a big smile that somehow reminded me of the villains on the shows that little girls watch on television.
At this distance, I can't hear Luis's voice, but looking at his lips I could understand what he said. - "Get over here son of a bitch!"
Luis continued to receive the blond man's attacks while his left hand held a scythe aimed at Jenazad's neck. When Jenazad got close to Luis's attack range, she moved her right hand into a claw and attacked towards Luis's neck, both of them seemed willing to kill each other regardless of the consequences.
I felt as if time had slowed down, but even when all my concentration was on the fight all I saw was that in an instant Jenazad's head was spinning in the air while several needles of black liquid had appeared from Luis's neck that stopped the Jenazad attack.
The blond man stopped attacking Luis and took several steps back.
His expression was nonchalant, but I had a feeling the man was anxious.
Luis didn't seem to want to attack the man, instead, he tossed Janazad's corpse aside and then looked in our direction and gestured for us to approach, or more specifically he gestured at Mikumo.
"Stay here" - Mikumo spoke calmly, she jumped in the air and her Ki materialized to form a hand that threw it in Luis's direction.
"Tch, it's annoying being weak" - Rachel clicked her tongue in frustration.
I could only nod at her words.
Looking at the situation I clenched my fists, I am too weak and I can only watch Luis risk his life without being able to help him ...
"Don't worry" - Saeko had come over to pat my shoulder. - "We only have to make an effort to improve, Luis did not become strong lamenting over his weakness, he accepted his weakness and made an effort to improve"
"You're right ..." - I started to smile, Saeko is right, I just need to try harder in my training, besides Luis mentioned other worlds so maybe in those worlds, I can find something that makes me stronger.
I just have to follow Luis's ideology, always walk forward, personal complexes and complicated thoughts are just an obstacle, I just have to keep walking alongside Luis...
(Luis perspective)
What a fucking headache, I'm starving, I'm tired, and I want a beer.
The good side is that I was finally able to rip Jenazad's head off, it's so fucking gratifying to behead idiots that I could turn it into a hobby.
Now that only the fake Saiga remains I am too tired to deal with him as I just realized a problem, my skills and techniques are not suitable for capturing living people and I still don't want to kill the fake Saiga as I need to interrogate him.
Fortunately, the new addition to my harem has a good ability to hold back experts so I called her over.
Similar to a meteorite, Mikumo approached at high speed, but before hitting the platform where the fake Saiga and I were, Mikumo showed perfect control of her Ki using it to slow down the acceleration of her jump allowing her to land softly next to me.
"You are well?" - Mikumo asked me calmly, although the fact that she is using her Ki to check my condition is a bit cute, she really is like a traditional wife.
"I'm more than fine" - I smiled feeling in excellent humor, I obtained Marmaduke's heart and Jenazad's head, it was a good day.
"Be more careful in the future" - Mikumo remained calm, although her gaze was slightly threatening. - "If you keep risking your life I will have to cut off your limbs to keep you safe"
I smiled finding her words amusing.
"You think I'm kidding?" - Mikumo raised an eyebrow.
"I know you mean it" - I felt a bit of strange nostalgia and irony. - "It's just that you're not the first woman to tell me that"
"..." - Mikumo let out a soft sigh. - "The young woman named Saeko mentioned that you have a particular taste for strange women, I don't know how to feel about it"
I shrugged my shoulders. - "Feel proud to have me as your outstanding husband, just as I am proud to have you as my powerful wife"
Mikumo smiled slightly, instead of compliments to her beauty, she prefers praise to her prowess as a martial artist.
While I was relaxing by flirting with my wife, the fake Saiga kept silent and did not move. Even though Mikumo and I acted like a newly married couple, we both had our full attention on every breath and movement of the fake Saiga.
If this idiot did anything other than breathe and blink then Mikumo and I would attack him with all our power to amputate his limbs.
After a couple of comments that made my sexy milf smile, I turned my attention to the fake Saiga.
During my fight with Jenazad and this impostor, I made sure to cut their skin to ingest the blood of both idiots which allowed my title [Super Predator] to give me additional information on both idiots.
I easily decapitated Jenazad as [Super Predator] showed me his attack patterns, mental state, and amount of injuries on his body, this title turned out to be much more terrifying than I could imagine, although the fact that it is more effective when I devour my prey with my own mouth instead of black blood makes me think that this title is designed for an animal instead of a person.
Going back to the fake Saiga, [Super Predator] gave me some interesting information, the name of this idiot.
Showing the smile I use when doing business with the mob, I approached the fake Saiga. - "So Senzui of the Kuremisango Clan..."
The fake Saiga named Senzui finally lost his cool and looked at me with complete hostility, although he did not dare to attack since Mikumo was next to me and Ouganosuke had almost finished defeating the rest of Yami.
The martial artists of this world are dangerous as they are stubborn idiots willing to fight to the bitter end without fear of death, but as in everything there are exceptions.
If martial artists are comparable to a crazed bull that only knows how to charge with fury, then Senzui is a rat that sneaks through sewers and crevices, ready to rampage through filth and shit to achieve his goals.
People like Senzui are dangerous because they have no limits in their actions, becoming capable of hurting the people they love in order to achieve their goals, I know it very well since I am the same type of person.
Cunning, calculating, patient, cruel, without emotional or moral limitations, a true sociopath who could kill the person he most loved just because he woke up in a bad mood.
If it weren't because my possessive and controlling nature makes me unable to give up the women in my harem then I would be just like this idiot, which is why it was easy to guess most of the story about the death of Miu's mother.
"So… how did it feel to kill the woman you loved just because she loved another man?" - I asked with innocent curiosity without a trace of malice or mockery which only made Senzui's heart tear with guilt.
It does not matter how strong the mind and will are, as long as a person possesses the capacity to love then they will have the capacity to suffer, and nothing hurts more than hurting the one you love.
"It felt good? It was fun? It was exciting? If she wasn't yours then she wouldn't be anyone's? " - I approached Senzui, put away the double scythe, and extended my hand to put it on his shoulder.
Senzui was struggling to calm down, he had started using a breathing technique to relax his mind, but when my hand touched his shoulder I used Hamon to interrupt his breathing technique and thus force him to listen to me.
"Tell me, what was the last thing she said? Did she curse you for being a traitor? Did she beg You not to hurt her daughter? Or maybe… "- I watched as Senzui fell to his knees. - "Was she the one who apologized to you for not thinking about your feelings?"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" - Senzui used his fingernails to tear the mask on his face showing his true face, but he didn't stop, he kept tearing his face as if he was trying to rip the skin off his face.
I watched as the fearsome man screamed like a child that he saw all the people he loved die and I let out a disappointed sigh, this is not as funny as I expected, it is just unpleasant.
I looked in Miu's direction and saw that she was crying as she looked at Senzui, even though her eyes were shedding tears her expression was one of relief, at least now she can be sure that this man is not her father.
"Did you go through all this trouble just so Miu wouldn't be sad?" - Tsubaki asked me with a voice of disbelief inside my mind.
I smiled wryly - "A man's duty is to take care of his wives"
Tsubaki let out a sigh. - "You should say wife in the singular, not all men have several lovers ..."
"Well that's not my problem" - I shrugged. - "If I'm going to be a womanizing bastard, at least I won't mistreat my wives"
"It's nice to know that you use what little humanity you have left to make the women who love you happy" - Tsubaki spoke with slight tenderness.
I smiled, it is true that love makes us weak, but this is a weakness that I am not willing to let go of.