It's nice when all problems are easily fixed, I just needed to act like I care about the welfare of the world, a bit of brainwashing, some nuke-armed idiots, and the amazing power of social media.
After defeating Yami and returning to my base, I subjected Senzui to psychological torture and he told us everything that happened with Miu's mother.
Basically, Senzui felt betrayed by the woman he loved, and just like a teenager with neglect traumas would, he murdered her.
This seemed ridiculous to me, but life itself is ridiculous so it doesn't matter.
I let Miu decide what we would do with Senzui and she allowed him to live after seeing the sorry psychological state he ended up in after my interrogation. Red Queen began to develop the capacity for affection and admiration towards me after seeing how I destroyed Senzui's mind.
Senzui drowned in remorse and guilt so as a form of atonement he wanted to commit suicide, but instead, I offered him a nice job as a test rat in the biological engineering lab, I want to see if this idiot is tougher than Shido and manages to become a super mutant from Rasen and Madness.
Apart from Senzui, Ogata and Akira joined me after having a fight with them. They both agreed to join my desire to make a peaceful world and thus I spared myself the inconvenience of having to kill them like I did the Kodachi Master and Scythe Master who refused to join me.
As for the masters of Muay Thai, Combat Sambo, Kempo, Kalaripayattu, and Executioner's sword, they joined me after having some friendly matches as they respected the strong and they was not so proud or stupid.
On the other hand, there were Raki and Marmaduke who ended up entering my harem without me having to manipulate them since my pretty wives took it upon themselves to persuade them.
They are both strong women with strong wills, but in terms of romance they are both as naive and manipulable as a Japanese schoolgirl who has been protected all her life so that Saeko was able to manipulate Raki's ideals to make her believe that only with me she would find love, as for Marmaduke, she turned out to be an airhead who became good friends with Aki, Shizuka, and Nao.
Speaking of Aki, she introduced me to a friend of hers who was a feisty, alcoholic version of Aki.
She not only had large breasts, but she also possessed supernatural abilities from before the apocalypse. Her name is Minori Rokujou and she turned out to be an impulsive woman who enjoys fighting, she easily joined my harem with Aki's persuasion but that's a topic for another time.
Taking advantage of the fact that Yami's remaining staff was in chaos after losing their leaders, I took advantage of my new friendship with Jennyfer to take a little trip around the world where my group eliminated Yami's hostile members. Only those people who swore allegiance to me were allowed to live while the rest became spherical souls in Madness's warehouse (stomach).
This trip also served to add Jennifer to my harem, and since she once pointed a gun at Shigure I had her play a little punishing game, although I think I got over the top and now she's a bit of a masochist.
I must be more careful when dealing with virgin women as I have become too good at sexual matters… And yes, I am showing off.
From Yami's people who submitted I added some women to my harem that I found interesting, Navi kept nagging at me saying that it was better to eliminate all the men in the world and take all the women, but that sounds problematic since my current Harem in this world is too big and even if I don't sleep I hardly have time to make all my lovers happy.
I think I can add another 10 or 20 women without leaving any of my lovers unattended, but I need to find a way that I can be with all my lovers without using shit like cloning, until then the idea of adding a whole world to my harem will be just an idea.
On the other hand, I kept my promise to Saeko and allowed her to kill a few hundred martial artists, she was happy cutting people and I was relieved that her life was not in danger, we all won.
Although the Ryozanpaku teachers were not happy that I purged several thousand people, they did not try to stop me as I showed them how many children were forced to see their families killed and then turned into soldiers without empathy. Even Apachai and Shio finally crossed over to the dark side and were willing to kill the worst criminals who dared to attack innocent children.
The fact that many of those criminals were actually people that I brainwashed so that the people of the Ryozanpaku would see the worst of humanity is a secret that only Tsubaki knows and unsurprisingly she has not stopped saying that I am more monster than human, but the greater good is the priority.
A month later since I murdered Jenazad the world was becoming too peaceful for my liking.
I spoke with the Will of the World and after some negotiations, I was allowed to escalate things a bit.
To show that the governments of the world were too selfish and influenceable, I infiltrated the most important military bases in the world and made Reina Amarilla take control of nuclear weapons, then I made it appear that several governments had joined the group of sectarian terrorists The Liberators and sought to use nuclear weapons to purge the world of all evil by creating a new society from the ashes of the old world.
The idea was not mine, several girls in my harem saw something like this in an anime so they gave me the idea to which I agreed with a smile, maybe I should watch animated shows as they raise interesting ideas.
Anyway, Oganasuke, Hayato, and me, the three strongest men on the planet, stopped The Liberators, saved the world, and became heroes since Diego broadcast everything on the internet making us look like real-life superheroes.
Now ordinary people knew that martial artists were comparable to movie heroes and they admired us for that.
The common people were excited as a group of heroes had prevented a nuclear disaster that could destroy the world, but I know human nature. Humanity admires heroes in times of crisis, but when the fear of death is forgotten, humans will begin to fear those in power.
Martial artists are not warmongering psychopaths with some exceptions like Jeanzad, but for ordinary people, nothing is more terrifying than a man with the force to destroy an army with his bare hands, for them that is no longer a human but a monster.
Before public opinion became a problem, I took advantage of the nuclear weapons situation, and with Jennifer's help, I spoke at a UN peace conference.
Basically, I made it clear that governments were incapable of regulating the use of weapons and the safety of ordinary people so it was better to leave control of the world to the new heroes, us.
During the purge that I did for the world, I have infected with my black blood the water supplies of each city and district that I visited so that when the peace conference happened, a third of the world worshiped me with blind fanaticism to the point that if I said to commit suicide they would, so it was easy to get people to support me in my takeover of the world.
This was only possible thanks to the Madness upgrade so I made him a feast with his favorite food, human heads… I am concerned about this silly dog's new eating habits.
Three months, that was how long it took me to take over the world. The politicians, businessmen, and the media who submitted to me were promoted while the members of the opposition had sad fatal accidents, suicides due to depression, or psychotic outbreaks that led them to be admitted to mental hospitals, a tragic coincidence.
All of this would not have been achieved without the Yellow Queen, Red Queen, and Monika who constantly rotated between the martial arts world and the apocalyptic world to maintain complete control over the media.
If you control what people see then you control what people think. Since the internet said that I was the good guy and those who opposed me were the bad guys, everyone accepted it as a reality without stopping to think about how absurd it was to have a 17-year-old teenager as the dictator of the world.
I maintained a false semblance of democracy by allowing each country to elect their representatives, but each representative was secretly controlled by me and even when I was publicly attacked, they were all devoted followers who would die before betraying me.
No more hunger, no more war, no more poverty, no more crime, no more classism, no more racism, an ideal world where everyone had the same opportunities and everyone was 'free', that was the paradise I built in three months. Black blood is definitely my best ability.
Admittedly, it was not easy, I had to eliminate every nuisance even if they were respectable and noble people, an example was Kenichi's father who had an unfortunate car accident after trying to contact Saori to rebuild their marriage, a tragedy.
Kenichi put up with it and matured in no time, he even got a random girlfriend who loves him unconditionally after I brainwashed her. Everything I do to make Saori happy is admirable.
As for Saori and Honoka, they both sighed sadly but forgot about it after I spent a whole day with them watching movies and relaxing.
In short, the world is improving thanks to the fact that now the martial artists are in charge of order at the same time that the mutant beasts have begun to disperse around the world to act as security guards.
I made it public knowledge that even animals can learn martial arts so no one questioned that a dog could kick a truck over.
Most importantly, I encouraged the creation of martial arts schools all over the world so that ordinary people could gain power, although I was careful to use my black blood so that most of humanity would not be drawn to power and instead choose peaceful lives, or it will be a headache to deal with a world full of super strength idiots who do what they do they feel like it, only I can abuse my power.
Since my Madness mutated into Reader's Madness I discovered that it is easier for me to know the thoughts and methods to manipulate people as if each person were a book waiting for me to read it.
In general, things are going well in the world of martial arts and the story is practically finished, but like everything in my life, when everything is going well and calm it is a sign that something stupid and troublesome is about to happen.
According to the Will of the World, the only thing missing to finish the Story is for Rachel to conclude her path after starting a family and then I will be able to obtain my rewards, the problem is that for this Rachel must have a child as a way to close the Story with a happy ending…
When I read that I was so enraged that I sent everything to shit so after getting drunk with enough alcohol to sterilize half of Japan I had an orgy with my harem ...
Um, well, whether consciously or unconsciously, I forgot to use my Anti-Rasen technique to prevent my genetic information from being shared.
The result?
Easy to guess, it has not yet been confirmed how many women in my harem were infected with the nasty parasite called 'fetus', but it must be more than 5.
I remembered a recurring joke where a man hears that his wife is pregnant so he says that he is going to buy cigarettes and then run away.
I can empathize with the man in that joke, but whatever, at least I'm no longer a poor man who has to work 16 hours a day just to eat. Since I have the money to support a bunch of nasty brats so it doesn't matter having several women pregnant at the same time, my wives can take care of them while I do more important things like keep increasing my harem…. I'm a shitty father.
What makes the situation worse is that the little girls who are after me heard that I will be the father of several brats so to say that they were angry was an understatement.
Whether it's jealousy at the possibility that I pay more attention to my future children than to them or the fact that those damn precocious girls want a child too, the reality is that among the mentally ill around me, it is girls small the most problematic.
Rin was the best example of this disaster, she stole a gun and put it against her forehead while she threatened to kill herself if I didn't give her at least one adult kiss.
The fact that she wasn't kidding around and was actually thinking about killing herself only made my migraine worse, this damn brat reminds me of some mentally ill girls from my homeworld.
I gave in a little and gave her what I wanted, kissed her until her eyes turned to hearts (which I find disturbing since that's not normal) and then I spanked her little butt until it was red to teach her not to tease me.
Rin won't be able to sit down for a week, but her stupid victory smile keeps bothering me.
When I thought that my headache couldn't get worse, life reminded me that by being on the ground you are exposed to being kicked.
One day while I was busy organizing how to legalize human experiments in such a way that civilized society agrees to use humans as laboratory rats, I received a message from Yuriko.
The world conquest in the apocalyptic world was proceeding calmly, my group began offering free supplies to the survivors as a show of generosity, but those supplies had been infected with my black blood making it easier for the survivors to join me as loyal followers.
Since the effects of my Insanity are spiritual and not biological, they cannot be analyzed with technology so no one suspected that I am brainwashing everyone.
Unlike the martial arts world, the apocalyptic world has many groups of survivors with heavy weaponry and superhuman abilities so it is more difficult to subdue them as many idiots are not willing to give up authority and want to be kings of their own territories.
The problem that Yuriko reported to me was in three countries, China, Romania, and the United States.
The strangest problem was China, the officials of the new Chinese government did not want to integrate into my government and sought to negotiate peace so that they could maintain their own sovereignty. Obviously I rejected this as I am developing a dictator complex and now we are at war.
The main problem is not weapons and superhumans in China, Monika detected a problem in the form of a Protagonist.
A small group made up of a man and three women became a problem as they have constantly impeded the advance of my troops while always being lucky to escape in life and death situations.
Having plot armor is like becoming a cockroach so the best way to take out a protagonist is with another protagonist, but my squad of ex-protagonists is busy building a supply line that crosses the length of the African continent so I have to deal with this shit.
The simplest problem is in Romania. The mutant community that protects the source of the Progenitor Virus has agreed to negotiate to submit to me on the condition that I must personally speak with the community leader to negotiate, her name is Miranda and according to Umbrella records, she should be 100 years old, although his true identity is not yet clear.
The biggest problem is in the United States, the resistance that opposed Umbrella labeled me as a second Wesker and they have started a guerilla war against me.
The biggest problem is a woman named Alice, who has perfect compatibility with the zombie virus, giving her super strength, improved speed, improved reflexes, and an intermediate regenerative factor.
She is almost the same as Sayo with the exception that Alice has very troublesome psychic abilities comparable to Kaede's vectors plus if my guess is not wrong, she is a protagonist.
Alongside Alice have appeared several troublesome people who, despite being humans with no mutant abilities, in terms of military tactics and survival skills are more dangerous than Yami's martial artists.
Those bastards have eliminated several of the soldiers that I sent to recover the resources of the Umbrella bases which has given me several headaches.
If it weren't for the fact that I plan to make this world my main base, I would have launched a nuclear bombardment on them.
To prevent them from using nuclear weapons I had Monika disable all nuclear weapons in the world which the rebel group did not prevent as even they know that in a nuclear war there are no winners.
I sent them one last warning, if they don't give up in a month then I will personally go deal with them. This will give them hope that they can assassinate me and save the world so they will gather their main forces at the main base they built, but what those idiots don't know is that in a month I will be able to finish mastering my Reader's Madness up to 100 % which will make me a true apocalyptic monster in this world without spirit damage abilities.
All the brainwashing I've done in the martial arts world and using the skill [Self-knowledge] helped me better understand my new Madness and I must say this thing is terrifying even by my standards.
For now, I'll give them time to prepare while I take care of the least of my problems.
Right now I am on a plane heading to Romania, as this can be dangerous, I reduced the number of people who would accompany me.
Kaede and Shiro would originally be my only companions on this mission as they are the only ones who can survive even if they are split in half.
Besides them, I brought 4 androids, Chise, 2B, Monika, and an android that has just been activated.
Each android has a unique function and design, 2B is a 'Samurai' combat model designed to deal with large enemies such as giant robots or colossal mutants.
Chise is an 'Angel' model designed for aerial combat and the destruction of armored fortresses.
The new member of the group is a 'Ghost' model android ideal for espionage, intelligence gathering, and assassinations.
I don't know why the creator of the android women gave human names to some of his creations and he assigned others to code names, but this android is called Motoko Kusanagi, a beautiful woman with short dark blue hair, a slim body with well-defined curves, and a stoic personality a bit similar to the deadpan 2B.
Now that I control most of the world's energy resources, it is not difficult to make batteries for android women, and if I wanted I could activate them all, but I want to take things easy since each one has its own personality and I want to add them to my harem so they don't betray me, as far as programming them to be totally loyal to me, that would be boring.
This mission could be dangerous so I didn't want to bring my harem, but when my mind was busily deciphering the [Self-Knowledge] skill, a troublesome girl infiltrated the plane.
Normally it would be impossible for a person without supernatural stealth abilities to approach me within 100 meters without me detecting them, but the stupid ability [Lucky Pervert] is a headache.
I sighed, drank some coffee, and looked at the girl who was sitting on my lap. - "Why don't you sit on the seat in front of you?"
"It's comfortable here" - The girl smiled tenderly, accommodating her slim body against mine, although the way she tries to use her small butt to stimulate a specific area of my body makes me want to sigh with fatigue. - "All my friends are in a relationship with you, it's cruel to exclude me ~"
"You just want to blow things up" - I sighed wryly, her antics don't displease me at all.
The girl smiled and took a cookie while she ignored Shiro and Kaede's jealous gaze.
The girl was a member of the Black Label, addicted to explosives and mayhem. Oriha Nashida, a cute 14-year-old girl with pink hair and large breasts too well developed for her young age.
"When Yuko finds out this she is going to whip your little ass" - I'm tired of every nonsense that happens around me.
Oriha flinched, but then smirked wickedly. - "What if instead of giving me away with Yuko, it's not you who whips my little ass?"
…. Damn precocious girls, this is getting out of hand.
Author's Note:
Your beloved author went on a family vacation, near where I am there is a town called 'Tequila' (Alcoholic drink from my country), and well ... The belief that to avoid a hangover you must continue to drink alcohol seems true.
Anyway, kids, don't drink, it's bad.
A hug <3