*At home*

Bree and Yeon were working on the project when Bree's phone rang. She signaled Yeon to keep it down as she answered the call.

"Nice strategy kid, sleeping with the enemy. I have got to say, I'm quite impressed by how bold you are. How's progress, kid?" he asked in a serious way. Bree had totally forgotten that he had given her such an assignment.

"Yeah it's going great. However, all the information I have is in a hard disc. There were too many important files and I didn't have time to go through them one by one so I copied them all. Should I pass it to you in person?" Bree questioned him, leaving Yeon confused.

"I'll let you know when and where. Be ready! " he said harshly before he hung up.

"What's his problem? Can't he let you live in peace? " Yeon asked her while rebooting his laptop for the millionth time.

"Still can't get it open, babe? Let me help you. That is if you want me to, of course. May I? " she turned to Yeon who pointed to the laptop in a "by all means" way. "By the way, he said he was going to mention when and where he wants to meet me so that I could pass him the information that he wanted me to get. The worst part is I never even started looking for it. I literally have nothing to give him! " she yelled out when simultaneously she managed to get the laptop rebooted.

"So, what do you have in mind? " Yeon smirked at Bree, giving her the confidence to cook up a sinister plan.

"I have the perfect idea! " Bree said with her hands crossed and smirk on her face. "I just need an empty hard disc. Can you help me get one, bae? " she looked at him. Yeon simply nodded in response. He was ready to do whatever it takes to get back at the man who made her miserable.

*time skip- evening*

Bree and Yeon continued working on the project after the conversation that they had when all of a sudden, Bree heard her notification tone. She excused herself and went to the kitchen to look at it. She was given a task to silence the police officer that is investigating the Art Gallery case once and for all. She could not possibly refuse. She knew that if she refused to do so, she might put her brothers' life in danger. She obviously could never let Yeon know about it. However, she can't possibly lie to him. If he found out she had lied to him the whole time to protect her identity as an influenced murderer, he would be so hurt and he might even leave her. Bree couldn't risk that. With that being said, she decided to do it without him knowing.

Yeon is the kind of person that goes to bed early. He never stays up unless there is a football match going on live. Bree figured that she'd let him go into a deep sleep before leaving the house.

*time skip-midnight*

Bree suited up and was ready to make her leave to the head cop's apartment when she had realised that she was out of insulin. At that time, where was she going to find insulin? She had a different plan instead. She packed her twister knife in her cat bag. Before no time, she was already out. The biggest flex she had at the moment was that she lived nearby the victims that she was assigned to 'put to sleep'.

By the time she reached the apartment, it was half past midnight. She noticed the security guard had dosed off. She snuck into the security office and turned off all the cameras that she intended to pass to get to the cop. He lived on the fourth floor. How convenient, right? Anyway, she proceeded to his floor and got in front of his doorstep. As soon as she was about to open his door, she noticed the doorknob was rotating by itself. She quickly ran to hide behind the intersection walls of that floor. It was him. The head cop. The man in charge! He seemed to be on the phone with someone. Judging by his tone, Bree assumed it might be someone from headquarters. He seemed pretty mad. She was trying to figure out how she was going to get in and finish the job when the cop walked over to the end of the floor to look out the giant window. His loss as the window was open. So was his door. Bree was fighting the thoughts between to push him down or to kill him in his sleep and then dispose the body. She then went for pushing him out the window. Sure, she could kill him and throw him in the river after puncturing his lungs so that he doesn't float back up after time but she decided that it was too much work and she might leave evidence. Hence, she went with the push. She started approaching his back slowly, trying not to draw attention by making loud footsteps. She had gloves on both her hands and was wearing leather boots. She was intending to avoid any evidence being left there. She even wore a hair net and a beanie to avoid her hair being left at the crime scene.

At that very moment, Bree was directly behind him and he was too into the call to notice her. He was almost 7 feet tall and Bree was so tiny compared to him. With all her might, she pushed him aggressively while he slipped and fell out the window. He fell face down while lead to his skull to crack and make him lose a lot of blood. Bree ran as fast as she could to get away from the crime scene. She escaped by jumping out the back wall of the apartment. It lead to an abandoned trail to God knows where. She went on that path anyway as she had no choice.