Before Bree could think of a reasonable decision, the phone stopped ringing. Bree shrugged her shoulders and was about to walk away when it started ringing again. She was terrified right at that moment.

"Okay, now if I don't answer it, I'm going to be seen as someone who is rude as hell. But I don't want to ruin the mood!" she still was not over battling her inner mind.

You can't blame her though; she has her mom's genetics in her. Probably in levels exiting normal levels. People often say she's a mini version of her late mother. Minus the anger issues of course. She got that from her late father.

Three missed calls later, Bree decided to pick up the call as it was the right thing to do, or so she thought it was. She felt nervous. She was trembling at this juncture. Somehow, she managed to gather some courage to do it.

"Hello?" was all she could say from the receiving end before the caller aggressively hung up the phone. "Ugh! How rude! Now, this is why I didn't want to pick up in the first place!" she walked towards the fridge to get something to hopefully calm her down.

Bree found a tiny bottle of banana milk in the back of the fridge. She might seem tall and tough on the outside but deep inside lives a kid who has been hurt to the extent that she never had a good adolescent life.

Just as she was calming down, Bree heard a loud thud coming from somewhere nearby. Presumably from next door. She darted for the front door to check out what all the ruckus was about. She sure as hell did not want those officers to stop by anyway near where she lived, not again that is.

Bree peeped through the window, hoping to get a rare sighting of a potential alien. At least that is what she thought crash-landed in her neighbour's front yard. She couldn't seem to see anything. She was starting to think it was all in her head. Just about then, she heard footsteps from behind, approaching her slowly. The closer they got to her, the sweatier she got. When she heard the footsteps get close enough, she kicked backwards as hard as she could, to knock down the potential threat. Before she could turn around, she heard a voice.

"What in God's name was that for?" Yeon yelled out in a quavering voice. Bree had just got into her senses and remembered that she wasn't living alone anymore.

"I'm so sorry. I kind of forgot you live here too!" she said while reaching her hand out to him, smirking all the way.

"Let me give you a tip. Next time when you're in your own little world, talking to yourself and all. TAKE A QUICK SCAN OF THE ROOM!" he was certainly not happy.

"Suck it up, big boy. Don't tell me you have never been kicked before. Besides, I aimed for your abdomen. Be thankful that I didn't go for your unmentionables, bro!" Bree almost cracked up but she kept it in to avoid a further argument with him. Yeon grabbed a hold of Bree's hand to support him while attempting to get up. When he finally stood up, he looked at her as if he had seen a ghost. The darted look of disbelief. He was dumbfounded.

"You are just so lucky you're not a guy right now, Lil' miss goody two shoes. Or else!" he said, staring her down.

"Or else, what?" she stared back. She was not going down without a fight this time. She has been eager to stare him down for some unexplainable reason.

"Trust me, as much as I want this, it's not really the right time. What's important is we have a possible alien invasion right now. I'm not sure of it, to be frank. Regardless, I'm hyped!" the inner child of Yeon had just made its way out.

"Wait! What do you mean? What did you mean by 'this'? What does it mean?" she was left there. Completely clueless.

Yeon, on the other hand, proceeded to take a look around their front yard to make sure aliens were not peeing on Bree's prized petunias. Bree followed Yeon to their front yard to get a closer look at what went down. Turns out there weren't any signs of so-called 'alien invasions' so the couple decided to head back inside and grab a quick snack. Bree was seated on top of the kitchen counter, as usual, while Yeon was preparing a surprise snack.

"At least give me a hint on what you're making, hun. The anticipation is killing me!" Bree was practically whining.

"Instead of whining and acting like a total child, it would be delightful if you could help me out!" he teased.

"Pffftttt! As if I've never helped you before. Come to think of it, I'm helping you right now. Jeez, I knew you were kind of deaf, but you're blind too?" she laughs out her statement while heading to one of the tall cabinets.

"Okay! First of all, I'm not deaf. I know which incident you're referring to but, in my defence, I was daydreaming so I didn't hear you. Secondly, I am not blind! I mean, in what way are you helping me right now, besides being a big cry baby?" he seemed annoyed.

"Well, me being here with you, looking all pretty and stuff is definitely helping. Am I right?" she was tip-toeing to reach her cookie jar which was on the top shelf.

"If you put it like that, then, yes! You're helping a lot. But, realistically speaking I could use some help plating these. Give me a hand, would you?" Yeon grabbed the jar with ease and handed it to her, waiting for her response to his question.

"Oh alright! I'm not doing it because you told me to, though. I'm doing it because I want to do it. So don't go putting it on your 'achievement list' just yet!" she said while giving him the 'I'm an icon' face.