Bree was using her signature hand-crushed peanut garnishing technique to plate the pancakes that Yeon was making. Not only did she garnish the top, but she added her autograph on both plates using maple syrup. Yeon didn't notice it just yet as he was busy staking the pancakes on the empty pan beside the stove while Bree was transferring them onto plates.
Yeon kept stirring the batter every now and then to keep it from thickening. Turning around he looked to the egg carton he had taken out, which he knew had not been opened, and yet it was now sitting open, and one egg was missing. He puzzled a moment.
"Did you, by any chance, eat a raw egg?" he asked Bree who wasn't quite done leaving her autograph on the plates.
"Do I look like I eat raw eggs? Honestly, babe, have you ever seen me eat sushi?" she was in disbelief of his weird yet logical question.
"You eat sushi?" he gazed at her with eyes bulging out of his eye sockets.
"You know what? Drop the topic. I don't want to start another long argument. That's the last thing I want right now. Anyways, I thought we agreed on making a snack. Why do we have enough food on the table to be classified at a 5-course meal?" she was shaken after realizing how many 'snacks' they had actually prepared.
"Well, this is actually a light snack because we have places to be at tonight and I'm hoping your bestie has food prepared. If this isn't enough then we can order a side of take-outs. How about that?" he looked so innocent while saying this. Bree was too stunned to speak but that hasn't stopped her before now, has it?
"This could literally feed a whole family of 5! How is this not enough?" she laughed it out.
"Let's just say I am a big eater. And apparently, I'm dating a stress eater. How convenient?" he said, looking at Bree who was stuffing a whole pancake inside her mouth.
"You know what would be perfect right now?" she spoke with her mouth full of pancake bits, completely ignoring Yeon's statement.
"What?" Yeon chuckled.
"Whipping cream and maybe a few berries. Blueberries would work the best. Don't you think?" she asked Yeon who was helping himself to some coffee.
"I honestly could not have thought of something better than that, babe. But, remember to eat light though. You always nag when you have a bump. Especially when you're wearing something skin tight. Not that I stare a lot but you know, hehe!" he nervously let out a laugh, knowing he almost exposed himself.
"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot about that! How could I? Ugh! I'm such a terrible person!" she was repeatedly venting out at herself.
"Hey! We have been over this like a million times. No venting out to oneself!" Yeon was always looking out for Bree in even the smallest ways.
"Yeah yeah! I know. I'm sorry. But you haven't picked a dress for me yet. What am I supposed to wear?" she stuffed her face with another one of Yeon's beluga sized pancakes.
"I have an idea! Why don't I randomly pick one so that you don't have to put much thought into it? While I'm doing that, you, on the other hand, can help me do the dishes. Deal?" Yeon was trying to avoid doing the dishes. Probably because he had just realized how much they ate.
"That seems like a great idea. I mean, it's only fair that I do the dishes because you practically did all the cooking and all I did was plating and stuff. So, yeah!" she smiled, giving Yeon the green light to escape dish duty.
While Yeon went upstairs to pick out a dress for her, Bree headed to the sink area to start cleaning up. Doing the dishes doesn't look like a difficult job to accomplish, but doing It Is another story. Usually, she would have about three to four plates per meal. The boys didn't eat much. All 3 of them combined would use up to 5 plates maximum. However, now she had the whole sink filled with dirty dishes.
Firstly, Bree started by scraping off all the extra food into the garbage disposal beside the sink, so there won't be any messes and It would be a lot easier to clean. She then soaked the dishes In some warm water and soap for about five minutes. While that was happening, she pulled out a dish rack from the drawer and a towel to dry the dishes. After the five minutes are up, she drained the sink from all the water. Then, she took a wet sponge and started scrubbing the dishes, to get all the remaining food off of the dishes.
"He seemed all smiley and happy. Well, that is because he wasn't the one doing the cleaning. Now I'm the one stuck in Dish Ville!" she was having one of her usual 'meeting with one' moments again.
Yeon, on the contrary, was battling his own thoughts. He wanted to pick out something stunning yet not so over the top. What he had in mind was a blend of fun and elegance. Not a very common combo that you could find in your everyday fashion magazines, that's for sure. He had this unique ability to style people according to their desired events. Some said he should have gone towards fashion instead of science but his father would have never agreed to that.
"Think, Yeon-ah! Think! What would she look best in?" he was fidgeting his fingers while walking back and forth of the room. "She would look good in black. But she would totally own the atmosphere if she wore red!" he was yelling at his own reflection on their tall mirror. "That's it! She should go with black and red!" he finally came to a conclusion.
Yeon was determined to find a red and black form-fitted dress for Bree. He wanted her to be the centre of attention. He also wanted to just stare at her for hours without being noticed but we all know that is certainly not an easy thing to do. Especially, when it comes to Bree.