Behind His Friendly Smile

Hayashi Sakura glanced at Alan secretly from time to time while they rode the train together going to school. Earlier, she was one hundred percent sure that Alan had something to say to her but then ended up not saying it at all.

Is he alright? Is something bothering him right now? I wish he would just tell me.

Sighing for like the twentieth time now, Sakura finds herself being worried for both Alan and Ken's sake right now. But then again, both guys are her closest friends in school so there is really nothing wrong about it.

{"Then, are you saying that you like Yamaguchi-san more than Mori-san?"}

Suddenly, Nakano Yuna's words from their club outing the other day rang inside her head, making her eyes slightly wide.

What was that all about? Why did my mind recall her words all of a sudden?