The Poster

With two students who got the highest scores in the national universal test being teamed up in a pair, it was somehow expected that they'll be able to do their presentation well. Once their first-period class was over, all students went out of the room as soon as they were dismissed.

Hayashi Sakura was still stuffing her notebook and pen inside her bag when she noticed Ken's figure towering above her. 

"Ken-kun?" Sakura immediately tilted her head up and faced Ken. "What's up? I thought you left already."

Ken only pursed his lips in irritation before he answered, "Of course I was waiting for you so that we could go to the third floor together. That's where your next class is headed as well, right?"

By now, Sakura was already done stuffing her things inside her bag and immediately strapped it behind her when she looked at Ken for the second time with a confused expression plastered on her face.

"Right. How did you know that?"