Chapter 11


"I love you so much Lie," Jude said again to Lie.

It is now or never. He can't let this pass. There is no use in keeping his feeling. He is sure of what he felt. He loves her so much. He wouldn't be like this if he doesn't. His heart had never beaten like this before.

He held Lie's both cheeks. He wiped the tears there. He stared her in the eyes. He sees some uncertainty in her.

Nonetheless, he was willing to do anything, just to erase those doubts.

"Please baby, believe me, .....believe me." he pleads.

She still not speaking. She was shaking too. He looked at her again and he could see the tightening of her jaw. It was as if something she was trying to resist.

"H-how did that happen?" finally she spoke too.

"Honestly, I don't know." he replied, "it just happens and I can't draw back myself from loving you."

She held his hands on her cheeks slowly taking them out from her face then placed them on his waist's sides.

"You know, it's just hunger, let's go home so you can eat." then she quickly picked up the bag and left the office.

What had just happen? Did she just leave him here?

"Jane, I'll go ahead." he heard her say goodbye to her secretary.

"Yes Dr. Lie." replied her secretary.

He was quick to follow her making his steps double to catch up with her steps.

"I am serious Lie," he said when he finally got near her.

"You're just kidding," she said.

They have reached the elevator.

"No. I am not just kidding," he replied.

She enters the elevator when opened and he followed her. They are no longer had to press the ground floor, there were three nurses there and the ground floor button was already lit.

"Don't insist," she said in a low voiced avoiding others to hear their conversation.

"But I love you!" He couldn't help but raise his voice. So she suddenly looked at him. Even the three Nurses in the elevator were silent with their gazes focused on him. He looked at them at the corner of his eyes, it was as if they were statues, not moving and as if they're waiting for his next move.

He turned his gaze to Lie. She is still tough. They were silent until they were awakened by the opening of the elevator.

As soon as the elevator opened she came out immediately with her large steps walking to the lobby. He followed her again but she is still as hard as a stone that she doesn't want to talk to him.

"I love you Doctor Rine Lie Winters !!!!!" He shouted.

All the movements that every person there in that place were stopped by his shout. And it's as if there is a magnet that turned their gazes in the same direction.

Lie suddenly stopped stop walking and automatically turned to him. Her face flushed. She turned her gaze around and blushed, even more, when she saw many were there. Both doctors and nurses as well as other hospital staff, patients, and more.

She came back to him quickly and slapped his mouth hard.

"Baby," he complained.

"Baby your face! You scandalous monkey!!!!" there is a restraint in her voice.

"I am just letting them know how I feel for you and I am not ashamed of it," he replied pleading.

She glared at him and then grabbed him by the hand and pulled him away to the parking lot.

When they arrive at the parking lot his car was ready. He opened the front door for her. She didn't complain and rode right away. He needs to talk to her deeply.

"Where are we going? it's not the way back to your house." She smartly noticed.

"Let us have dinner first." she shook her head in disapproval.

"Shine is waiting." She said.

"I already called her earlier that we would be home late" he replied.

She sighs deeply.

"Okay," she said after few seconds.

He victoriously smiled. That's it, baby, I will make sure that you will fall for me too. He said in his mind and he would never let it go.

They were silent in the car while on the road. She was just staring outside from the car window.

He took her to the Hotel and Restaurant owned by his family. He hurried down from his car to open the door on her side then offered his hand to support her.

"Thank you but I can manage," she said.

"Still" he insisted.

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Acting like a gentleman are you?, don't exaggerate, move aside!" now she's back on her Amazona state.

"Uh oh," he blocked her way out.

"What a hard-headed monkey!" she whispered that he can still hear.

"Are you saying something?" He brought his face closer to her.

"No, I said let's go I'm hungry," she said not accepting his hand.

He, like a stubborn suitor to her, needs to act gently. He held her tiny waist which made her twisted a bit which he never minds thought then guide her inside like they were a couple in love.

"Jude, I'm not crippled. I can walk alone," she said softly.

"I know, I just love holding you," he said winking at her. He could see the redness on its face which made him smile silently.

"And I love seeing you blushed, too."

She looked down. He smiled triumphantly. 'So shy and innocent, baby'. Even she's showing her Amazona side, her modesty still shows.

"Good evening Sir Jude, Good evening Ma'am," said the guard as they entered the hotel. He nodded to the guard.

"You're always here?"

"Yeah, our family owns the place" he replied.

he guided her to the reception area.

"Good evening Sir, Ma'am" the receptionist greeted them. He just nods.

"Is the room ready for us?"

"Yes Sir" obediently said the receptionist.

"Come on, let's go to our room."

"But I thought we're having dinner?" She asked confused.

"Yes, in a VIP room" he replied.

"Just a simple dinner Jude? at the VIP room?"

"I wanted it special for you," he answered her with a wink.

"There you are again, come on, so that your abnormality will disappear." He laughed at her sudden reaction.

"This way, baby" he guides her.

"Stop calling me baby!" she is not running out of complaints.

"I love calling you baby."

"You're giving me goosebumps!"

"Hmmn, affected?" he teased.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. He laughed even more. She is cute to look at when pissed. It how many rolling eyes he received from her. He loves this woman hardly and deeply.

When they reach the VIP room, he opened the door for her. She went straight into the room just to be caught off guard.

"Is this for real? "She asked. She looked at him. He nodded.

She turned her eyes around.

"This is Paradise !!!" she exclaimed.

All manner of nature are on the walls like a living nature that is suitable for dating spots and when you look up, the universe is there. And the real blooming flowers surrounding the table amid the room are elegant.

"The flowers are on the pots and they're amazingly blooming!!!" she said amazed." It's amazing !!"

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"I love it, thank you!" she answered cheerfully. Her beautiful smile glows. Her usual sad eyes shine. It was as if there was sadness in his incomprehensible eyes and that was what he wanted to erase and replace with joy.

"Look at those tulips" she pointed to the tulips flowers.

"How do these flowers grow and live inside?" she asked.

"Look up." He said.

"Wow!," she exclaimed.

"Up above is a crystal glass roofing, where the light from the sun can pass through which allows the flowers inside lives. We also have assigned a botanist to maintain every plant and flower inside the hotel," he explained.

"So we are at the floor?"

He nodded looking at her.

"Too creative, so beautiful!" she added.

Yes, she is so beautiful.

"Yeah, so beautiful." he agreed while looking intensely at her.

"You're too beautiful" he uttered that made her stopped from roaming her eyes.

"stopped that! you're ruining the moment," she said pouting her lips.

He laughed and pulled her waist closer to him. He hugged her. She automatically placed her hands on his chest not allowing herself completely get close to him.

"I'm serious," he started at her intensely.

She also stared at him. His gaze went to her red lips. Those tempting red kissable lips, he is longing to devour it again. He is like a roaring lion seeking those lips always to be devoured. He looked into her eyes again, she was also staring at him seriously. Gradually their faces drew closer. Their lips are just an inch away when ---

"Sir, the table is set for dinner," said the waiter who arranged their food.

Their faces automatically turned away. Lie instantly move away from him. He, on the other hand, calmed himself. He was about to kiss her and they're getting there then suddenly got hanged leaving him in pain. If he could punch the waiter, he will gladly do 'till his death. The waiter must have noticed the awkward situation so he quickly said goodbye to them and left. He composed himself and face Lie.

"Ahm, let's eat?" he was left with no choice but to invite her to eat.

"Yeah, let's eat she answered then went herself to the table where the food was set up.

He then followed her and grabbed a chair for her before he sits at the chair beside her. He doesn't want to sit on the opposite side. The distance is too far from her. He doesn't want her far from him, he always wants her beside him. He wants her smell all the time. He became addicted to her scent. She's so addicting that he loves to smell her always.

"J-Jude--" he can sense her uneasiness.

"Let's eat first and then let's talk after, okay?"

He said and kissed her forehead.

He took care of her and he made sure that she is completely set before he sets his own. They ate silently hearing only the sounds of utensils they were using. No one intends to speak. She ate well. She does what's on the table, she ate a lot like a construction worker. Unlike other women who are full of inhabitation and too careful with their vitality. They're finished eating when they heard the soft and slow music coming from the orchestra.

He stood up and lend his hand to her.

"May I have this dance?" he asked.

She stared at his hand.

"Are you not afraid of getting appendicitis?," she said that made him laugh.

"You're a moment spoiler, my lady, come on, a sweet music, we will not be dancing wildly so we're free from appendicitis."

She accepted his hand. And he guided her to the vacant path where flowers were heading towards the terrace facing the ocean where fresh air embraces them as soon as they reach there. The music continued and there they had their first dance.

"Let's talk"

"Let's talk---"

They both uttered. They were still slowly waving their bodies in a sweet slowly dancing melody.

"I am serious about you," he said first. "I know I'm too fast for you but this is really what I feel, I love you Lie, I am deeply fallen in love with you" he confessed again. "And I wanted you to be my girlfriend" he continued. "Not now but soon, until you are ready to accept me. For now, I will be courting you."

Lie was silent in a moment as she looked into his eyes like measuring his sincerity. She sighs deeply.

"What if I can't reciprocate your feeling," she said coldly.

There's a pang on his chest when he heard what she just said. Their feelings are not mutual. She does not like him. But no, he will not give up this easily. He will fight for this love.

"Can you at least give me a chance?" he asked.

"What if you're just wasting your time and effort with me, that in the end, you will end up aching. What if I am not capable of loving, what if----"

He is hearing enough possible pains that made him sealed her lips with a kiss to keep her silent. He doesn't want to have more what-ifs.

"Those what-ifs, will always be what if, if we will not give ourselves a try," he said.

"I have lots of baggage Jude" she answered.

"Then, let me carry it to lighten up your burdens."

"I offer my whole me to you, Baby, I love you Lie, Just the way you are, and I am willing to take risks for us." He said.

"Will you give me a chance?" he held her cheeks looking at her pleading. She started at him back. Then her beautiful smile showed up.

"Is that smile a yes?" he doesn't want to assume anything but there is a glint of hope arising within him.

"Court me then." there, she finally said.

"Really?!, yes.! Yes!" he shouted in happiness.

He embraced her tightly.

"Thank you, baby!"

She allows him to hug her that gives him high hopes for victory. He can also feel her arms slowly hugging him back. They were hugging for several seconds when he then feels the urge of kissing her.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

"You've kissed me how many times already without my guard. Are you really asking my permission?" she complained sarcastically.

That made him laughed before he held her face facing his then there their lips met and they kissed with full passion.

And that made his night wonderfully complete.