Chapter 12


"We're here," Jude said.

It's nearly 11 p.m. They did not notice the time. She didn't expect this to happen. She was so shocked by Jude's confession. They just met, yet here they are. She thought he was very rude, arrogant, and selfish because that's what she saw at first. Then they ended dating. Did the date happen earlier when they're at the hotel? And she even gives him a chance to court her. What am I thinking? Was her decision right or she was just being hypnotized? And Shine? is one of her worries, the child needs to know the truth. She took a deep breath.

"That was deep," he said referring to her sigh.

"Did you dive and catch it?" she asked philosophically.

"Which one?"

"You just said, that was deep," she replied irritatingly. Then he just made a loud laugh realizing what she was talking about. It was another laugh of his that brought her amazement at the time wonder. Why is this man's happiness so shallow. It was as if he was so glad that she is irritated.

"What's funny?"

"I find you more beautiful with that annoying look. And the more you do that, the stronger is my love for you," he said in a baritone but soft voice.

She blushed. Why is this man's tongue so flowery. She held herself from smiling. She's already thrilled with what he has been doing to her tonight. She wanted to get out of the car already so she can hide in the bedroom.

"You're always talking pure nonsense, I remember Shine. We have to confess to her that we are not her real parents."

"We will tell her tomorrow, we will talk to her," he answered. "That's better too, so she doesn't get hurt too much," he added.

She was relieved. That would be good to reduce her worries. They were silent after the conversation. They're just observing and hearing each other breathing inside the car.

"Ahm, let's get out from here," she said after a while.

"Just a minute" he went out first. He turned around in the passenger seat and opened it. Hmm, a gentle dog. She smiled secretly.

"Thank you," she said when she got out.

"Anything for you, baby," he said and winked at her.

She gave him an annoying look passing before him making an entrance to his huge house even though she wanted to squat and scream on the shiver. She's happy tonight. She just doesn't want him to notice it. And she could not deny to herself that despite that feeling, there was still fear inside her.

Without looking back, she went straight to the room she was occupying. She's still confused. Mixed emotions filled her. She was thrilled, she was happy but fear prevailed. She was scared because she might just be left in the air, she was scared because she might fall and wouldn't be caught by him and most of all she was scared because she wasn't ready to gamble yet.

She was about to hold the doorknob in the room when someone got hold of it first and it was Jude.

She was shocked. He looked at her intensely.

"W-why?" She asked.

"You're in a hurry, may I know why?"

Her nervousness rose again to her chest when he grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Amm, n-no because ..." what will she say? my goodness, this person is like a mushroom that suddenly appears in front of her.

"What" he's waiting for what will she ganna say.

"I have diarrhea, why?" she replied, finally thinking of a reason as well. She smiled secretly. Funny, she's hoping he will believe.

"Okay," he said and then turned the doorknob and entered.

"Wait, wait, ..." she stopped him. "Why are you coming in?"

"I'll go with you to the comfort room." that made her eyes open wide.

"Whaaaat???!!!" she blurted loudly making him laugh out loud. Is he out of her mind?

"Just kidding baby, I just want to say good night to you before we part," he said.

It's as if he's going too far, his room is just next to hers.

" Oh come on, you're overreacting," she said pouting her lips. "Okay, Good night," she said making him get out.

"Good night baby," then he pulled her closer to him, and here he is again, his sinful lips invaded hers. Her lips slightly open when she felt his tongue lightly poking making its entrance to make their kiss torrid and deep. Her traitor body betrayed her again that it voluntarily mimicked his movements. His caresses made her body tremble in heat wanting for more. Her lips voluntarily move and kissed him back moving the intensity as his. Her arms were wrapped around his neck while his hands were traveling and caressing all over her. Before she could go wild and insane, she made all her effort to stop them.

"J-jude..." she uttered catching her breath. He stopped yet his arms were still wrapped around her body without moving.

"I can't wait to own you baby, but I respect you. Let's get married tomorrow please," he said.

That made her spank his broad chest.

"Tsk, I don't even know yet if I would accept you as my boyfriend, how much more is getting married?" She answered.

He didn't answer which made her look up to see his face. She caught a sad emotion on his face that was immediately replaced with his playful aura when he saw her lookup. Giving her a wide smile that didn't reach his eyes, her conscience is eating her.


"It's okay, I know that you don't love me," he said.


"But I am willing to wait until you will open your heart and make me enter. " he continued.

"And I will never stop until I have you" he held her face with his both hands.

"I love you, and you're the only woman I will be courting. No one else. For now, just let me court you. Good night baby," then he gave her a sensual kiss on her forehead.

He released her from his embrace. He's walking towards the door when he looked back at her.

"I love you!" he said after opening the doorknob and going out. She still couldn't move her body yet because her heartbeat is raising when she saw his head at the door.

"And baby, it was a date" then he thoroughly disappear. Her heart beats erratically.

She was left dumbfounded. After a while, her smile plastered on her face. She can't hold it. She smiled widely, feeling happy. She's happy.

After a while, she stopped. Why is it that she feels happy then after there's a feeling of emptiness? What was it? What should I do now? She harshly breathed within. She is so confused right now.

About her feeling towards Jude? yes, she knows she's getting there. He had made his way to her heart already but there was still was a glimpse of unpreparedness within her.

She has decided to give him a chance by courting her, maybe in due time, the answer is there. She again sighed and prepare herself to sleep.

She was awakened by small voices around her.

"Daddy, why is Mommy hasn't awake yet?" it was Shine's voice.

"Shs, don't be too noisy baby, Mommy might wake up."

"But it's already 10:00 in the morning Dad,"

"10:00 am?" She blurted while getting up out of the bed making the two look so surprised with her behavior. Her work, she needs to work for Pete's sake.

"Hey, hey, relax," Jude said. He made his way near her.

"Mommy, are you sick?" it was Shine.

Her gaze went to the child. Is she sick? She doesn't know. She was sleeping like a baby, Oh my goodness, she's so dead. She needs to go to work. She hurriedly stood up to get ready----

"Hey, no need to worry" Jude interrupted her


"What do you mean by no need to worry? I have a duty at the hospital!" she answered.

"I already called your secretary to inform her that you can't make it to work today" she sighed in relief when she heard it. But why did he do it?

"And your friend called" my friend called, she mimicked silently.

"Okay," she answered lightly. What???!!!. Her eyes go round when she realized what she was hearing.

"To whom did she call?" she asked calming herself.

"To you. It was ringing several times at the side table but it didn't wake you up so I did answer it on your behalf," she nodded her head.

"What did she say?"

"She's excited to see you, she said you got to be prepared for a duel between you two." now she's dead. Tsk, that woman. If you only know that she was just looking for her to be bitten that's why she called.

"Mommy, you eat," Shine invited her.

"Oh, baby. Come here, Hmm what sweet scents, you've taken your bath early? You smell so good baby." she made her sit on her lap. She gave kisses all over her face that made the child giggle.

"Mommy!!!, it tickles..." Shine's Lough is so loud.

"Why didn't you wake up Mommy, hmm?" She trickled her more making her waves of laughter fill the whole room.

"Mommy,... look around!" Shine said while still giggling. Her mouth was made half-open. Were they a the flower garden?

"Baby? where are we?" she asks the child.

"In your room" her gaze transferred to Jude. She's thinking of him bringing the beautiful view at the restaurant last night. The setting was the same. The foods are in the midst surrounded by flowers. Wow.

"What are you doing?" she can't help but ask. He went near her and whispered to her ears.

"Courting you" he answered. This early? "Good morning!" he continued giving her a smack on the lips.

My goodness, she hasn't even checked herself in the mirror, maybe she still has mote at her eyes, and for goodness sake, she has not brushed her teeth yet. And this monkey just suddenly kissed her. She absentmindedly placed her two palms on her face. What a shame.

"Come on mommy, I wanna eat again," the child has pulled her. She just let her. They happily shared the food. The whole room was filled with laughter from the three of them.

When they finished eating they moved into the living room of the house. Shine was busy coloring her drawing book when she and Jude looked at each other. She sat on the sofa while Shine lay on the carpet and enjoyed coloring. Jude sat beside her on the sofa.

"Do you think, it is the right time?" she asked.

"Yeah, I think so" he replied.

"Mommy, look! butterflies!"

They both looked at the child showing her the newly colored butterflies in the coring book.

"Wow!, you're so good, come here baby" she carried her and made her sit on her lap.

"Ahm, baby..... what if," she finds it difficult to start a word. "What if I am not your mommy?" she continued.

"I knew."

"You knew?!" She and Jude uttered in disbelief.

The child looks at her and then hugs her with a warm embrace.

"Yes, Mommy. I heard you and Daddy the last time."

"So you also knew that Daddy is not your Daddy?" she interrogated more and Shine just nod in response.

Whooh, they were just worried for nothing. The fact that there's nothing to worry about at all.

"Ahm, baby so you knew from the beginning that I am not your Daddy?" Jude asked and Shine answer with a nod again.

"So why did you call me Daddy then?"

"Because I can see Dad in you Daddy, and I can see Mom in you too Mommy, happy family!!!!" she answered happily. Oh, that's why.

"Do you know also where are your Mom and Dad?" she asked the kid again.

"They're on vacation mommy"

Vacation?..she is confused. Jude says he's looking for Dianne. Where exactly are this child's father and mother then?

"Baby, who brought you here?" Jude asked the child again.

"I did!" she heard a voice behind her. She suddenly felt creepy and nervous.

"Grandmom!!!" grandmom? She felt her pussycat hair suddenly stand with nervousness. Little by little she made her body move in the woman's direction to face her.

"My beautiful granddaughter how--- Dianne?!!!"

She saw her cringe in shock when she looked at her as if she couldn't believe what she has just seen. She was taken aback slightly taking steps backward. Jude immediately supported her. She looked at the woman. She's beautiful and sophisticated.

"Mom, she's not Dianne if you think she is," Jude said. Oh, it's his mother. She stood up straight immediately when she realized that she's Jude's mother. Is it meet the parents already? It's still early for that. She thought.

"B-but she, shes---" his mother can't even complete her words. But why?

"I knew. She looks like Dianne but she is not Dianne." Jude explained further.

"T-then who is she?" his mother asked in disbelief.

"She is Lie Mom, " Jude replied. "Baby, this is Mom, and Mom meet Lie," and what is this man saying. Baby his face, she's not his baby for Pete's sake. She's ashamed. She hesitated to speak but she remained calm even though she seemed to be giving in to her nervousness. She is also getting cold.

"Rine Lie Winters Ma'am. Good morning." she greeted her extending her arms for a handshake.

"OMGoodness!!!!" she screamed.

"I-is this for real?" she uttered. What did she think of her?. Why is she so surprised?. Do I look like a spirit? A ghost maybe----

"Oh my goodness!!!, Arthuroooo!!!!" the woman screamed again to her shocked.

She's getting insane. "I can't believe this"...

"Arthuroooo!!!!!" she screamed making shock even more. After a while, a man in his not-so-old age ran towards them. He is holding his breath worried about what the woman is screaming about.

"Where is the fire? were you hurt ??" then he examined the surrounding---

"Arthur, look at her," the woman pointed her finger at her. The man shifted his gaze to her and was stunned when he saw her.

Now it's confirmed. She's now dead. Based on their reactions. She's a ghost now. They were so stunned looking at her. She felt her knees tremble. She feels weak suddenly. She didn't notice that she is losing her balance, her eyes voluntarily close. Soul, you may rest in peace.

"B-baby??!!!" is what she had heard before her soul traveled into the deep.