Sorry, Not Sorry

Louis' body was heavily beaten. He was sitting against a pile of rubble in weakenss. He was out of mana, and all of his runes had fallen out of his pocket during the beginning of the fight.

He stayed with no way of fighting against Grim Reaper Jack. At this point, all he was able to do was watch as Jack crept closer and closer.

'This can't be it. There has to be a way out of this. I just need to find it.'

Louis's gaze scanned the roof for anything he could use to his advantage but, there only seemd to be rubble.

Jack lifted his fist but something else got his attention.


A pair of footsteps walked with confidence, from down the destroyed hall. It was the man who was supposed to be outside the barrier, the man named 'Faust.'

"I wondered why the barrier suddenly let me in, it would appear that deactivating it was you doing, Jack. I did not anticipate this encounter."

Jack's brain didn't seem to comprehend anything that was said. Instead, he let out an aggressive shout, before leaping at him.

Faust attempted to block before Jack's fist struck him into the ground.


A man who was a Hades level threat had been dropped in an instant.

Louis observed the incredible strength of Grim reaper Jack.

'Even that Faust guy was no match, huh. There is one spell I can use, but I'd rather not resort to it. Forbidden Magic isn't my style.'

A voice grunted in disappointment, Faust was rising back up with a face of disgust.

"I will make sure that attacking me is the last mistake you'll ever make, Jack."

Jack's figure was ready to leap at him once more, but an invisible force smashed into him, disfiguring his limbs and launching him towards the forest.

That very force was a giant invisible hammer, that no ordinary eyes could see. Luckily, Louis had an ability for seeing non-visible things such as fingerprints or anything else.

Still, what would seeing the hammer actually do for Louis, he was practically on the route of defeat. With the Grim Reaper Jack gone, Faust and Louis were left to stare at each other.

"Now, should I kill you? Or should I simply leave you to bleed out?"

" Please end my suffering. I'm in too much pain." Louis begged.

"What? I did not expect you to give up so fast. Oh, well, I will be merciful and end your suffering as you ask."

Faust showed his knife-like teeth with a grin and gracefully swiped his hand through the air. The hammer dropped down on Louis's position with incredible force. The hallway's remaining walls collapsed.


"Now I can move along as planned-" Faust felt a tingle in his spine, someone was getting ready to lung from behind.

Faust covered his chest, blocking a slash that shoved him back.

Slash! Clink! Slide.

Seeing who this sneaky individual was, Faust found himself to be impressed.

"I knew something was off when you asked me to kill you. Impressive how you got behind me."

Louis shook his head in disappointment, "Honestly, It didn't go as planned. I figured I could just slice you in half. But you have sharper instincts than I thought."

Before his body had been crushed by the impact of the hammer, that was when he used an advanced shadow spell called 'Shadow Jump'

It was actually 1 of 2 shadow spells he knew how to actually use. In a nutshell, the spell allowed Louis's body to teleport to a chosen shadow, but it's not such a great spell for every situation because it takes a lot of time and effort to cast.

"How about we finish our little fight that you ran away from earlier." Faust suggested.

"It might not be good for you. I bet you didn't know a backup force of knights was on their way."

"Oh, yeah. I did just obliterate another group of knights that came just a while ago. They were just as weak as the other ones. They should've at least sent some Royal Knight's so I could be a little challenged."

The loss of more knights was unfortunate, but wasn't surprising. They were up against a Hades level threat after all.

At the end of the day, a title is only a title and nobody is immortal. Even Faust had weaknesses. Thanks to the information gained earlier, Louis knew what to do.

"I've got to say, you're a great threat worthy of destroying the world….Just kidding. You're basically nothing."

"What are you saying?! Should I demonstrate my power?!" Faust asked angrily.

Louis closed his eyes and spoke with a sigh, "Yeah, I would love to see a demonstration."

His confidence was enough to make Faust become silent, at a loss for words.

A bold look came onto Louis's eyes as he looked straight at him.

"What's wrong? Can't use your ability right now?"

"That's not it! I can use my ability when I please!" Faust replied.

"Lol, No you can't. I mean, it does have a five minute cooldown, right? It hasn't even been close to that long."

Faust's face twisted before he answered with pure fresturation, "Whatever! All I need to do is simply touch you and you'll cease living!!!"

His hand twitched with anger and his mind became blinded. The only thing on his mind was to kill.

That is the very reason Louis predicted Faust's sudden movement to rush at him. With each footstep bringing the angered enemy close, it wasn't enough to faze Louis who stood calm and collected.

When Faust was finally close enough, he reached out his hand to make contact, Louis smirked and jumped aside.

"Don't trip on your shadow."

A crushing sensation squeezed around Faust's body until he fell. The sensation only grew tighter and tighter, until he was immobilized, unable to escape. That was when his eyes actually came to notice the balck material which had him trapped. It used to be his shadow, now it had turned on him.

"What is this!?" Fasut asked, frightfully.

"It's just your shadow. You're not skilled in any kind of magic. Especially one that could help you escape."

"How do you know that?"

"Just a hunch."

Faust squirmed and squirmed, but nothing was going to help him now. It was the end of his little plan.

Being the middle of the night, Louis's entire figure looked like a shadow, one that was slowly lifting a blade, ready to eliminate his enemy with no regret.

It was at that very moment, Faust saw something within Louis's eyes. A great blue shine along with a cold stare similar to a true killer.

Louis went on to speak the last sentence that Faust's ears would ever hear.

"Whatever drove you to carry out this plan of yours, whatever reason you were motivated, it all ends here. Sorry, not sorry."