Grim Reaper

['Unstoppable Force' Has Ran Out. On Cooldown.]

The ability's duration ran out and Leo was forced to fight without it. But if he gets hit now, he'll surely take damage.

Leo lifted his sword,using it to guard against Ella's laws.

Slash! Slash! Sash!.

Each attack he blocked, Leo could feel himself stepping back. Once it went on long enough, Leo was no longer able to keep up.

Claws ripped through Leo's shoulder skin with ease. In the same second, he had also been slashed in the back, chest and legs.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

He couldn't keep up any more. One powerful kick slammed into him, nearly engraving his body within the floor.

Slam! Slash!

Bleeding, bleeding, bleeding and bleeding. Leo found that his muscles felt too weak to move and he was pretty much pralyzed by pain.

His mind was starting to feel groggy and he couldn't think of much. He closed his eyes and remembered a certain scenery from his past.

There he was, sitting in uniform while conversing with his younger. He couldn't remember what they were talking about, all he could remember was the joy on her face that day. It was also the last day that Leo saw her smile like that. In the next two years, war was breaking out between kingdoms and anyone hardly smiled during those times. Sadly, Leo's sister didn't make it to see the war's ending. She had lost her life months before, at the hands of an enemy knight. Leo arrived too late to prevent her being cut. But he arrived just in time to talk to her one last time.

On her last sentence she said something along the lines of "It looks like I'm dying. I won't ever get to see how this whole war plays out. I just hope that people don't have to live in fear afterwards…."

Since that day, Leo has been aggressive on killing people like the attackers at the mansion. He knows that the world will never be able to live completely without fear. The most Leo, himself can do his slay people such as Ella, then at least some people can live without having to worry about being next victims.

Leo made a vow that he wouldn't even die to the hands of someone like Ella. But here he was, bleeding out.

He didn't want this to be the end of his journey, but he couldn't even fight anymore. There was almost no hope for him.



Louis and Asher had been split up in different areas of the mansion. Louis had been facing off against Alys for the last 15 minutes. Alys has not yet taken any damage. Meanwhile, Louis had multiple bleeding wounds as he tried to continue blocking the continuous slashes.

'She wasn't this strong last time. Not only that but she studied how to countere me from our last time.'

Louis managed to catch hold of Alys's wrist and slammed through a wall.

Slam! Smash!

Louis then began to lift her by the arm until she slipped out of his grasp.


A clean cut across his chest had opened up. Feeling the blood rushing out, Louis touched his wound, using healing magic, closing the wound.

"You're a lot stronger than when we first fought."

"I took your advice to heart last time. It really helped me grow." Alys smiled.

"Yeah I'm glad you did. Not that it'll help you. Here, let me show you something kind of special.

Louis clenched his fist ,taking a fighting stance. His expression focused and he felt his body's tense leave. This was a fighting style that was designed to bring out the best of our bodies with the use of magic.

"What's with that stance? That doesn't look very special."

"Well, how about you come find out."

"Great Idea!."

Alys had only just started running, yet she was within inches of stabbing him. Louis's eyes easily kept up. His hand deflected the slash and he delivered a firm kick to her side. Aly's was launched against a wall. She was rapidly hit by 9 different punches, all too skillful that she couldn't evade. The strikes had sent her through a wall and Alys ceased moving for a bit. But it wasn't over yet. She got back up and her eyes shined. A thick fog soon covered every area in the mansion.

"Let's see you keep up with this." Alys giggled.

The fog was so hard to see though so, Alys was completely masked by it. Louis stood trying to predict her movements but, he wasn't sure which direction she was coming from.

2 slashes came from the front, Louis was fast enough to evade. Then form the back a knife thrusted forward, thrusting at him.

Slap! Grip!

Louis caught the edge of her knife and his palm became split open, bleeding heavily. With his free hand, he formed a fist. Putting all his mana into one punch, he swung his fist upright into Alys's chest.

"Full Mana Punch!"

The force lifted her off the ground and the impact traveled through her body, shattering every bone. She was sent blasting out of the roof, landing somewhere out in the forest.

"Yeah. She has to be dead. I just shattered her entire rib cage. I need to go help Asher against Jack. He might not know he's a canceler."

Louis ran his way to another hallway, where the fight was taking place.

At turning the corner, he arrived to an unexpected sight.

Jack was laying on the floor, defeated but still conscious. Asher held the tip of the blade to his throat.

Louis was sort of amazed.

"You actually won? I'm surprised. Even if he could cancel your abilities."

"He didn't cancel any of my abilities because I never activated them in the first place. I simply relied on me and my blade."

Now that Louis thought about it, he did see why Jack lost. Jack wasn't too great of a threat until he casted the sanity-type spell on their first encounter. Beceae Asher could dispel magic, that would've left Jack without spells.

Asher raised his sword, preparing to slay Jack.

"Do you wish to ask this criminal anything before he dies?"

"No. It's fine, just do what you need to do."

"I will, then."

Ahser stabbed the point of his blade at Jack's heart.


Jack's life had ended.

Now that the two threats were dealt with, Louis and Asher could finally go help apprehend Lucius.

Well, that's what they thought. Luck had something else in mind.

A sudden swing of force came from behind.

Fwsh! Smash!

Asher had been struck and blasted away, along with that side of the hallway. Louis jumped back out reflexes and turned to the opponent at the back. It was Jack, but now he looked a lot different.

His pale skin looked as hard as steel and now his eyes were glowing as red as a laser. If those two reasons weren't already great warning signs, there was something else. Jack's presence now had immediately triggered Louis's gifts of speed and strength to activate.

[This Is A Moment Where You Truly Need Speed. 'Blessing Of Speed' is now active. Your speed will exceed your opponent's.]

[This Is A Moment Where You Truly Need Strength. 'Blessing Of Strength' is now active. Your strength will exceed your opponent's.]

Asher was greatly bleeding and unable to move among the rubble. But he managed to yell out to warn Louis.

"Run! He has the ability Of Grim reaper"

Grim Reaper, was a skill known for breaking the laws of the very world. If the holder masters this ability, it will ensure that their stats exceed their opponents. And it automatically cancels any other ability that tries to combat it. This meant that no ability will be able to get an advantage over [Grim Reaper]

If Jack had any sort of humanity to begin with, it was all gone now. His mind became nothing more than a monster's. Letting out a great yell, the nearby walls collapsed and the floor caved in.

Was there even a way to win against a person that changes the laws of abilities.