Requiem Tears of Angels

his mothers funeral was going to be held shortly

Yonghwa found himself in his music room sitting at his piano he ran his fingers over the keys

remember how much his mom loved to watch him play how much she encouraged him and got him lessons she even played with him sometimes

she wasn't a genius like Yonghwa but she could play nicely too she was the reason he had been able to go on tour and win so many awards getting his album released

her old professor from her college had been his manager at that time

"I won't give up my piano for anything else mom" Yonghwa promised softly "I will become a great pianist and make you proud of me in heaven"

he began to play the melody that jhaesun had sung him starting it simple but then adding on to it rearranging it recomposing and putting into order all things he felt

filled with pain but he wanted to wish his mother

well in heaven or wherever she had gone to he wanted to tell her to he would miss her so much that he loved her forever that he was waiting to see her again someday that he wouldn't ever forget her and he wouldn't let anyone else forget her either

the melody became a beautifully poignant song a tribute to her a requiem filled with his memories of her all the good ones

"Please watch over me mom," he said tears on his pale cheeks

the day of Moon Sulyn Yonghwa's mothers funeral was bright and sunny he got dressed alone putting on the new black suit his father bought him and

combed his hair neatly he composed himself picking up a pair of black glasses and putting them on

he had prepared what he felt would be his last performance as a boy he would not perform again until he was grown up

he promised his mom he would go to school and study well he would do everything he should to make her happy

his new piece was the song he and Jhaseun had made together was now his mothers memorial song Requiem of Angels Tears

many people were coming to the funeral since she was well known and beloved by others

but no one loved Moon Sulyn as utterly as Yonghwa did he would give her the most beautiful send-off so that no one would ever forget her

he picked up his phone and called jhaesun putting in his earpiece and putting the phone in his pocket

"hi," he said softly

"Hi it's today isn't it?" jhaesun said

"yes it is" he replied

"are you ready? jhaesun asked

"who is ready to say goodbye to their mom forever?" he asked

"I didn't get to say goodbye to mine when she left," Jhaesun said "I know it's not the same

"no, you're right!" Yonghwa said "all this time I must be making you feel like crap

it must have hurt when your mom left you too I'm so sorry too I didn't mean to hurt your feelings"

"We are both a couple of peas in a pod now," Jhaesun said sympathetically

"it's ok my feelings werent hurt it's not your fault stay strong you'll get through this be brave"

"I want to send you something," Yonghwa said "what's your mailing address?

"ill message it to you" Jhaesun replied "send me yours too ok"

"sure" Yonghwa agreed "Jhaesun?"

"yea?" he answered

"thank you for being here for me you always are," Yonghwa said

"I told you its what friends should do help each other when it's hard or painful" Jhaesun assured him

"But even so thank you really, I mean it from my heart you're the only friend I have who is with me right now" Yonghwa replied

"I understand" Jhaesun replied accepting his thanks but he felt sorry for Yonghwa he didn't have any other friends who could be by his side at this time except one who was too far away

"call me after"

"I probably will be balling my eyes out again" Yonghwa replied with a faint smile

"thats fine you know I'm here for it" jhaesun replied "go give her the most beautiful performance so that even the angels in heaven will cry for her"

"I will" yonghwa replied softly "I promised her goodbye Jhaesun"

"bye Yonghwa" Jhaesun replied

yonghwa ended the call opening his door he left his room going downstairs where his father was waiting

his mothers family members had come as well he had aunts uncles and cousins but he didn't know them well

he couldn't process others existence at this time for some reason even though they had been introduced

to him he hardly recalled their names or faces it felt as if he was moving in slow motion through some kind of dream

his pain clouded everything and made it vague and surreal even his dad

though he knew he grieved too he seemed to be vague on the outside like the others things kept slipping away from him

he couldn't remember what they talked about yesterday

or whether they saw each other all when had he even bought the suit he was wearing now?

did he go shopping with his dad for it?

he couldn't remember if he even had breakfast this morning

his grief turned everything to sand in his mouth

he only ate because he knew he had to and then he still didn't pay attention to his food

to be able to recall what he ate or drank he was just going through the motions on autopilot like some sort of zombie

everything was like some sort of dream and he was strangely detached from everything the only thing that seemed vividly

real to him was Jhaesun and his voice on the other end of the phone line

everything was black and white but Jhaesun brought the colors back

somehow as if his voice was keeping him sane and reminding him that he was still grounded in the real world

as he was driven in the car to the church people greeting him and giving their condolences

and saying they were sorry to him but nothing anyone said filled the empty ache he felt inside that hollowed out feeling in his heart

the service started and the pastor gave his sermon and then it was time to give the eulogy

Yonghwa had requested to do it the arrangments had been made for a piano Yonghwa straightened his suit jacket

and took off his dark glasses and left his seat

the church was quiet as Yonghwa's footsteps could be heard going to the piano

he sat the instrument and put his hands on the keys

he began humming softly the melody and then he began to play

as the piece spilled out into the ears of everyone in the church

somehow the clouds moved right then and sunlight spilled across Yonghwa through the church ceiling windows at that moment

it was as if the heavens were cooperating and giving him a spotlight all eyes were glued to the beautiful boy

who was playing the most unearthly beautiful song they had ever heard

its poignant melody so emotional you could hear the pain at the same time bittersweet longing interlaced with an uplifting feeling

emotions were filling everyone hearts many people got goosebumps and chills

glistening tears spilled out his golden-brown eyes as his hands flowed over the keys silver teardrops on his

pale cheeks as he continued to play entirely focused on the song his hands

moved in such a way that his long white fingers looked almost like fluttering butterfly's wings

as they glided over the ivory keys effortlessly

no one could move and utter a single sound held spellbound and captivated for this moment

the sunlight slanted over his mother's coffin and everyone swore they had a breathless moment

as if witnessing the spirit of the woman in the coffin leave her body drifting over to her son at the piano

yonghwa looked up swearing that he could see her face vaguely smile at him one last time

and then she ascended into heaven upon the sunlight the clouds shifted over the sun once more

as the song came to a close

people getting to their feet and applauding before

realizing they were at a funeral and it wasn't appropriate a standing ovation at a funeral

Yonghwa simply bowed elegantly as he always did when he performed returning to his seat

many people were crying Yonghwas playing had been so beautiful it was enough to move anyone's heart

they would not forget this funeral in their memories it was truly exquisite

the way Yonghwa wanted it they would not be able to forget his mother

Yonghwa had made such a huge impression with his graceful playing and his piece it was impossible to do so

they laid her to rest at a beautiful place his father had chosen for her grave with a headstone that held her pictures and her favorite

flowers Eastern Violets were planted next to it they would always grow there and mark the spot Yonghwa and his dad could back anytime to look for her

Yonghwa said his last goodbyes there leaving flowers on her headstone before saying goodbye to relatives and going home with his father once more

the funeral performance had been captured by some press who attended the ceremony

and it was some mention in the news that evening

Moon Yonghwa gives an Unforgettable poignant performance at his mothers funeral with a new self-composed memorial masterpiece

and video clip of him playing every second was captured even Yonghwas tears were a part of the show it seemed

it wasn't that was he unhappy with the reports though other people were saying it was disrespectful to have filmed at his mothers funeral

he had gotten to play one last time for his mom that was what mattered to him most the video of her funeral online would immortalize her

yonghwa officially released the song on a special disk Jhaesun had been credited as a co-composer his name J.Park

was on the cover next to Yonghwa's he had also sent him a physical copy with his signature

and personal photos he had taken himself as an extra gift

many people were surprised online especially his fans "who were J.Park?"

another famous composer?

who was close enough to Moon Yonghwa to help him compose his mother's own requiem?

"who was great enough to help create such an incredible masterpiece?

surely he had to be a well-known musician and composer?

but yonghwa did not give any further details other than the person was his close friend it would remain a complete mystery until years later