
"Yonghwa I need to talk to you about something important," his father said knocking on his music room door

Yonghwa opened the door standing there and looking at his dad blankly

"what is it?" he asked

"do you recall I told you I had met someone a nice lady and we were dating?" he asked

Yonghwa shrugged not caring about it

"shes coming to dinner tonight his father said please wash up and wear something nice and be polite to her if you can"

"sure" yonghwa sighed running a hand through his hair thinking about getting ready to meet his dad's girlfriend was a bit burdensome "is that all?" he asked

"We have something at dinner to tell you" his dad hedged undoubtedly it was something Yonghwa was not going to like

but Yonghwa only continued to have that frowning expression on his face

he shrugged his shoulders "fine are you done now?"

his father sighed "yea thats it see you at dinner tonight"

"ok" Yonhwa replied and closed the door

later that evening Yonghwa washed up and dressed nicely he went downstairs as per his father's request

a woman came over with long dark hair brown eyes and a round face somewhere near his father's age late thirties early forties she smiled greeting him pleasantly

"hello Yonghwa I'm Melinda it's very nice to meet you," she said

"well at least she looks like a nice person," he thought

"it's nice to meet you too" he replied bowing his head

they sat down to eat dinner

and during the course of the dinner, she made small talk with him

he just spoke to her politely whenever she spoke to him being respectful to her for his dad sake

but finally, the moment came when his father was ready to tell him the reason for this dinner and meet and greet

"Yonghwa," his dad said "we have something to tell you"

"ok what is it," Yonghwa asked putting his fork down

"your mom has been gone a year now" he began

"I know that" yonghwa replied

"There is no easy way to ask this I guess," his dad said

"Melinda and I love each other and when adults love each other they wish to get married so that they can be together"

yonghwa just stared at his dad blanky shocked

"did you hear what I said," he asked softly

"you want to get remarried" Yonghwa repeated

"yes we do is that ok with you?" Melinda asked him

I would like to know if you are unhappy with it? would you give us your approval?"

"then what? if I don't approve then you will not get married?" Yonghwa asked

the pair of adults exchanged looks

Yonghwa shrugged "it has nothing to do with me why would I be the one to decide whether you get married or not?"

"Yonghwa thats not what we meant" his father said

"do whatever you want you're the adults don't ask me I don't care" Yonghwa replied bluntly

"Yonghwa" his father sighed "she will be living here with us I was hoping we could be

a family again having a stepmother could help you too"

"don't try to make this about me I never said I wanted a new mom" Yonghwa replied

Melinda flinched his father sighed "I knew it! you're upset about this"

"stop putting words in my mouth " Yonghwa replied "I know you're lonely and miserable like I've been you need a new wife just say so"

"I'm doing this to comfort you too Yonghwa" his father insisted

"Nothing can comfort me unless you can bring mom back from the dead" Yonghwa stated bluntly

he had lost patience with this conversation no one could replace his mother and his father should know that

this time his father was the one to flinch

"you love her want to be with her and it makes you feel happier and less lonely go right ahead and marry her

it doesnt bother me cause I don't feel anything either way so do whatever you want

don't bother me anymore I'll be in my room or my studio"

he got up from the table and took his plate of food upstairs with him

he opened his laptop and started a video chat with jhaesun sitting on his bed while finishing his dinner

"why are eating in your bed?" jhaesun asked with a laugh when he came on he was in his room too

"my dad invited his girlfriend for dinner he's getting remarried to her apparently" he answered rolling his eyes

"so you're getting a stepmother thats good right? jhaesun asked "is she nice? does she look ok?"

Yonghwa shrugged "she just looks like an ordinary middle age lady to me nothing special"

"Yonghwa if she is going to be your father's wife, "jhaesun said carefully

"and if she's going to be living with you then at least find out if she's a nice person or not"

"I don't care and what new mom?" Yonghwa rolled his eyes "I have a mom and she in heaven I never said I wanted a new one my dad just needs a woman to stick his d**k in so he can stop being so miserable"

"Yonghwa!" jhaesun cried half-laughing I swear your mouth has gotten ruder in the past year

"what? it's the truth though," he said, "it has nothing whatsoever to do with me it makes no difference to me that she's here or not the only one it changes anything for is my dad so good for him let him have her why am I part of the package?"

"I'm sorry Yonghwa I know it's tough," jhaesun said sympathetically

Yonghwa shrugged "so long as they don't bother me with all their marriage crap I'm all good"

"so you won't go to the wedding if they have one?" Jhaesun asked

"your dad could be wanting some support give your blessing it might make him feel less guilty" jhaesun replied

"am I there when they are in bed f*****g? Yonghwa replied bluntly as ever

I am the furthest thing from their minds then so what guilt are you even talking about?"

"eeww! I think I need brain bleach now we really need to do something about your mouth"

jhaesun complained at the mental imagery

"look I know he didn't love my mom, okay he only married her for her families money," Yonghwa said

"How did you find that out?"jhaesun asked

"found my moms journal and I read it, my dads, a dick he married her and got her stocks and built up his company her families business does well and it makes a lot of money so mom eventually took them back from him and left them for me

it's in her will my dad has to play nice with me but he will make it seem as if I'm the bad guy I won't let him be with someone he really loves now and she's nice a person and I'm using my mother's memory blah blah " Yonghwa replied

"he's doing whatever he wants anyways he can just continue

"I really don't care so long as he doesnt touch my room or my studio and she leaves me alone"

"jeez thats really cold" jhaesun said shaking his head with a frown

"it is what it is" Yonghwa replied "I don't want to talk about them anymore"

and the topic of their conversation changed to other things of interest to the two teenaged boys

a few weeks later Yonghwa's dad quietly got remarried they had a simple small wedding ceremony

in the garden with a few invited guests, Yonghwa obligingly attended and played them the wedding march on the piano

he ate some wedding cake and retreated to his room not caring for the party

and his new stepmother moved in with them not long after and thats when the trouble started