Escape Plans

Yonghwa made his way to Mr. Sawyers office he was just going home for the night after working a little late

when Yonghwa walked into the lobby of his office building with a clatter of his suitcase wheels on the tiled floors

he stopped short his coat over his arm seeing him with his eyes dark under his curly black hair and a black face mask over a taped dressing on his face

"Mr. Sawyer, please send me to Esperia" Yonghwa stated

Mr. Sawyer dropped his coat on the floor in shock

"Yonghwa! what happened to you?" he asked him softly coming towards his he grabbed his shoulders looking at his face with a worried and alarmed expression"what has your father done?"

he couldn't understand how the boy could be so calm standing in front of him with an injury his face was swollen it must be so painful a normal child would be crying right now

"what does it look like he did?" Yonghwa said "he forgot my mom's death anniversary

I wanted to hold a memorial for her but it's all ruined now we argued and he hit me

send me to Esperia please"

"why Esperia? Yonghwa?" Mr. Sawyer asked

"I have a really good friend there who will take care of me, his dad is a Military General

in the Imperial Marines named Gregory Park, his son is my best friend Jhaesun park

he will take care of me he promised" Yonghwa answered

Mr. Sawyer was shocked he had heard of General Gregory Park the man had a reputation he wasn't aware that Yonghwa was close with his son,

he felt flooded with relief he was so worried about this boy how was he going to protect him

well on behalf of his mother from a man like his father? Sulyn had left him a difficult task as a lawyer there were some things he could do but there was a limit but failing could mean the child's life and well-being were at stake

but who better to protect such a valuable child than a high-ranking general in the Imperial Core?

Moon Daesook would not dare to go against such a strong opponent it seemed Yonghwa bright boy that was already realized his situation and had a plan in mind

"are youre asking me to help you run away right now?" Mr. Sawyer asked

"I can't run away permanently," Yonghwa said "I just want to go for a while until I feel better

I will come back after summer is over for school I will have thought about what to do then but can you research youth emancipation laws?"

"youre think you'll sue your dad and get emancipated and get your inheritance your dad will fight you every step," Mr. Sawyer said "but if we ask your mothers family to step in and help maybe there's a good chance you'll win"

"it's the last week of the semester now and I passed all my exams so school will finish soon"

"Help me, Mr. Sawyer, please send me to Esperia I have evidence I took pictures of my injuries

if that helps and I also have my mother's lost diamonds I found them I would like to sell them for traveling expenses"

"do you have your passport with you?" Mr. Sawyer asked

"yes," Yonghwa said taking out his wallet passport, ID, everything he needed was in there

"Alright I will send you" Mr. Sawyer agreed "come with me I will give you the money for traveling expenses, send me the pictures you have and give me the diamonds,

I will secure them no need to sell them they are a part of your mother's estate and your inheritance it's a good thing you found them come"

he took Yonghwa back into his office and made all the arrangements locking up Moon Sulyns "lost diamonds"

in a safe securely in the back office room, they would be taken to the bank first thing in the morning

and making a call to his personal friend who owned a commercial airline company getting him on to a private plane

that was leaving that night as a VIP passenger to Esperia on a special late-night business flight

"everything is arranged you are leaving the country tonight," he told Yonghwa after hanging up the calls

"let me see your face did you put anything on it?" he asked him he got his office first aid kid and

Yonghwa let him have a look "I put a cooling ointment on first and then a cool pack"

"I can see that you will need additional medicinal ointment for the bruise itself cooling that just takes care of the swelling"

"you took any pain killers?"

"No its hurting" Yonghwa replied

"you should take something and sleep on the flight ok," Mr. Sawyer said

he applied for more medicine and added on an extra cooling pack

to the neck area below his ear that had also taken some impact

"you can take the ointments with you, and here some extra cooling packs in case

those wear out during the flight, and extra pain killer, if it hurts later, remember to eat something, in fact, I have some snacks around here, you really shouldn't take medicine on an empty stomach"

he got him some banana chips some cookies and two boxes of juice from a nearby vending machine

Yonghwa put everything into his backpack for easy access on the flight

and Mr. Sawyer drove him to the airport and took him directly to the private departure lounge where a stewardess in a uniform picked him up

she was going to be his attendant as he was a VIP passenger on the private plane waiting on the tarmac

they took his luggage checked his passport and then escorted him on to the plane

seeing the little boy safely away to Esperia

on the flight Yonghwa called jhaesun

waking him up from his sleep in the middle of the night

"Hello?" Jhaesun answered the phone huskily

"Jhaesun it's me Yonghwa," he said

"hey, youre calling really late is everything all right?" jhaesun replied

"I am coming to you," Yonghwa said

"What?" jhaesun said still half asleep he scrubbed his face with one hand had he heard him right?

"I am coming to you Jhaesun I am on the plane coming to you to Esperia I left Zypher I know its really short notice I'm really sorry" unbidden Yonghwa started crying

"Yonghwa what happened?" Jhaesun asked

"my dad he hit me" Yonghwa sniffled holding back his tears so he could talk

"we argued and he slapped my face really hard, it's swollen and my lip is split and theres bruises too"

jhaesun was furious when he heard that throwing off his sheet and getting out the bed "What the f**k? Yonghwa are you okay? " he asked

"Mr. Sawyer helped me so I'm okay until I land I think I took a pain killer and I have some with me just in case," Yonghwa said

jhaesun sighed "okay thats good at least"

"I am coming to you I am going to stay the summer and then I will go back for school"

Yonghwa said

Jhaesun couldn't believe what he was hearing

"who is Mr. Sawyer that sent you here?" he asked

"Mr. Sawyer is my mom's lawyer" Yonghwa explained "he's the one protecting my mom's estate for me until I grow up then I will get my inheritance my mom left for me and I can do whatever I want I won't have to stay with my dad anymore"

"so I went to him and begged him to help me and he arranged everything he has pictures of what my dad did to me so its evidence he can do something to protect me legally" Yonghwa explained

"Do you have any idea when you will be arriving so I can pick you up?" Jhaesun asked

"I have to ask my dad to let you stay and everything,"

"I don't know sometime tomorrow morning I guess" Yonghwa replied uncertain

I am on a special flight as a VIP, no one knows I ran away yet" he said

"Mr. Sawyer is a really big lawyer his friend owns the plane company so he was able to arrange everything, so my dad doesnt know where I've gone "

"ok I'll pick you up from the airport ok Yonghwa ill be there"

"jhaesun got out of bed and went to wake his dad rousing the sleepy and hard-working general from his night's rest to tell him about his friend in trouble

"dad please wake up I need your help!" Jhaesun woke him anxiously

"you should have told me about this before now," he said after listening to his son story

"It wasn't as bad as this until now," jhaesun said "he would tell me they would have disagreements,

he overheard his stepmother gossiping and complaining about him and his mother over the phone to her friends and it made him upset that she's insulting his mom for no reason,"

"things like this would happen and his feelings would be hurt, so he tried to stay

in his room and try not to see or talk to his dad and stepmother he just wants to be left alone

but they keep finding ways to pick on him whenever they interact its always conflict

its always something they want from him they try to make him pretend like his mom

doesnt exist anymore so their family can look good in front of other people and nonsense like this

but he's never been hit before until now that I know of"

"okay since he is already on his way there is no helping it," The General said

"We have to get up and get ready to go to the airport in the morning

go back to bed get some sleep until then all right son?" he

"ok dad thanks you so much for agreeing to help," Jhaesun said

"there's kid trouble I am not that hard-hearted that I can't feel pity for him you'll need to clean your room so he will have a place to sleep," his dad said

jhaesun laughed "I will get right on that" he replied leaving the room