Yonghwa at the the Doctor 2

"I yelled and screamed and cursed I was so angry I couldn't control it anymore"

"I threw shoes at them I tore their closet apart I was like a mad man and found all my mothers things and dragged them out of there and took them to my room and went through everything,

I got all the pictures and fixed up the photo albums again and packed up all of my mom's things I could bring with me this necklace is my moms" he said

showing the teardrop pink pearl at his collar bones

"and this bracelet and these rings are hers too" he showed

his wrist where a gold charm bracelet was and two gold rings on his fingers

"this bracelet I bought for her birthday when I was twelve I saved up all my allowance money for it,

I brought some of her clothes with me and her journal too"

"you have your mother's clothes what are you going to do with them?" Dr. Doug asked

"wear them" Yonghwa replied

"that's a surprising answer!" Dr. Doug said it was surprising to Gregory and Jhaesun too

"it's not skirts or dresses just some of her shirts and things," Yonghwa said

"my mom was small like me so they can fit me and they are expensive designer clothes so you can't throw them out, the shirt I'm wearing right now is hers and this tie too and also this coat was my mom's favorite there's a second one to this that brought with me"

he said gently touching the ribbon tie that decorated his collar and the sleeves of his coat

"it's not weird is it?" he asked softly "does it look girly? is it wrong to wear them?"

"well if youre just wearing her shirts and accessories like this it's just fine," Dr. Doug said gently

"It just looks like youre wearing a very nice shirt, and the accessories suit you since youre a cute child, wearing them makes you feel closer to your mom doesn't it? comforts you?"

yonghwa flushed "Yes it does thank you for saying it not weird"

Dr. Doug finished treating his face applying fresh dressing to his injuries

"Everyone has their own way of grieving and feeling close to their lost loved ones, there's no right or wrong way, have you ever had anyone come up to you and be like, hi it's nice to meet your shirt today is it boy or girl?"

Yonghwa giggled shaking his head "no way!"

even Jhaesun and Gregory both chuckled

"then there is no need for you to worry about if it's weird or not to wear your mom's things," Dr. Doug said

"until you told me you were wearing your mom's things I did not notice that they weren't your clothes and others won't either so as long as they help you cope and comforts you and it's not causing you any harm to wear them it's totally fine"

"may I examine the rest of you?" he asked "I just want to check your overall health"

Yonghwa nodded

"Please remove your shirt for me," Dr. Doug asked

Yonghwa shrugged out of his coat and Jhaesun helped him and he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off

Dr. Doug listened to his heartbeat and checked him over carefully

"you don't have any other injuries," Dr. Doug said when he was done Yonghwa put his shirt on again

"But I am concerned about how underweight you look, you are a naturally small person but for a lack of a nicer way to put it Yonghwa, you're very skinny, too small,

you look like you haven't been eating properly, and under your eyes are very dark and sunken, you must not be sleeping properly either, and you also are showing signs of being stressed so tell me about that, please"

"well I make my own meals since my dad got remarried" Yonghwa explained

"Before that, my dad would order food from places because he doesnt have time to cook

he works all the time"

"What kind of meals have you been making for yourself ?" Dr asked "does your stepmother not cook? meals for you?"

"she cooks, she mostly frys things," Yonghwa replied "it makes my stomach feel sick I get tummy aches and nausea, it's too greasy and cold so thats why I started my own meals,

also, I don't like eating with them, they always pick on me during them, my stepmom complains about this or that, and most of the time,

it's not true but I can't call her a liar in front of dad, so I can't say anything,

I like oats porridge with bay leaf and cinnamon my mom would make it for me or buy it from the cafe near my school in the mornings

I eat peanut butter and jam also can stuff that I can mix up that I can eat with bread like tuna and canned ham for sandwiches instant noddles with canned hotdogs boiled eggs cereal and milk

things that I can keep in my room that are easy to make on the hot plates" yonghwa explained

"you have hot plates in your room?" Dr asked

"yes they were my mom's hot plates," Yonghwa said "she had them when she first got married to dad but she didn't use them anymore, so she put them away in the kitchen cupboards,

they still work fine so I took them too and I found her side tables in a storage room and took them to my room and made a kitchen with them" he said proudly of himself

"one is a kettle I make the porridge in and the other is a saucepan that can make the noodles and one is a sandwich maker that toasts sandwiches, and theres a dish tub too, so I took my mom's dish set and her mugs and utensils

so I could have my own dishes and things so I won't have to go downstairs to borrow them all the time I couldn't bring those with me because they would break so I packed them up in my closet till I go back"

"It sounds like you were just barely managing yourself," Dr. Doug said

"but what you were eating is not good enough for a growing boy like you you need proper meals, understand? you are under-nourished,

also, too many greasy things are not good for your stomach, it's not good for your dad either, it's high cholesterol and will cause him many problems later,"

"good he deserves it," Yonghwa said grumpily

the doctor chuckled at that

"I am going to recommend a nutritionist to make meals for you and have them delivered to the general's house every day, it's going to be properly balanced meals you will get all the nutrition you need while you stay here ok"

"yes Dr, " Yonghwa said,

"what about sleeping?" Dr asked

"I always couldn't sleep since my mom died," Yonghwa said

"I would cry myself to sleep all the time, sometimes I couldn't sleep unless I was totally worn out Jhaesun would help me sleep often, I would call him and he would keep me company

he would sing or play on the guitar for me and it always helps he's very good at comforting me and making me feel better"

"It sounds like you suffer from some form of insomnia," Dr. Doug said

"what was the longest time you went without sleeping?"

"two weeks it happened since my dad got remarried" Yonghwa replied

"thats two weeks no sleep absolutely no naps nothing? how did you cope?" Dr. Doug asked

"yes I would try to wear myself out by playing the piano I guess thats why my stepmother complained, I didn't cope, I just didn't sleep," Yonghwa replied,

"would you like me to prescribe sleeping aids?" Dr. Doug asked him

"no, I don't think it's real insomnia" Yonghwa replied

"explain to me," Dr. Doug said

"I think it's because I get so worried about stuff so I can't sleep when something worries me it's like I get fixated on it I can't stop thinking about whatever it is"

"but the moment I hear Jhaesun,s voice, I don't know how to describe, it's like my body is tense everything is tight and wound up then when I talk to Jhaesun the tightness lets go

everything unwinds and the tension melts I can feel it like my body gets weaker and I start to feel relaxed and then I get sleepy, sometimes I fall asleep without realizing it while talking to him"

"so its stressed induced insomnia" Dr. Doug said nodding

"most likely caused by the grieving process you are still going through, youre also a teenager, youre going through puberty, that normally creates stress, emotional, and hormonal instability, as well as fighting with your father and stepmother all of this is piling up, on you,

your moods how are they? do you often get mood swings or any other problems? due to lack of sleeping," Dr. Doug asked

"well I am usually sad and mad all the time so I can't really tell, I haven't felt anything else since my mom died only talking with Jhaesun helps" Yonghwa admitted

"sounds like youre also suffering depression as well," Dr. Doug said nodding

"Is there someone I can call other than your father that I can talk to about your well-being?" Dr. Doug asked

"Is there someone else who helps take care of you?"

"only Mr. Sawyer that I know of" yonghwa replied "he's my mom's lawyer and her friend he's taking care of her estate until I'm of age it's worth a lot of money, my moms family is really rich so my dad wants it he's the one who helped me come here

he knows my moms family members he says he will get them to help me with my dad" Yonghwa explained

"I see you're a child with a lot on your shoulders already" he sighed and shook his head "so is it ok if I give him a call?" Dr. Doug asked

"I have his number I am supposed to call him to let him know I arrived safely," Yonghwa said

he gave the number to Dr. Doug

"I am going to give him a call and let him know I am the doctor who is taking care of you ok?" Dr. Doug said

"yes thats fine you can send my medical reports to him he will want evidence," Yonghwa said

"evidence? how do you know about collecting evidence?" Dr. Doug asked surprised

"I am really smart I have an IQ of 156" Yonghwa replied "I understand a lot of things that make adults surprised all the time, and I know that this can be classified as child abuse or at least physical assault if I go to the police I can press charges against my dad and tell them to arrest him you know maybe I should have done that before I came here"

"oh so you were born really smart, but you still don't know everything your first instinct when you got hit was to run away and not go to the police first,

you only think of it belatedly so you are still very much a kid you came to the person and place you thought you would feel safe because jhaesun and his dad would protect you that's also instinctive, but that's ok, you're a kid, give yourself some breathing room ok," Dr. Doug said

"What kind of genius are you Yonghwa? do you have a specialty?" he asked

"I am a musical savant I can write music and play the piano really well I can also understand music a certain way that other people can't somehow" Yonghwa replied

"I made an album recomposed Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, classical pieces and released an original requiem masterpiece for my mom actually I played it at her funeral and it was on tv, Jhaesun helped me make it when my mom died, my nickname is little Mozart in Zypher"

"Jhaesun helped you make a masterpiece requiem? I didn't know he was that talented" Dr. Doug said surprised

"I just thought he was a boy who liked to play the guitar for his friends for fun and he has a decent singing voice"

"Jhaesun is really good at making melodies," Yonghwa said "when my mom died I cried a lot and I couldn't sleep I would call jhaesun and he would sing me a lullaby he made up to comfort me,

and it would help me sleep that lullaby became my mom's requiem, I am really grateful to him for helping me through that

he's always helping me like this he really my best friend" he said giving jhaesun a fond look

"I was just helping my friend its what anyone would do nothing special," Jhaesun said softly

but Dr. Doug could see the caring in the Jhaesuns eyes when he looked at the younger boy it made him more curious

"so you and jhaesun are very special friends then when did you two meet each other?" Dr. Doug asked

"last year it was before my mom died," Yonghwa said "he came to my concerto when I played at the imperial capital theater

until that time only old people came to see me play, musical scholars and experts and other musicians I wanted kids to come too I recomposed some classical

musicians pieces to make them more modern like classical music remade as a fun version like pop songs sort of because I had fun learning how to play them I thought if other kids heard my versions that were modern and fun then

they would like it too but no one listened to my album classical music is too boring and old fashioned only old people liked it and said I was a great composer like Mozart got reborn in the modern age

a music critic wrote that about me and thats how I got the nickname Jhaesun was the only kid that came to my concerto and liked my music he came to the stage to meet me

and even said he wanted to be a great musician like me someday I thought that was funny because he's older than me

but when I told my mom about him my mom said that jhaesun said that to me because he recognizes and acknowledges my talent is better than others

even though I am very young it's ok if he can think that he wants to be as good as me

seeing that I can do it he will want to work hard for his own dream too and became a good musician when he grows up my mom says he has a nice

voice and can play the guitar really well and he could be a good friend for me to talk about music with I showed her pictures and clips of him he posted on his socials and we would talk on socials online at first thats how we became friends we follow each other"

"I see it's good that you have a friend like Jhaesun," Dr. Doug said

"who can be here to help you out when youre in trouble like this from now on jhaesun I am entrusting Yonghwa to you

make sure you take good care of him help him while he's here make sure he eats and rest properly

right now he needs to rest and relax he needs to distress he needs healthy activities nothing excessively strenuous

but things like going for walks outside fresh air wholesome fun activities that will cheer him up right now he's not at the state where he needs to be medicated for depression he has a strong mind he will make it through"

"Also, his moms memorial," Dr. Doug said dropping his tone softly

"see if you can do something like that for him, that is just a personal request from me,"

Jhaesun nodded "I understand"

"try to let his heart feel settled that he has done things to remember and honor his mother's memory thats where a lot of this is stemming from, " Dr. Doug said

"it will help with his grieving and healing process it will give him some comfort and peace of mind doing these things will help him come to terms, emotional speaking its something his father should rightfully be doing with him, but he's neglectful of his son's emotional needs and thats a big problem, the loss of a parent

for a child is something that can impact a child even after the child becomes an adult so your father should have gotten you to a therapist or grief counselor right from the start

and he should be helping you through this not making things worse for you and yes the things they did can be considered as emotional and physical abuse towards you as well as child neglect in for generally not caring for your well being as parents should

but it's difficult to prove such a thing in court since hurt feelings cant be seen with the eyes it's all emotional mental scarring unless you show physical symptoms then no one can see that theres anything wrong with you even if you claim that there is you will have to prove it

Do you understand what I am saying?"

"yes Dr. Doug and this is why a doctors report is important" Yonghwa replied

"I will make my complete analysis and send a medical report to your Mr. Sawyer," Dr. Doug continued but this is all I can do for you to help your case legally

what I can do in the meantime is treat you for current health issues and give recommendations on what to do which I have already done and told you about eating and sleeping and these things

about your injury, I have cleaned it and applied medicinal ointment for your face and cooling ointment do not get it wet for now

I also treated with an antibiotic cream I will write a prescription you can take it to the pharmacy

to get the medicine to treat it at home after this so you can heal well and quickly take it easy ok until you heal up"

"yes Dr. Douglas thank you so much for your help," Gregory said

"thank you for coming in, take care Dr. Doug said shaking his hand

they took yonghwa home again after leaving the doctor's office yonghwa sending Mr. Sawyer a text message

letting him know he had arrived safely and that the general had taken him to see a doctor at the military hospital to expect his call