"Mr. Sawyer, Mrs. Patricia Yun is here to see you," his secretary informed him about two
minutes before the woman herself strode into his office with her two black-suited
bodyguards and sat down in front of him
"you already know why I am here so do not beat about the bush I want my grandson found
I will be taking Daesook to court for custody of the boy and I want that man evicted from my house and I want him removed as the trustee of my daughter's estate immediately"
Mr sawyer knew there was no playing with this woman she was dead serious
"your grandson Yonghwa is safe he removed himself from the situation he came to me asking me to send him to Esperia to stay with his friend for the summer, he has also asked me to begin gathering evidence for him he wants to apply for emancipation from his dad, I was going to contact you about it soon, I just received his medical reports from the doctor in Esperia who is treating him"
Patricia rubbed her temple "Esperia, Doctor, Emancipation, Friend, please start at the beginning"
Mr sawyer nodded his head "Yonghwa came to me first a few months ago it was right after his father had gotten remarried he said there was a strange feeling around him his stepmother
was asking him questions it made him uncomfortable and suspicious of them so he came here asking me to secure his mother's shares and estate
your daughter had written her consent into her will that if yonghwa felt like there was something wrong and he needed to protect her estate he could do so despite his father being the trustee
so I filed the injunction and froze the accounts since then like he suspected Daesook did try to access the accounts but he found out that they were frozen until Yonghwa came of age
he is not allowed to touch them only Yonghwa can after this is when I think things started going downhill in that house
Daesook neglected the boy according to the medical report I just received from the doctor
he did not allow Yonghwa time to properly grieve for his mother or heal from her death he has not been caring for him well after getting remarried
Yonghwa became depressed he suffered stressed induced insomnia
he's always sad or angry he cries a lot he calls his friend for comfort and his friend became his only lifeline of support
his stepmother also emotionally abused him
she was overheard saying insulting things about Sulyn she exhibits jealously she picks on him bullies him she would complain about Yonghwa to his dad and get him into trouble
she was often using his mother's memory to hurt him Yonghwa said
she complained about seeing his mother's pictures around the house and complained about his playing the piano
he took down all his mothers pictures from around the house he began to be protective about his mother's personal effects hoarding her things in his room
to prevent any harm from coming to them at the hands of his stepmother but his father hid most of them away in the closet in his bedroom
only giving yonghwa limited access to things that might help comfort him he was holding Sulyns effects hostage from Yonghwa essentially
he hasn't been eating or sleeping properly either he said that his stepmother's food made him get stomach cramps and feel unwell it was often greasy and cold so he avoided eating at home and starting fending for himself buying his own groceries with his pocket money
he could eat only simple things because he cannot cook and he used his mother's hot plates to make himself simple meals he does not feel safe eating with his father and stepmother because they use the mealtime to bully him and talk insultingly about his mother in front of him
he's been hiding in his room
trying to stay away from his father and stepmother according to the doctor's analysis it was like they forced him to imprison himself to avoid their toxic behavior
surviving off of sandwiches instant noodles and porridge for the most part he is extremely thin and small for his age
malnourished shows signs of severe weight loss possibly caused by this but the doctors also suspect something was going into his food
discoloration of the skin below his eyes that are sunken and other parts of his body not only shows exhaustion but also appears like those of someone who has taken drugs he has a sickly appearance
because he also described having erratic feelings and being confused possibly paranoia given he was bullied he felt like he was always being attacked by his stepmother and her schemes which would have caused him to always be wary of her and his father
which could possibly be caused by something in his food that helped destabilized him mentally
and if his food was laced because of a child's metabolism he will have processed it very quickly and it could possibly be helping cause some of his
symptoms however there is no proof since Yonghwa is not currently showing signs of having anything in his system after he started to feed himself he seemed to have naturally passed out whatever it was and now needs to recover
oh my goodness Patricia breathed that poor child
Yonghwa was coping as best he could with the help of his friend
but it all came to a head two days ago when Yonghwa asked to hold his mothers memorial
he asked for pictures and a quilt his mother made
he found his mothers pictures thrashed in his stepmothers closet
she had thrown around the family photo albums and almost destroyed the pictures
and also his father was going to throw away her quilt it was hand made Yonghwa and Sulyn made it
together so it holds a lot of memories
his mother's personal effects were in a terrible condition and seeing all this made yonghwa very upset
and hurt they are his mother's memories they are all that he has left he wants to cherish and protect them
he spoke in a rude manner to his father in anger and said something
rude about his stepmother that resulted in his father slapping him across the face and injuring him
yonghwa had an emotional outburst after the blow and thrashed his father's bedroom and recovered
his mother's things dragging them out of his father's bedroom
he has brought most of them to Esperia with him to prevent his father from taking them back
including the quilt her photos albums her journal some of her clothing and everyday jewelry pieces
yonghwa wears them to comfort himself
we have pictures of the injury the doctor's medical report also says it was an injury that was bad enough to
cause concern for Yonghwa's safety around his father given where he was hit and how hard
Daesook could have ruptured his eardrum and caused him a permanent disability and as you know with that.."
"he will be able to end Yonghwas music career," Patricia said
"since he has a hearing disability, he could also claim Yonghwa is mentally unstable and say that he is not capable of taking care of himself or making rational decisions he is trying to turn a 156 genius into a crazy person so he can gain full control of whatever my daughter has left he could steal my grandson's inheritance from him that way"
"exactly," Mr. Sawyer said "things seem to be as Sulyn feared before she died"
"then we cannot let Daesook cause any more harm to my grandson," Patricia said
"where is my grandson and who is his friend that he has gone to in Esperia?"
"he is staying with a young man named Jhaesun Park," Mr. Sawyer said "he is sixteen years old
and his father is Commander General Gregory Park of the Imperial Marine core "
Patricia was shocked "Yonghwa knows someone like this? the son of the Commander General of the Imperial Core?"
"It surprised me as well," Mr. Sawyer said with a faint smile
"according to the Dr, Yonghwa said they met when he held the concerto tour he performed at the
Imperial Capital Theater and this young man was in attendance he came down to the stage to meet yonghwa and he made an impression on him they started following each other online like most kids do these days
but when Sulyn died he began relying on him for comfort he calls him almost every day
and it's often because he can't sleep at night Jhaesun has been keeping him company and comforting him and helping him cope through the difficult times he also helped Yonghwa compose his mother's requiem
Jhaesun is also a musician who sings and plays the guitar he is known within the military for being very friendly and playing his guitar and he is always seen in the company of his father or the members of his father's troop
the doctor writes that jhaesun is very caring towards Yonghwa treats him like a younger brother
and is concerned about his well being he has witnessed most of what Yonghwa has been going through
he is willing to help take care of him the Commander-General is known as a strict man but he will not mistreat a child
Yonghwa is in very safe hands right now even to the point that you may have to persuade the General to give him back to you
he is known to be protective of his son and if his son's friend is in trouble that protection will naturally extend to Yonghwa he might not return him unless he can be assured of the boy's safety and well being
Patricia smiled "and she said that my grandson had no friends to go to but she was wrong when my grandson makes friends he makes the right ones, people that he knows he can trust who will protect him it is a good thing"
"book me a flight to Esperia immediately I am going to visit my grandson and see him when I get back we will deal with Moon Daesook accordingly"