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Chapter 21

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

A day later, after Cynthia and Malachi got hitched, and after another wedding this morning tying Scott's aunt to a man named Filipe Hernández, the four boys met up with each other ten minutes before football practice, lounging in the school cafeteria for a quick snack.

"I'm just thinking we should head down to Idaho City," West suggested shyly as he munched on graham crackers. "You know, check out Malachi's church."

Justin groaned, scratching his already-mussed hair with the hand that wasn't grasping a half-eaten apple. "Man, not you, too."

"I only want to see what goes down there. I heard that place is supposed to be a ghost town."

"There's not a lot of people, yeah," Kaspar responded. "Which makes it a cesspool for criminal activity."

West gave his cousin a hopeful smile. "Well, that would make things more interesting, wouldn't you say?"

The redhead hesitated before shaking his head in exasperation, looking back down at his calzones. "You are just getting crazier and crazier with this whole thing."

"As long as we bring protection this time," Finn chimed in after swallowing a bit of his nutbar. "I'm pretty much down for anything. Sometimes, it feels like I'm being watched at night."

A mischievous smirk brightened Justin's face as he straightened. "My pops has a whole cabinet of guns in the attic. I just need to steal the key and we can load ourselves up."

"Uh, maybe something a little less lethal, buddy."

"Oh, I doubt we're gonna use it. It'll look badass, though."

"What we should be focusing on is Isaak's birthday party tomorrow," Kaspar cut in.

Justin shrugged. "Don't we have everything? Humberston is a big-ass college. A lot of people will be there because of West's old man."

"Yes. And more people means more entertainment. We're gonna need a few more things."

The redhead looked to his blond cousin, expecting a list of things to regurgitate out of his mouth. West thought for a moment, wondering what else they could be missing. It was more likely for him to go to parties, not plan them. Now that it was his turn, he wanted to go all out.

Then, an idea hit him, and he grinned ear to ear.

"Do we have anything for music?"

Kaspar narrowed his eyes at the expression on West's face and spoke slowly. "I'm sure there'll be a sound system-"

"No, no. I meant like live music."

"Actually, no. But that's a pretty g-"

And then, it hit him, too. And not in a good way.

"Oh, god, no…"

West's smile broadened. "Yup."

Justin gazed back and forth between the two. "What's going on?"

A small smirk curled Finn's lip. "That's a bit counterintuitive, don't you think?"

Justin was still confused. "What?"

Kaspar blew out an exasperated breath. "It's completely counterintuitive. This thing is supposed to show them who's on top."

"I really don't want to be a part of this war or whatever it is," West shook his head. "This can be like an olive branch."

He wanted to get that through his cousin's head. That not everything had to be a fight. And if it was, there were more peaceful ways to end it.

It was then when it finally clicked for the tall brunette. "Hold on. Are you talking about…?"

Finn spoke around a mouthful of nutbar, covering his mouth as he tried to speak clearly through it. "We allow them to play, and then they'll owe us. And we use that to build a bridge."

"Exactly what I was thinking," West nodded before turning back to Kaspar, begging with his eyes. "Please, let's just give this a chance. We're running out of time anyway."

It was quiet among the quad for a minute or two, waiting for the redhead's answer. His face shifted between anger, confusion, doubt, and annoyance before settling on resignation.

"Oh, for God's sake."

And with that, West eagerly whipped out his phone.


West: Hey man. How's ur day?

Neil: Fine. Wut now?

West: Wanted 2 know if ur free tomorrow

Neil: I know bout the party. Can't go

West: U should. Its at a college. U get away w a lot at a college

West: Gia can come. Fifi is missing her

West: Also wanted to ask a favor

Neil: Why would I do a favor for u?

West: I like 2 think we're somewhat friends. U can't deny that

Neil: Waddya want, Flower Boy?

West: ur band should play at the party

Neil: Wut?

West: A lot of people will b going because of Dad. U play and ur band will skyrocket

West: I kinda sound arrogant now. Look wut ur doin 2 me

Neil: Shit, Flo…

West: u ok?

Neil: I'll c wut the guys say

West: There's more? I thought it was u and Shaun

Neil: We're getting new guys

West: That's cool! Can't wait for tomorrow. Let me know if u need anything. Thanks, dude!


Later at night, West and Ophelia sat together in the living room, watching cartoons when the sound of the door being unlocked snapped them out of their immersion. West's parents wouldn't be back for another hour, but they weren't who he was expecting.

"Honey! I'm home!" called a familiar voice West hadn't heard for weeks.

Ophelia shot up from the couch to barrel toward their older brother Isaak, who only carried a bookbag of his stuff. He crouched down to gather his squealing little sister in his arms, twirling as he returned her enthusiastic greetings.

"Wezzie! Zizi's home!"

"Hey, Wezzie!" Isaak laughed.

West smiled back, walking up to them casually. "Yo, Zizi. Did Van come with you?"

"Still in the car being boring on the phone with her boring friends."

Mid-sentence, Vanessa popped in and shut the door behind her, giving her older brother a dry look. "You only knock on me to hide your illiteracy."

Isaak rolled his eyes, groaning dramatically. "You just had to rhyme that one. Whatever you say, bookworm."

West chuckled, knowing the argument was in good nature.

"Vee!" Ophelia dropped from Isaak's embrace and ran up to her other sibling, who readily wrapped her arms around her small figure.

"Hi, baby girl. Ready for tomorrow?"

"Yeah! Zizi's gonna have a big birthday party!"

Isaak rubbed his hands together excitedly as he ambled toward the kitchen. "Yup! Prepare to be extra popular in school, Fifi. This is about to be the party of the century!"

He glanced at West, who smirked and winked.

"It might not be," Vanessa followed him. "Our parents will be there, too."

"But Dad's friends will also be there, too. They'll keep the old ladies occupied if you know what I mean."

"What will they do?" Ophelia asked.

The four siblings stood around the kitchen island, Isaak and Vanessa searching for any left-over food in the fridge.

"Let out their inner-"

West interrupted before his brother could taint their baby sister's mind. "No details, please! Even if you know there'll be a party, I don't want you to know anything specific."

It wasn't a secret that his brother was having a party somewhere out of Tuct Side. Considering he was obsessed with them, it was foolish to think otherwise. Still, feeling like he was going above and beyond, West wanted particular key details to remain under wraps. Isaak knew about their father and his friends, but there were other things he did not know of and West was thrilled to reveal.

Isaak chortled. "Yeah, yeah. Sure."

A moment later, his jovial attitude sobered up into something grim, gazing at each of his siblings in concern. "Hey, on a serious note, is everyone alright? I heard what happened to the house last week and wanted to come back early, but Mom wouldn't let me. Are you guys okay?"

"Same here. No one was hurt physically, right?" Vanessa questioned, also worried.

West smiled appreciatively at them. "We're okay. We're all okay. It was scary, but the tailgate cheered us up. Mom is in good spirits and Auntie Kar no longer wants to raze down a building."

The relief was potent in the air, the tension evaporating after that response.

Isaak nodded. "Good. I was thinking it might have been another crazy fan, but that message suggested otherwise."

"Nobody's gonna hurt us at the party, are they?" Ophelia asked, her voice small as she turned to peer out the kitchen window into the night sky.

West kneeled in front of her and brushed his little sister's blonde hair back to kiss her forehead. "No one, Fifi. Mom, Dad, Kaspar, and the rest of us will be nearby while we're there."

"You can stay by me while you play with your friends," Vanessa quirked an eyebrow.

Isaak sighed. "This is her first big party. Don't make her boring."

She just rolled her eyes. "No one wants to watch you puke in a bush all night."